
Chapter 3

6 months later.


“What’s taking him so long?” I muttered to myself as I glanced at the large clock hanging on the wall.


For an hour, I'd been waiting in the lobby. Clutching my Hermes bag tightly, I approached the receptionist again, noticing her growing annoyance. I couldn't blame her; it was my third time coming up to her.


"He'll be here soon. Please be patient, Miss Corsetti," she said before I could speak. With a sigh, I retreated to my seat.


My phone beeped, diverting my attention. It was a text from both Amelia and my best friend, Jade. Funny how they both messaged at the same time.


[How's the interview going?]


Even funnier that they both asked the same question.


Deciding to reply after the interview, I tucked my phone back into my bag when a shadow fell over me, signaling someone's approach.


“Miss Corsetti,” I looked up at the receptionist, “Mr Sandoval is waiting for you in his office.”


My heart momentarily skipped a bit, and I wasn't sure if it was because of the interview or the mere mention of his name.


“Thank you,” I managed a smile, though it seemed like she couldn't care less. I followed behind her as she led me to his office. My gaze lingered on her slender figure, wondering how her waist could be that tiny.


She opened the door, announced my arrival, and briskly walked away. Taking a deep breath, I walked inside and stopped at his desk. Deciding not to sit unless told to, I remained standing. He had his back to me like he didn't realize I just walked in.


“Good morning, Adonis Sandoval,” I greeted first.


Silence enveloped us, and when he turned around in his swivel chair, my breath caught in my throat.


His eyes were the first thing that drew me in, like every other time I met him. They were a captivating golden honey color, sparkling when hit by the sun’s rays. Warm and inviting, but that was the only warm part contrasting to Adonis’s demeanor. He was a cold, calculated man, and a devilishly handsome one at that.

His dark hair complemented his olive skin. He had sensuous lips that looked great at kissing, a Roman nose, and a jaw that could cut diamonds. His dangerous aura was enough to hypnotize any woman, including myself if I'm being honest.


But that wasn't what I was here for.


“Estelle Curtis.”


I took in a sharp breath. The fact that he still referred to me by Curtis; my ex-husband’s last name winded a knot in my brain and my heart.


“It’s Estelle Corsetti now,” I bit out, then met his sharp gaze, “I’m guessing you already knew that.”

Yet, you still called me by that name, bastard. I wanted to say but held my tongue.


He ignored me and rammed his fingers on the table. The sound echoing in the silence tipped me off in a way I couldn't explain. It was driving me fucking nuts and the way his gaze held mine told me he knew.


“You can sit.”


I obeyed, flashing a kind smile of gratitude because I wasn't going to let myself slip.


“As I mentioned in the messages I sent through your assistant, I’m here because I need a favor from you, for my company’s business,” I started, cutting to the chase


“I didn't get your messages.”


“Of course,” I added sarcastically, hoping he didn't notice, then continued, “My company has faced a lot of challenges since my divorce, and the most effective way to build it back is to merge with a powerful successful company like yours.”


Yeah, Estelle. Keep on with the dick-riding. You’re doing awesome.


“As you’re aware, my father passed away shortly afterward, leaving everything in my hands,” my voice choked up a bit. It was still hard getting over his death.


My eyes glistened with real tears as I gazed at Adonis, hoping he’d feel the least bit of human emotion, “I can’t let him down. So please I need your help.”


His eyes drifted to the window before returning to me. My breath stilled as his gaze held mine, and then I looked away nervously, to show that I was intimidated.

Truth was I wasn't in the least. If he wanted a staring contest, I could give him that, but that wasn't part of my pitiful performance for him. I needed to maintain the illusion of appearing vulnerable, weak, and at his mercy, because that was what men loved most about a woman.


“What exactly are you asking for, Estelle?”


I paused for the dramatics, rubbing my hands in my lap as I avoided his gaze nervously. When our eyes met again, I spoke.


“A marriage. A contract marriage.”


That surprised him because his thick eyebrows rose slightly.


“You just left one, and here you are jumping right into another,” he chuckled darkly, “And not just any random man, but your ex-husband’s half-brother. You don’t learn, Estelle. Why did you come to me?”


Rubbing my hands on my thighs, I replied, “Because you’re the only one I could come to.”


Which wasn't a lie.


He remained silent, seemingly processing my words, and then rose from his seat. I watched him intently, curious about his intentions as he approached me. I maintained my composure until he stood directly in front of me and leaned in.


A gasp escaped my lips as his fingers gripped my chin. My heart thundered in my chest as he moved his face close enough for me to feel his breath on my skin.

“You’re making a mistake coming to me, Estelle. I’m not like Eric,” chills went down my spine, “I’m a lot worse.”


For the first time, I felt intimidated as I shifted my gaze to my hands. Adonis impatiently dragged my chin and held me still so my eyes were fixed on his.


“Look at me like you did that night,” his eyes darkened, “Show me that burning fire in you.”


I recalled the night he talked about. It was an event night to publicly announce my engagement to Eric. That night, he was present which Eric said was unusual because Adonis was never interested in family affairs.

I remember walking away from the hall so I could gaze at the night stars. Inside, the pressure from Eric and his family had been suffocating. I hadn’t realized Adonis had followed until he spoke beside me.


“Why do you limit yourself? You know this isn’t what you truly want,” he said, his words cutting the silence.


“What are you talking about?” I retorted, a deep scowl on my face.


“We’re the same, Estelle. You crave power as much as I do.”


Frustrated, I turned to leave but his unexpected grip on my arm stopped me. I knocked into his chest, surprised by the proximity, “What are you--”


“Don’t let them strip you of your power.”


That was the first time I looked into his eyes. Even in the dim nightlight, I was drawn to them. I felt a strange warmth from him, but I quickly composed myself and pulled away from him.


“Don’t ever touch me again.”


Yet, here I was, letting him grasp my chin. I felt that familiar warmth but I wasn't going to let my emotions ruin my plans. It took months to get to this point and I wasn't going to ruin it.


They say a woman’s tears are a man’s weakness, and I put it to work.

Tears streamed down my eyes, “Please, Adonis. I need this more than anything. For my father, for my family. I’ll do anything you want, I'll give you anything. It’ll just be a contract agreement, I’m not going to bother you.”



I watched his face, but his stoic expression didn't waver. He let go of my face and walked back to his seat. His gaze shifted to the windows as I waited for a response.


“I’ll prepare the contract. Come back tomorrow to sign it.”


His words sent my heart into a frenzy. I remained composed, wiping away my tears, as I expressed my gratitude.


“Thank you so much. I appreciate this.”


“You can leave,” he dismissed me without meeting my gaze. With a nod, I rose from the seat and walked towards the door. Just as I was about to open, his voice stopped me in my tracks.


“Estelle,” our gaze met, “You’re a mysterious woman, but I’m going to find out your secrets.”


His words sent a shiver down my spine but I smiled, “Goodbye, Adonis.”


As I walked out of the building, a smile crept onto my lips. I wasn't convinced it would've been easy, but luck was on my side.


My scheme was finally set into motion, and I was making progress.


To destroy your enemies, you do it from close range, and that’s exactly what I intended to do.


Dear ex-husband, I’m going to ruin your life until there’s nothing left of it, and I’ll use your brother to get it done.

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