
Chapter 7



I sat in front of the dresser, staring into the mirror as I applied my makeup. I was going for a confident, powerful look tonight, perfect for tonight’s event. Attending an event my ex-husband who tried to murder you, would be present wasn’t a wise decision, and could be traumatic. Yet here I was, eager to attend.


Once, I loved Eric but not anymore. All I felt for him was a searing hatred that could lit a forest. My primary reason for going to this event was to flaunt to Eric that I was alive, thriving, sexier than ever, and married to his half-brother.


A sadistic smile tugged on my lips as I imagined what the look on his face would be when he saw me. It’d be priceless.


Just as I was going for a dark shade of pink lipstick, I recalled Adonis’s rule. Dropping the lipstick, I went for the deepest red shade and smudged it on my lips. It was ridiculous; the rules and the whole punishment thing, but deep down, I found myself wanting to impress him.


Why was that? I had no idea.


He was commanding, infuriating, insensitive, and a dick, but I found myself oddly attracted to these traits in him. His masculine aura drew me to him like a magnet. Curiosity prickled my skin as I wondered what he would do if I broke his rules.


What could his punishment be? Would he lock me away in a dungeon and starve me?


I wanted to break his rules, just to satiate my curiosity, but for now, I had to focus on the reason I was here in the first place.


To wreck Eric’s life.


Slipping into a red dress that clung to my skin like a bandage, its side slit revealing my long legs and creamy thighs, I let my hair cascade down my back.


Once my look was complete, I stepped out of the room.


As I descended the stairs, I caught sight of Adonis waiting at the bottom. He wore a dark suit that didn’t hide his muscular physique, and his dark hair was neatly tousled. His face was blank, devoid of any expression, as he watched me intently. His gaze made me nervous as I could feel my heart pounding violently in my chest.

I found myself wondering what thoughts lurked behind those cold eyes and stoic face.


When I reached him, he gave me a slow deliberate once-over, his eyes roaming my body in a way that made me feel stark naked. When his eyes met mine, I tried not to melt under its intensity.


What was it about this man that made me feel this way? I’ve never felt this way before.


“You look beautiful,” his rich deep voice resonated through me, making the compliment feel tangible.


I tried to compose myself as I tipped my chin upward, a slight smirk playing on my lips as I gave him a once-over as well, “Thank you. You look handsome.”


Right before he opened his mouth to speak, I cut him off as I moved closer to him, “I mean it this time.”


Something flickered through his eyes for a split second, and I swear his eyes momentarily darkened. When he extended his hand, without saying a word, I took it and I felt that electric pulsing feeling I felt back in his office.


I wondered if he felt it too.


We walked hand in hand, his grip on firm but gentle. As we approached the Royles Royce parked in front of us, his chauffeur opened the door for us. Adonis guided me in first, and just as I was sliding into the car, I felt his hand lightly brush my ass. My cheeks flushed at the contact, and I wondered if he had done it intentionally.


Once we were comfortably seated, he instructed the chauffeur and we began to move. The ride was quiet, but whenever I stole a glance at him, his eyes were already on me, watching.


I hated the way his gaze made me feel.


“We’re here,” Adonis finally spoke the moment the car came to a halt.


As we got down, he assisted me out of the car. Standing next to him, his hand moved to the small of my back. As we walked to the entrance, he tilted his head, so he could whisper into my ear. When his lips grazed my ear, I felt warmth course through me, settling at my core. When he spoke, his voice almost made me bite my lip


“Stay by my side. I’ll do the introductions.”


“What if I want to leave you for a moment?”


“You’re free, but stay within my line of vision,” he ordered and I nodded.


The hall was bustling with wealth as the scent of expensive wine filled the room and the chatter of people bounced off the walls. I noticed some people my father knew, millionaires, billionaires, and business partners. They were all here.


“What’s this event for anyway?” I asked Adonis, whose hand remained on my waist.


“It’s for the opening of the new grand library at Montessori.”


“Oh, so who are we congratulating?”


His eyes gleamed with pride, “The project is mine.”


My eyes widened slightly, as I watched him. This man just never stopped building his empire. The best part was that whatever profit he made, my company was getting a whooping thirty percent.

Merging with him was the best financial choice I could make. He was nothing like Eric who didn't have the brains of a businessman.


A man and a woman approached us. They were an old couple that radiated old money.


“Congratulations, Mr Sandoval, on your new project. Your innovative mind never ceases to impress the business world,” the man greeted with a cheeky grin as they shook hands.


“Thank you,” he replied and turned his gaze to me, “I’d love you both to meet Estelle, my beautiful wife.”


The woman’s eyes gleamed as she stared at me, “What a surprise,” she leaned closer and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, along with her husband.


“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I greeted.


The woman continued, “I see your marriage with Eric Curtis didn’t work out,” her voice took on a judging tone that irked me, “Well, I’m glad Adonis is finally settling down.”


That was the problem with being rich; everyone would constantly be in your business. I didn’t mind what people said about my marriage with Adonis; but from the tightening grip of Adonis’s hands on my waist, I could tell he didn't like it.


Well, we have to live with it.


When they left, I turned to him, my eyes trained on his face, “People will always talk, Adonis. That’s our life.”


He scowled, “Why are you saying this?”


I bit the inside of my cheek, “I figured you don’t like the idea of this whole contract marriage thing, since you're my ex-husband’s brother.”


He startled me by pulling me close to him, leaving no space between our bodies. “I don’t give a damn what they say. You're no longer Eric’s. You're mine now,” he growled out, his voice holding a twinge of possessiveness.


Being so close to him stirred something inside me. I pulled away from his embrace, “I’ll be back. I need to use the toilet.”


He let go of me and I practically raced to the bathroom. After I was calm and could breathe heavily, I stepped out.


“What are you doing here, Estelle?”


I froze.

Standing in front of me was the bastard; Eric.

“That doesn’t concern you,” I spat out through gritted teeth, “Now if you’ll excuse me, my husband is waiting for me.”


Just as I tried walking away, he gripped my arm tight, yanking back with so much force, I almost crashed into him. For the first time in months, I looked into those monstrous eyes.


All the pain, trauma, and torment I bottled up forced its way to the surface. My skin scorched where he touched me.


“Your husband? My brother? Are you fucking out of your mind?” his grip tightened on my arm, “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I’m not going to let you get away with this.”


Despite everything, I remained composed as I smirked devilishly, “I’m in love with him, and I have no regrets about marrying him. I wish I’d met him first, then I wouldn't have dealt with you for three years,” my eyes narrowed into slits, “Now, let go of me.”


“Dirty slut,” he barked, raising his hand to strike me, and I didn't for once flinch.


“What’s going on here?” Adonis’s voice echoed through the hall, and we both froze. Quickly, Eric let go of my arm and glared at Adonis.

When Adonis approached us, he stood beside me and circled his hand around my waist.


I noticed how much taller he was than Eric, and when their eyes met, the air thickened with tension


“Why Estelle? My wife?” Eric said, “Of all people.”


“She’s not your wife anymore,” Adonis growled, as he moved closer to Eric, his prowess intimidating “And If you ever lay a finger on her, I’ll make sure you won’t have any.”

His threat sent chills down my spine.


Eric got the message, remaining silent as Adonis pulled me away with him.

After the event, we headed back home in silence. My mind was too occupied with thoughts to even say anything.

Adonis was ready to harm his own brother because of me, but the question was why.

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