
Chapter 12

I felt like I was losing my balance as a wave of dizziness washed over me.

Had I heard correctly?


He began to walk towards me, like a predator closing in on its prey. My heart raced as I struggled to breathe calmly. As he drew closer, my legs moved on their own as I stepped back until my back was pressed against the door.


His imposing height and huge frame loomed over me, making me feel small and invisible to him. He had me cornered, making it clear that I wouldn't be escaping.


“I’ll say it one more time,” he said in a calm tone, lowering his head until our gazes locked. His eyes darkened, and the sight of them sent shivers down my spine, “kneel.”


“If this is some kind of joke, I don't find it funny,” I managed to say, my voice barely audible.


Suddenly, his hand seized my jaw in a tight grip, causing me to release a shocked gasp. The pressure of his fingers pressing into my jaw sent a sharp pain coursing through me.

What chilled me to the bone and made me surrender was the hardened look on his face, and before I knew it, I felt myself lowering to the ground slowly, until my knees made contact with the floor.


As I got down on my knees, he let go of my jaw. When I looked up at him, he drew in a sharp breath, his eyes piercing mine



I had no idea of what was happening, but I got myself in this mess; I might as well obey and get out of it.


His hand extended forward and I flinched when he reached for my jaw. Surprisingly, his touch was gentle this time, his fingers caressing my face. I couldn’t break eye contact as he trailed his fingers along the path of my face, each place he touched me igniting a warm feeling within me.


There was something sensual about being in this position with him; me on my knees while he looked pleasingly at me. When his fingers moved to caress my scalp, a soft moan escaped my lips.


His eyes darkened even more as our gazes remained locked. I was surrendering myself to this man, having a taste of his power. It was sadistic but there was something so intimate and dark about it.

His fingers trailed behind my ears and I released a moan again, being unable to control the desire rushing through me.


“Why did you come late intentionally?”


My cheeks suddenly burned with embarrassment. So he knew.

“I was just curious,” I answered honestly as I tried to suppress every moan that tried to escape my lips as his fingers worked on me.


“Your curiosity is going to get you in a lot of trouble, Estelle,” I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue, like smooth-flowing honey.


“Open your mouth,” he commanded and without hesitation, I parted my lip.




I obeyed.




I obeyed again, opening my mouth wider until my jaw began to hurt.


Why was I letting this man command and order me like his slave, and why did I like it? Was this some hidden kink of mine I was discovering?


His finger left my face and moved to my lips, tracing them. My mouth remained open for him, eager to see what he was going to do.


Suddenly, he plunged two fingers into my mouth, causing my eyes to widen in shock. Then he added a third finger, filling up my mouth and pushing in deeper to the point where it started to hurt.

Jolts of pain shot through my jaw as I took in his fingers. When I felt his fingers move deeper into the back of my throat, I gagged, but that didn’t stop him.


He was rough with it as tears burned through my eyes, struggling through the pain. We never broke eye contact as he continued.

Helpless, my hands instinctively gripped his arm, trying to get him to stop as he tried to choke me with his fingers. Despite my struggles, he was stronger.


“Stop Adonis, please,” I begged desperately, but my voice came out as mumble, his fingers stopping me from producing any reasonable word.


“You asked for this,” his voice was menacing, his eyes were dark and empty, “You don’t play with the devil.”


I could already feel the contents of my dinner rising up my throat. It won't be long before I’ll throw up on him, which would be exactly what he deserved. But I didn’t want to make a mess.

My breaths became raspier, finding it hard to catch my breath as his fingers restricted my airflow. Soon I was going to have an asthma episode, and I didn't want that, so I did the only thing I could think of.


I bit him, hard, causing him to pull his fingers out of my mouth. I collapsed to the ground, coughing, and wheezing as I tried to collect my breaths. When I finally regained myself, I glared at him, shooting daggers I wish could actually kill him.


“You’re sick. Are you trying to get me killed?” I yelled, my voice shaky.


“And why would I do that?” he replied coolly, not a hint of remorse or sympathy etched on his stupid face.


“You’re a maniac,” I bit out as I pulled myself off the floor.


“I didn’t give you the permission to stand,” he growled out.


“Fuck you! I don’t give a shit about your permission,” I felt my body quake as I tried to pull myself together, “I should've bitten off your fingers and made you choke on it.”


He was watching me like this was all a show to him. Maybe it was… you can never tell with these psychopaths.


“This would've been avoided if you didn't make yourself late,” his eyes narrowed.


“I didn’t think you’d hurt me,” my lips trembled as I spoke, feeling my heart break, “I trusted your word back at the office.”


“A Punishment isn't supposed to be pleasurable.”


I shook my head in disbelief, then without another word, I stormed out of his room, making sure to shut the door so hard in his face.


Immediately I got to my room, I crashed onto my bed and cried into my pillow. Thoughts stormed my mind, and emotions of regret, pain, and anger overwhelmed me. I felt betrayed but I should never have trusted him in the first place.


I was stupid to think Adonis would’ve been different, but I was wrong. He was starting to prove he was a lot worse than I had imagined him to be.


What had I gotten myself into? What the fuck did I marry?

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