
Chapter 8

The next morning, Marie woke me up as early as five in the morning, informing me that I would be going to Adonis’s office. After I was done making preparations for the day, I headed downstairs for breakfast.

Adonis was already seated at his usual spot, his food untouched as he spoke on a phone call.

“Schedule the meeting for 9 am. I need enough time for my wife to settle in,” his gaze shifted to me when he said the last part as if wanting to see my reaction. There was a hint of pride in his tone and I wondered why.

I settled into my seat and began to eat my breakfast. The silence was deafening and all that could be heard was the clanking of my cutlery on the plate. Immediately he ended the call, and I spoke.


“Morning. Did you sleep well?” he asked, his tone devoid of any emotion as usual.

“I did, thank you,” I decided to act nice and caring myself If he could be as well, “How about you?”

“Fine,” was his stern reply.

As he started eating, I couldn't help but watch him. When he brought his glass of water to his lips and took a sip, I eyed the way his Adam’s apple moved as he drank.

I couldn't explain it but there was something so hot about that scene.

As he set his glass down, he caught me staring before I quickly shifted my focus back to my food.

Trying to break the tense silence, I decided to engage in a conversation with him.

“Thanks for last night,” I said, keeping my gaze on my plate to avoid his intense gaze.


“For defending me against Eric.”

A low growl escaped from him, drawing my attention. When I looked at him, he wore a deep scowl, as if the mention of Eric angered him.

I guess he doesn’t like him much.

“You don’t need to thank me,” he grumbled.

“But I do. You had no business interfering, yet you stood up for me,” I smiled genuinely, “I appreciate that.”

His eyes hardened, “That's where you're wrong. I have every reason to interfere. Don't forget, you’re my wife.”

“And you to forget this is nothing more than a contract agreement. That’s all there is to it,” I retorted.

A muscle twitched in his jaw, “Contracted or not… I own you, and I’ll never let anything happen to what is mine.”

Irritation bubbled inside me, and I’m sure my face didn’t hide it, “I’m not an asset, Adonis, and I’m pretty sure I can handle myself.”

“You weren’t doing a good job at that last night.”

Last night, Eric was about to hit me last before Adonis showed up. If Adonis had come a bit later and Eric had hit me, I would've still handled everything.

It wouldn’t be the first time Eric hit me anyway.

Remaining silent yet again, I returned to finishing my breakfast. When we were done, we headed out of the mansion’s entrance.

The car was parked in front, and the chauffeur opened the doors for us to get in

As we settled into our seats and the car began to move, I gazed out of my window, so I wouldn’t have to look at Adonis beside me.

My body suddenly went rigid when his hand touched mine. Turning my head to look at him, I glanced down at our intertwined hands. I wanted to pull away, to question his actions, but I remained immobile and silent. He lifted our hands, his fingers caressing mine. Each time he traced my skin, my breath grew uneven and my heart quickened its pace.

I watched his hand as it slowly made its way down to my wrist. His gaze remained focused on my arm like it was the most exquisite thing. Suddenly, his look hardened as his eyebrows furrowed, and lips pressed into a hard line.

“Your wrist.”

Looking down at it, I realized the cause of his abrupt change in expression. There was a reddish bruise on my wrist from where Eric held me tightly. Alarmed, I tried to pull my hand away from his grasp, but he didn’t let me.

“I’m fine,” I bit out.

“You’re not,” his voice brooded anger.

“It’s just a faint bruise.”

A gasp escaped my lips as he pulled me closer to him, close enough for me to see the rage in his eyes.

“He hurt you constantly when you were married to him, didn’t he?” he growled out, his lips pulling back into a sneer.

Memories came flooding to me and my chest suddenly felt tight.

“It’s none of your business. Leave me alone,” I didn't want to remember.

But that didn’t stop him. He pulled me even closer till our faces were a few inches apart, “How could you be so stupid to allow that?”

His words were harsh, hitting me right where it hurt. Tears burned at my eyes and I couldn't control the next words I uttered, “Maybe because I loved him, but I doubt your insensitive ass would understand that.”

I don’t know what it was but his expression softened. His eyes surveyed my face as if searching for something. I left him speechless, and he finally let go of me. The moment his hands left mine, warmth escaped me and I couldn't understand why.

Moving further from him, I turned to my window, staring outside. A teardrop slid down my face and I wiped it away before he would notice.

Why did he even care if Eric hurt me? We were strangers forced to live under the same roof, with no connection. Given the way he behaved, I doubted we would ever have a connection.

When we arrived at his office, I was having Deja Vu from when I first came here alone to ask for his favor. Now here we were, walking as a couple.

It's remarkable how quickly life changes.

The moment we got out of the car, the media were already on our tail, taking photos of us. I squinted my eyes, wishing I would've put on a a pair of shades. Adonis took my hand, guiding me along with him as we walked towards the entrance. I played along because I knew it was all just for the media.

After we successfully got in, his grip remained on my hand until we got into the elevator. I let go first and moved to the other end of the elevator while he inputted the number to the top floor. When the elevator started to move, I glanced at him shortly before looking straight ahead.

He broke the silence.

“I apologize for the way I acted in the car.”

Surprise coursed through me. Was the all-great and powerful Adonis really apologizing?

With my gaze still fixated ahead, I replied with a scoff, “Apology accepted.”

“But I’m not taking back what I said.”

I almost snapped my neck to look at him, trying to calm the anger flowing through me.

“You’re infuriating,” my eyes narrowed into slits, “I take my forgiveness back. I see you're not ready to be forgiven.”

Amusement flickered in his honey-brown eyes, “Really?”

Oh wow. So all this was amusing to him.

He moved faster than I could assess, wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me towards him. My chest collided with his, and my eyes flew open in shock.

“Adonis! What the he--”

He dipped his head low, shutting me off as he buried his nose into the curve of my neck. As he inhaled my scent, I was left starstruck, wondering what the hell was happening. When his lips grazed my neck, I lost the ability to speak and nearly lost my mind. Heat travelled from where his lips touched my skin, down to between my legs.

“Am I forgiven now? Estelle?” his voice sent chills through me, and I bit my lip in surrender.

The elevator alarm rang, startling me. The elevator doors slid open and I quickly pulled myself away from him. Heat crept on my cheeks when my eyes met a bunch of people, staring wide-eyed at us.

Composing myself quickly, I walked away, not even bothering to wait for Adonis.

What made him think that was supposed to give me a change of heart? And the fact that people saw us in that position outraged me more.

I was flustered, angry, and irritated, but above all, I was turned on.

What the hell was happening to me?

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