
Chapter 6


As soon as I stepped into the mansion, I knew she was already here. She had an aura about her that was impossible to miss, commanding attention wherever she went. When she entered a room, everyone noticed, and when she left, her absence was always felt.

“Good evening,” Marie greeted me as I handed her my blazer, “Mrs Sandoval has already arrived.”

I loved the fact that she bore my name, “Where is she?”

“In her room. Dinner is prepared and the table is set for both of you.”

“We’ll be there shortly,” I dismissed her before ascending the stairs. Normally, I would head straight to my room but this time, I turned towards hers. Her room wasn’t far from mine, making sure it was close to mine, just across the hall.

On reaching the door, I knocked lightly, and when I got no response, I pushed it open and walked in uninvited. The moment I sighted her, something stirred within me. She lay on the bed in a fetal position, resembling a curled-up cat. She didn’t seem to notice I was in the room as she was fast asleep.

Slowly approaching her bedside, I got a closer look at her pretty face. Her lips were slightly parted as she breathed softly, her luscious hair was scattered around the bed. She had on a loose, short dress that had ridden up slightly, revealing her thighs.

I couldn’t look away as the urge to run my fingers through her skin overpowered me. I needed to know if it felt as supple as it looked.

Trying to distract my mind from wandering naughtily, I focused on her face and felt my brows furrow when I noticed a streak on her cheek.

Had she been crying?

I was starting to wonder what could have upset her in the first place.

Before I knew what was happening, my fingers were gently caressing her cheek, marveling at the soft feel of her skin on my fingertips. Immediately, she stirred and her eyes flew open. I took a step back.

When our eyes met, I could see the panic and confusion in her gaze.

“What are you doing here?” she asked sharply, her voice tinged with confusion.

Her dress slid down slightly, revealing the swell of her breast. My eyes instantly glued to it, and I found myself imagining her naked.

She cleared her throat, snapping my attention back to her face.

“Come down for dinner.”

Her facial features twisted in clear annoyance, “Is that why you came in uninvited?”

“I just wanted to make sure you weren't trying to escape.”

She got off the bed and stood directly in front of me. Though she looked petite compared to me, her confidence was over the roof.

Her hypnotizing green eyes gleamed, defiance swirling in her orbs, “I asked for this Adonis, I signed the contract. You don't have to worry about me escaping.”

I loved the way my name rolled off her tongue. Silence lingered around us as we maintained eye contact. My thoughts became clouded as my eyes wandered down her body. When I looked back at her face, her cheeks were flushed.

Before I lost control, I stepped back, putting some distance between us.

“I’ll be downstairs,” I said as I walked out of her room.

Seated at the dining table with my plate placed in front of me, I waited. My stomach growled in hunger but I had this habit of waiting for others to start eating first. The moment she stepped into the dining room, I released my breath.

She wore a silk nightgown, looser than the one she had on earlier. Her nipples pierced through the fabric, indicating that she had no bra on. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun, and she walked with the grace of a seductive lioness, exuding confidence with every step.

I stared shamelessly, not caring if she noticed.

She sat opposite me, staring at her plate. When she dug her fork into her food and brought it to her lips, I eyed the way her lips enclosed the fork, imagining those sexy lips closing over something else.

My cock swelled in my pants but I ignored it as I drilled into my food.

“Your place is immaculate. I adore your style,” she broke the silence, bringing me out of my perverted thoughts.

I didn’t say anything, continuing to watch her in silence.

“You’re fond of ignoring,” she said, her eyes narrowing into slits.

I leaned back in my chair, “I’m not a man of many words.”

She rolled her eyes, “I see. I don’t want to feel like I'm the only one here, so we should engage in more conversations,” her gaze wandered around the dining area, “Do you live alone?”

“Yes, most of the time,” she looked confused but didn't ask what I meant.

I continued, “But you’re here now, so no,” and I was bound to keep it that way for as long as I could.

She got into this marriage for her benefit, but what she didn’t realize was that I only agreed to it because I wanted this. I had my eyes on her long before she met my brother.

When something draws me, I develop an obsession with possessing it— a bad trait of mine.

No woman ever captivated me the way she did from the first day I laid eyes on her.

And now I owned her.

She wasn’t an ordinary woman, that much was clear. I saw myself in her. Underneath all that good girl facade, there was something dark and sinister hidden underneath that pretty face, and I was going to unleash that side of her.

I couldn’t wait for all the games we would play. She had no idea what she got herself into. If she did, she would never have signed my contract.

“I have a business event to attend tomorrow night, and you’re coming with me.”

Her eyes remained fixated on her plate, appearing lost in thought, that I was starting to doubt if she even heard me.

“Your ex-husband is going to be there,” I added sternly.

At that instant, her eyes shot up, staring directly into mine. Her eyes were savage, holding an intensity that could scare anyone away.

This was the part where I say, ‘You don’t have to come along if you don’t want to,’ but I couldn’t care less if seeing her ex-husband would trigger her. I was her husband now, and I was going to let everyone at the event know just that.

“Sure. I’ll come with you,” her voice didn’t falter as she spoke.

If hearing about Eric got to her at all, she was doing a great job at hiding it. She didn’t seem fazed about it and it made questions flood my mind.

“Did you love him?”

“Why does that concern you?” she spat out, her voice venomous as she dropped her fork aggressively. She was like a snake, ready to bite, but she didn’t know I liked being bitten. I loved a little challenge.

“Is that what keeps you crying in your sleep?”

Her mouth fell open and I knew I hit a nerve. She composed herself, the shock now twisted into anger. Pushing her almost empty plate forward, she stood, placing her palms on the table as she scowled at me.

“My past marriage with your brother is none of your business. Instead, focus on this marriage,” she paused, “I’ll be locking my door now. I don't need you sneaking up on me while I sleep.”

She started to walk away from the room, her ass swaying effortlessly in her dress.

No panties either.

“No underwear underneath that flimsy dress,” when she froze, I continued, “Are you trying to seduce me, Estelle?”

‘Because it's working’, I didn't add.

“You pervert,” she retorted sharply, her back still turned towards me.

“Get back here and sit down Estelle,” when she continued to walk, annoyance gurgled inside me, “That’s an order.”

She froze mid-step again. I didn’t need to see her face to know she was fuming, I could tell just by the rapid raising and falling of her shoulders.

When she turned around to face me, I almost smirked in delight.

“Trust me, you don’t want to break my rules. We’re still in our honeymoon phase,” I tapped my fingers, “Now sit back and eat. We’ll leave this table at the same time.”

She shot daggers at me as she approached the table. When she finally took her seat, she continued to eat in silence.

Her gaze met mine, the fire in them heating the room’s temperature.

Any woman would subject themselves to my rules, would gladly surrender their souls to me, but Estelle was different. She only obeyed me because I had her best interest at heart; whatever it was. But it won’t be long till her defiant side would overpower her and she’ll disobey my rules.

That’s exactly why I set them in the first place because she’s not one to live by the rules.

And when she breaks them, I’ll break her.

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