
Chapter 5

A few hours after signing the contract and heading back home, the movers showed up at my doorstep.

I directed them to my room before telling them what to move and what to leave behind, and as I watched them move my things into the van, my mind raced with negative thoughts.

A part of me wanted to run away from all of this, but the other part stood her ground.

There was no going back now. I already signed the contract, and Adonis didn’t seem like the kind of person to change his mind.

As I leaned against the door frame, a glistering light flashed in my eye, and when I looked down, I realized it came from the diamond ring sitting nicely on my finger. Running my fingers across its magnificent structure, I found my heart beating fast as I recalled the way he wore the ring on me. I could almost feel his fingers caressing mine again.

“I’m coming with you.”

Amelia’s voice jolted me from my not-so-pure thoughts, and I followed her gaze as it landed on my ring.

“He already got you a ring. I hate to admit it, but that’s quite impressive.” She managed a smile. “It’s almost like he had the whole courting planned.”

“Mmhm,” I murmured silently.

“So, you’re leaving. I’m trying my best to be happy for you, sis, but it’s hard.”

I knew this was coming, but I figured I was going to avoid it, even if, deep down, I knew I couldn’t. Amelia was all I had left, and here I was leaving her.

“You don’t have to be happy because I’m not,” I said truthfully.

“Then why do this?” she snapped, startling me, but when I saw the sad expression in her eyes, I knew she meant well. She was only worried about me, and if the roles were reversed, I’d be mad at her, too.

“Because I have to. You know I have to.” I took both her hands in mine. “Look at what they did to me, to us. They have to pay. All of them!”

“Yet you’re going to live in the same house with one of them?”

“Adonis is not one of them. He is not a Curtis, but a Sandoval. And that is who I am now,” I retorted, my voice taking on a defensive tone.

She shook her head in disbelief, like I was uttering the most diabolical words, and her next words made my breath stop.

“For all we know, he could be a whole lot worse than they are.”

Adonis’s words echoed in my mind, like a reminder, and fear gripped me, settling into the deep pit of my stomach.

‘I’m not like Eric. I’m a lot worse.’

I looked away, avoiding her gaze because I didn’t want her to decipher the emotions I was feeling.

“I’ll be fine, Amelia. Don’t worry about me,” I assured, but deep down, I wasn’t certain I would be. I didn’t tell her about the contract rules he set for me because I didn’t want to scare her more.

When my luggage was all packed, I was led to a car outside, and seconds before the chauffeur shut the door, Amelia stopped him and then settled in the back seat beside me.

Our eyes met, and I saw that she had the most genuine smile I had seen on her all week as she spoke.

“At least let me know where my sister will be living.” Her smile brightened, and I smiled back, glad she was trying her best to be accepting and supportive of my actions.

The drive was long and silent, and at some point, I dozed off. After a while, a light tap on my shoulder jolted me up from my light nap.

“We’re here.”

The doors were opened for us, and immediately we stepped out, I was in complete awe.

The mansion was magnificent. It seemed to stand atop a hill, and it was a masterful blend of Gothic medieval architecture.

The heavy iron gates shut behind us as we were led closer to the mansion, and as we walked, I noticed that the compound was filled with gardens. I looked closer and realized the only flowers that grew were roses, but I didn’t bother to ask why.

There was a small gate ahead of us, and after we walked through it, I saw that we were at the entrance which had a grand water fountain situated in the center of the courtyard, with a winged angel-like statue rising from the depth of the water.

We finally made it to the door which was over seven feet tall, and when it was opened, the interior was just as impressive as the exterior, with the high ceilings adorned with intricate frescoes, crystal chandeliers, walls lined with oak paneling, and smooth marble floors.

A woman stood at the entrance, putting on the most welcoming smile. She appeared to be in her 60s with a shock of full gray hair and had on a maid outfit.

“Thank you for your help, Denis,” she said in her thick French accent, and the Chauffeur left us.

“Welcome Mrs Sandoval, to Ravenwood Manor, your new home. My name is Marie, the chief maid. It’s a pleasure to have you both here,” her smile broadened more than I thought possible, “I’ll show you to your room.”

I nodded before looking back at Amelia, who was just as awed as I was. We followed her up the flight of endless stairs, eyeing the magnificent furniture and paintings aligning the hall. We finally made it inside the room which was exactly the room of a princess.

Everything was regal, from the oxblood-painted walls down to the glossy floor. My things were already unpacked and neatly arranged.

“You can relax. Whenever you’re hungry or need anything, just ring that bell.” She pointed to a bell on the stool beside my bed.

“Thank you.”

She nodded and started to leave. Just as she was about to walk out of the door, I called out to her.

“What about Adonis, my husband?” I don’t know why I added the last part even though it sounded foreign on my lips.

Marie smiled, fine lines wrinkling her eyes, “He’ll be back soon.”

When she was gone, Amelia broke the silence as I went to sit on the bed.

“They’re unbelievably fast. How did they get everything ready with such little time?”

“I have no idea,” I heaved a sigh.

“This place looks comfortable. I almost wish it was me living here. Adonis sure has an expensive taste.”

“Of course he does. He’s a billionaire.”

“Not all of them do.” She smiled. “I’m impressed.”

When she sat beside me, I looked into her eyes and saw that they were teary. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

“I’ll be leaving any moment now, but I’ll come visit anytime.”

“Thank you for sticking beside me despite not supporting this. Your help means so much to me.” I could feel the tears sliding down my face.

This time was different from when I moved in with Eric. I was eager to love, to marry, and to have kids for him, and everyone had been supportive. This time, we had no one but ourselves, and now we were being separated.

“When all is done, I’ll be back home.”

She pulled back from our embrace, “How long will it take?”

“Hopefully it won’t be long.”

Depending on how long it takes to destroy one’s life.

After seeing Amelia off and saying our goodbyes, the moment I got back to my room, the reality of everything hit me like a truck. I let the sadness and loneliness overwhelm me as I wrapped my arms around myself, crying till I eventually slept off.

I jolted awake when I felt a faint touch on my cheek. I sat up on the bed, looking around me until I noticed that there was a figure towering over me, and immediately I looked up, my eyes met familiar drawing eyes.


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