
Chapter 11

 Trying to hide my embarrassment, I placed a hand on my hip and faced him. I wondered just how much of our conversation he might’ve overheard.

Hopefully not all of it.


“Just playing the role of the loving doting wife,” I tried to maintain my cool and composure, but my strained voice betrayed me.


“Your first day here and you’re already bullying my employees,” he said calmly.


“Maybe your employees shouldn’t go around threatening people,” I bit back, then unable to resist, I added, “And maybe you should stop sleeping with your workers, it’s demeaning.”


His expression didn’t waver, though his eyebrows furrowed. He didn’t bother to deny my accusations, meaning I was right, and that stirred an uncomfortable sensation in my gut.


Not wanting to have any more of this conversation, I excused myself and he didn't try to stop me. Just as I was almost exiting the crowd, my phone rang and my heart lit up when I saw Amelia’s name pop up on my screen.


“Hey sis,” I chimed, glad to hear from her, “How are you doing?”


“Great. How about you? How’s living with Adonis like?” her voice held a curious tone.


I shrugged, even though she couldn't see me, “Not as bad as I expected. He’s a gentleman,” I chose my words carefully, making sure not to say anything that would make her worry.


“Are you sure? I never pictured him that way,” she sounded skeptical.


“Me either.”


There was a long pause from her end followed by a deep sigh, “If there’s anything wrong, you can talk to me. You don’t have to hide anything from me.”


“I know. I’m fine honestly,” my eyes focused on a man who seemed to be approaching me, “I’ll talk to you later, bye.”


“I’ll come visit this weekend, Bye.”


As I ended the call, the man stood in front of me.

“I’m Gabriel Beaumont,” he said, extending his hand for a handshake.


I took it and watched as he brought my hand to his lips. Observing Gabriel, he was a foot taller than me, with brown hair that matched his brown eyes, and a friendly face wore a wide pleasant smile.


“I’m Estelle Sandoval, but I’m guessing you already knew that.”


“Yeah,” he chuckled lightly, “I work here as Eric’s liaison.”


My body stilled at the mention of his name. How long was hearing Eric’s name going to have this effect on me, I was growing tired of it.

Gabriel should know about me and Eric, but from the look on his face, he didn’t seem judgemental about me being with Adonis. He just seemed like a really nice guy.


“That must be nice,” I muttered sarcastically then forced a smile.


“Yeah. It’s nice meeting you. I hope to see your pretty face here more often,” it was an innocent compliment, nothing flirty or perverted.


“Nice meeting you too.”


Once he was gone, my mind raced with thoughts.

First the finance director and now Eric’s liaison. Somehow, I wasn’t the one who found these people… they found me instead. I took it as a sign that this whole revenge plan was going to work out for me.

With the finance director and Eric’s liaison on each of my side, befriending them and manipulating them would come next.


The rest of the day was filled with nothing but work. Even though it was my first time in the company, Adonis carried me along like I’d been here for months. It was tiring, but I appreciated that.

During the meeting, he let me take the spotlight, gave me space to contribute, and didn't make me feel stupid.

As much as I disliked Adonis, he was different from Eric.


Though I sat opposite him, each time I looked elsewhere, I would feel his eyes on me, intense and observing. Whenever I looked him in the eye, his sharp brown gaze would stare directly into my soul, causing me to look away.


After the day was over, an awkward silence filled the car as drove back. I didn't bother to look in his direction, focusing my gaze out the window.


We arrived at the mansion by eight pm. Getting down from the car, I made sure to walk ahead, eager to get to my room as fast as I could.


Just when I thought I had escaped, his voice sliced through the silence, calling out my name. My body froze as I paused in my tracks, refusing to turn to look at him, and just waiting to hear what he had to say.


“Come down for dinner once you’ve changed.”


“I’m not hungry,” I lied, but my stomach took that as a cue and growled loudly.

“You will eat with me,” he insisted, his tone brooking no argument, “And You know what you must do after that.”


All the blood in my body ran cold. Here I was hoping he had forgotten about the meeting in his room, but fate wasn't that kind to me.


With a silent node, my gaze fixated ahead, feeling the intensity of his gaze boring into my back.


“Don’t be late, or you’ll be punished,” he warned in a menacing tone, sending chills through me.




I dashed up the stairs without looking back, then released a deep breath immediately after I reached the confines of my room. Making sure to lock my door, I undressed and stepped into the shower.

After I was done and stood naked in front of the mirror, memories of our first dinner together flooded my mind. Arousal surged in between my legs as I recalled his remark about me not wearing underwear.

Slipping into a paper-thin transparent night dress, I decided to not wear underwear… again.


I wasn’t sure what I was trying to do or achieve, but I went on with it. Bm


When I went downstairs, his eyes were on me, focused and unwavering as I ate. Adonis finished first, leaving me alone downstairs without saying a word to me.

Glancing at my phone, my heart dropped when I saw the time.


I had five minutes left to make it to his room.

Exiting the dining area, I ascended the stairs and walked to his room; which was in the same hallway as mine. When I reached his door, the time read: 9:59.


‘Don’t be late,’ his words echoed through my mind, sending my heart into a frenzy. Uncertainty gripped me as I wondered what waited for me behind this door, torn between fear and anticipation.


At exactly 10 pm, my hand hovered over the doorknob, but I hesitated to open it. I froze, my heart pounding so violently that I found it hard to breathe.


Being late would get me punished, yet there was a sadistic part of me that yearned for it. To be punished by Adonis, in whatever way he pleased.


I stood there, trying to collect my raspy breaths as time ran. When I looked at my phone, and the time read 10:05, I pulled the knob and the door came open.


His room was dim and huge, but I caught sight of him immediately after I walked in. He stood with bare back to me, his skin illuminated by the soft glow of the room.

Clad in only trousers, every sculpted muscle in his back was on display. My eyes traveled through his body, tracing his bronze skin. The sensation of running my fingernails through his back overwhelmed me, causing me to swallow my saliva.

He looked so fucking hot.


“You’re late,” his deep voice sent shivers down my spine.


“Yes,” my voice came out weakened.


“Do you understand the consequences?” his tone remained calm, but there was an edge to it that unsettled me.


“Yes,” I replied mechanically like I was programmed to do so.


As he turned to face me, my eyes shamelessly scanned his bare chest, admiring every inch of him. When our eyes locked, I involuntarily licked my lips, my heart beating harder and faster.


“Get down on your knees.”


It was as if I had been snapped out of a trance.



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