
Chapter 4

 “Are you sure you’re making the right choice?” Amelia asked me for the 100th time.

Sighing, I applied the brightest red lipstick I had, packed my luscious raven hair in a bun, and then let it down, indecisive.


“In a bun, or laid down?” I asked her, completely ignoring her question. I watched her reaction from the mirror, noticing how her shoulders dropped and her facial features creased in worry.


“Laid down makes you look like a sexy boss,” she said, smiling softly and I couldn't agree more. I let my wavy hair down and applied a dark eyeshadow that complimented my emerald green eyes.

When I was done with the makeup, I walked up to the bed where she sat and pulled her into a tight hug.


“I have to do this, Amelia, or I’ll never live in peace with myself.”


“Maybe you’ll get peace if you move on from this.”


But that was the thing; I couldn’t move on even if I wanted to. Eric didn’t just break my heart, ruin my life, and take almost everything from me. He left me with a burden… one that would never leave me until I got my revenge.

No one understood how this felt for me.

“Let me do this. You have nothing to worry about, I promise,” I smoothened her hair as I spoke. If what I went through happened to her, I would’ve lost it. I would’ve made sure they were dead because I loved my sister more than anything… even more than myself.

She was all I had left.


The door opened and my best friend; Jade walked into the room.


“Great! I’m not late,” she squealed as she sat on the bed with us, “You look so fucking great.”


“Thank you.”


“The revenge look, I love it. Those fuckers won’t know what hit them,” she said excitedly.


“Jade! Don’t encourage her,” Amelia warned and I chuckled.


Jade leaned in, and from the look in her eyes, I already knew what was coming.

“So… Adonis. The sexiest, most dangerous billionaire in the whole of France. You’re not only going to be getting your revenge but you’ll be getting a piece of that Greek god.”


A blush crept on my cheeks, “If I succeed, and no, I’m not going to be getting a piece of anyone.”

Her hand found mine, “You’ll succeed. You’re Estelle, you always win.”

I smiled and my eyes met Amelia’s. She didn’t look happy about the whole thing but she was still trying to be as encouraging as I needed her to be. I understood her concerns.

After I was done preparing, I drove to Adonis’s office, unable to shake away my intrusive thoughts of his captivating eyes, and the feeling of his touch on my chin. Something stirred in my stomach and I

I chose to ignore it.

Upon reaching the top floor of the skyscraper, his receptionist immediately directed me to his office, which was surprising.


At least he wasn’t late this time.


I walked into the office and my gaze immediately fixated on him. He stood by the window, hands in his pocket while peering outside. For some reason, I found his stance attractive.

My eyes took the opportunity to get a good look at his physique. He was tall; about 6’3 and towered over my 5’5 frame. Despite the suit, I could make out his athletic body.


Good thing this would just be a contract marriage because I can’t imagine living in the same house with such a hot man. Besides, I was done with men after the whole Eric incident. I was going to die alone, and I’ve made my peace with that.


“Good morning, Mr Sandoval.”


He turned away from the window and scanned me from head to toe with his eyes. That made my body heat up.


“Morning, sit.”


I did as I was told, placed my bag on the table, and cradled my hands in my thighs. He walked away from the window and settled into his chair opposite me.


He never took his eyes off me to the point that it got provocative.


“Red is your color.”


My eyebrows creased in confusion.

“Excuse me?”

“Your lipstick.”


I didn't understand what he meant till I realized I wore my deep red lipstick. My cheeks flushed as I flashed a shy smile.


“Thank you.”


I thought of what to say, then, “Your suit is pretty neat.”


He didn't respond, not even a ‘thank you’. He just watched me blankly, his face devoid of any emotion. Annoyance crept into me but I didn't show it.

He was a man of little words I could tell, but not replying to a compliment was hella rude.


“Don’t compliment me just because I did.”


Oh. The fucking nerve of this man.


“Well, sorry about that. I’ll make sure to never give a compliment,” I bit back.


His lips curved slightly or maybe I imagined it. Silence followed as I watched him pull out two papers from underneath him. He slid it across the table for me to have a look.

My eyes widened.


A marriage certificate, and a contract agreement.


Internally, I had the widest grin but outside, I kept a straight face.


Before signing, I made sure to read the contract details thoroughly. Signing this contract would make us business alliances and our companies would be merged to create one powerful market entity.


Power. The thought of it made me feel euphoric.

My power had been taken away from me—no, I willingly gave it away to the enemy—but now, I could feel it coursing through my veins, rushing back into me like a burst of energy as I held the paper.


Oh, Eric. You don’t know what’s fucking coming for you.


As I reached for the pen to sign, Adonis grasped my hand, stopping me. A surge of electricity pulsed through me at the contact. I wanted to pull away, but I couldn't bring myself to. Our gazes locked as silence surrounded us, and I found it hard to breathe.


Luckily, my inhaler’s in my purse so I’ll be fine.


“Before you sign the contract, there are rules you must follow.”




“What rules?”


His voice deepened, “This will be a contract marriage, but we’re not going to treat it like it’s one.”


My ears piqued.


“What do you mean?”


“You’re going to live with me if you sign this. All your things are going to be moved right away.”


My heart pounded with each word he uttered.


“As long as you’re married to me, you’re going to be a loyal wife. In other words, you’re not allowed to be sexually or romantically involved with anyone.”


His eyes momentarily darkened after he said that.


He continued, “You will obey me without question or hesitation.”


“You will be sexually available to me.”


Chills ran down my spine at that part and I spoke before I could stop myself, “I won't consent.”

His grip on my hand tightened, “You will.”

How he said it sounded like a threat.


I remained silent and let him continue, “Everything of mine is yours. I don’t want you to ever ask.”


When I thought the rules were still going, he stopped.


“Now sign,” a wicked glint sparked in his eyes, “If you’re still up for it.”


I swallowed a thick lump in my throat. All these rules were restrictive for the kind of person I was. After fighting for control and power, here I was offering it again.


Could I really do this?


Feelings of anxiety swarmed through me.


“And what happens if I don’t abide by these rules?”


“You’ll be punished.”


“And may I know these punishments?”


“No,” was his stern reply.


I bit my lip.


Can I really do this?


Images and memories flashed through my mind. I saw Eric, the divorce papers, the truck, the hospital, my father, and all I could feel was rage.


Can I really do this?


The fuck I can.


I lifted my chin upwards, my eyes hard, “I’m ready to sign.”


Adonis’s eyebrow twitched upward slightly like he hadn't expected me to agree.


He let go of my hand and I signed the papers, making sure to not leave out any space. When I was done, he signed as well.

Suddenly, he took my hand in his, startling me.


“What are you--”


My words were cut off when I saw the glittering gem in his free hand.


A diamond ring.


He took my ring finger, caressing it in a way that made me press my thighs together, and slid in the ring. When it settled, he let go of my hand and I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I eyed the ring with delight.


I love diamonds, and I can't resist them. Unlike Eric who got me a bland golden ring, this one was what I imagined my dream wedding ring would always be like.

It was almost like he knew what I liked.


“it’s beautiful. Thank you.”


He brought my hand to his lips, and when he kissed it, my stomach fluttered.


“You’re mine now. You belong to me... Never forget that,” he said with his lips still on my hand.


His eyes were piercing, “If you do, I’ll remind you. Estelle Sandoval.”


The way he said my new name sent chills through my whole being, and for some reason, I liked the sound of it.


“You’ll move in today.”


I only nodded in response.

When everything was done, I got up on my feet and walked to the door. Right before I walked away, he caught my attention.


“One more rule.”

I held my breath as I waited for his last rule, “I want you to wear only red lipstick.”


Surprised, I nodded and then left.


As I left the building, my thoughts raced.

I didn't care if he flooded me with rules, my plan was already in motion. It was just a way for him to have control and power over me.

But I’m the one with the power here.


To get my revenge, I would do anything, I would give anything, and right now, I was selling my soul to the devil.


But in this story, there are two devils.


One doesn’t just know it yet.


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