
The Lunar prophecy
The Lunar prophecy
Author: Testimonyndu

chapter one

Katherine’s POV

As I entered the house, the cacophony of voices and footsteps was deafening. The detention I'd just returned from for getting into a fight at school seemed like a distant memory now. But I knew what awaited me at home would be far worse.

My mother spotted me and immediately let loose her fury, shouting my name with a venomous hiss. Her eyes shone with a dangerous light as she advanced towards me, her cane claws clicking against the floor with every step.

"How dare you attack the son of the delta of this pack!” She screamed.

Her words were sharp as daggers, sinking deep into my heart. "Mom, he attacked me first! He said awful things…" I tried to reason with her, but my words fell on deaf ears. Another slap stung my cheek as she spat, "You're weak and useless! I don't wanna hear any more complaints about you!"

As she stormed off to her room, I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes. My name is Katherine Danvers - the Omega runt. Being an Omega isn't so bad, but being the Omega in a family of betas?. I was the black sheep of the family.

My mother berates me relentlessly, a cutting reminder of my supposed failure. My father, in contrast, remained indifferent, his silence a painful void. Caught between verbal abuse and being ignored, I could only weep, the tears stinging with the shame of a status I never asked for.

I puzzled over the moon goddess's will to make me an Omega, not just an Omega, but the smallest Omega the pack had ever seen. A target ripe for the picking, a magnet for bullies.

My sister, Emilia, a Beta like the rest of my family, learned of my tussle with Stanley and my subsequent punishment. "Kay, what happened? Mom hit you?" she asked, rage rumbling under her words like a growl.

I brushed off her concern with a smile. "She was just mad. It's nothing."

But Emilia wouldn't let it drop.

Emilia persisted, her voice rising with concern. "Kay, Stanley provoked you! You had every right to defend yourself. Mom shouldn't be punishing you."

But I shrugged off her support, walking to my room and locking the door behind me. Inside, I let the familiar feeling of despair and self-pity wash over me. The Woodland Pack was one of the largest in Europe, boasting strong warriors and my family's position as Betas for centuries. And yet, I was the runt Omega, the weak link in a chain of power..

I sank into the comforting darkness of my room, my refuge from the harsh light of reality, when a knock sounded at the door. Emilia's familiar voice filtered through, "Can I come in?"

I let her in, and she glanced around, taking in the motivational posters that adorned my dark room. "Your room's always so dark," she remarked. But I loved the darkness. It felt like a warm, protective cloak, sheltering me from the harshness of the world..

Emilia's gentle smile met my smirk, the unspoken understanding between us layered with the memory of my rebellious 12th birthday.

"Mom wanted me to tell you she's sorry for what happened," she said, her eyes shining with love. But I knew better than to believe it. My mother's words were like silver-tipped arrows, honed to find their mark and bury deep.

"It's alright," I mumbled, though Emilia knew I wasn't convinced. She let the subject drop without pressing. "So, are you excited about your birthday tomorrow?" she asked.My birthday

Excitement? Not quite the emotion that pulsed through me. Instead, it was a swell of hope. Since I was seven, I'd longed for a mate, someone to love me for who I was.

"I wonder if he'll be tall," I giggled, falling onto the bed, and Emilia laughed along with me. She, too, had dreamed of a mate, but after six years of waiting, those dreams had dimmed.

"I know he'll be perfect for you," she said, smiling. "Don't worry about being perfect for him.I hummed as I smiled a little at her antics.

My smirk drew a blush on Emilia's cheeks. "So, soon-to-be Luna, how does it feel?" I teased, only to receive a playful eyeroll in return.

"My maid of honor better not be late," she chided, her fingers combing through my hair. "I was thinking we could have a little party tomorrow morning, just the two of us, before the wedding."

My eyebrows shot up. "A party, on your wedding day?"

Emilia met my disbelief with an unyielding smile. "Of course!

"Sure, Luna." My playful mimicry of the title drew a laugh from Emilia as we both stared at the ceiling, the silence settling between us like a gentle fog.

My sister, about to become the Luna to Alpha Nathaniel Hawthorne, had always seen something in him that I couldn't fathom. A rude and arrogant man, who took pleasure in preying on the weak. My opinion didn't matter, but I couldn't help but scoff as I turned towards the window, seeking solace in the darkness beyond.

Emilia's playful retort, accompanied by a teasing nibble on my earlobe, only further fueled my frustration with the situation. "Stop bad mouthing my future husband," she chastised, still snickering. "He's nice if he wants to be."

"Nice? The guy's a walking death sentence for rogues who haven't done anything," I argued, my glare piercing through the darkness.

"He's the alpha. It's his job to protect his people," Emilia defended, a frown creasing her brow. She settled onto my pillow, making herself comfortable.

Despite my attempts to rouse her, Emilia sank deeper into slumber, her soft snores filling the room. "Seriously?" I huffed, rolling my eyes. Childish as she could be, my sister was still one of the most incredible people I knew.

With my head now filled with visions of my future mate, I let myself drift off into sleep, my mind settling on the thought that he would be perfect.

The next day

Awake with a start, I frantically searched for Emilia in the tangled sheets of my bed. My heightened senses, a gift from my wolf, confirmed what my eyes couldn't—she was gone.

Rushing to the bathroom, I turned on the shower, determined to scrub away any trace of yesterday's troubles. The thought of meeting my mate today was an intoxicating mix of exhilaration and dread. I couldn't let him find me smelling less than perfect.

As the water cascaded over me, I pondered the mystery of my sister's disappearance. Surely she wouldn't miss my birthday party, she organized it.

The mental link was sudden, a jolt of energy piercing through my mind. Emilia's voice, urgent yet affectionate, came through strong and clear.

"Morning, baby sis! I'm off early to deal with the wedding decorations. I am so sorry that our party has to be cancelled.Happy 18th birthday, my love. Go find your mate," she urged.

"Thanks, sis, and congrats on becoming Luna," I teased, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

Her voice came back, this time tinged with playful exasperation, "Go find your mate, bye!”

As I stepped into the hall, my heart pounded out a frantic rhythm, thrumming in my ears with every footfall. But the space was vast and empty, my parents absent from the scene. Today, my birthday, was always a day of shame for the family, a reminder of my Omega status.

I turned, my eyes darting over the faces of those in the room, but no one spared me a glance. My mate was supposed to be here, the moment of our bond close at hand. But I felt nothing, not even the slightest echo of their presence.

Tears gathered in my eye, I ran back inside my room, I let the tears fall freely, cascading down my face as sobs wracked my body. No one needed to see my shame. Everyone would soon know of my failure to find a mate. Their laughter and mockery already danced through my mind.

Hours passed in a blur of misery and self-hatred, and Emilia's wedding approached. After scrubbing myself raw under the shower, I slipped into a blue flora gown, my reflection betraying the redness and lifelessness of my eyes.

The hall stood empty, save for the lingering echoes of my disappointment.. seems like they have all gone to the Alpha's house for the ceremony.

The wind whipped at my hair as I sprinted, every muscle burning from the exertion. Emilia's bridesmaids were undoubtedly waiting, but I couldn't bear to disappoint my sister.

My heart hammered as I reached the Alpha's house, and I felt my wolf clawing at the surface, desperate to make herself known. Something was drawing her out, something primal and powerful.

Stepping into the scene, the white decorations illuminated my parents' scowls, but my gaze drifted toward my sister, a vision in her wedding gown.

Time stood still as our eyes met. And in that moment, our inner wolves roared in unison, shattering the world around us.


The word rang out in my mind, and I stumbled back, as if struck by lightning. Nathaniel's face, a mask of shock, mirrored my own. His scent, a heady mix of musk and amber, filled my lungs.

And suddenly, I understood what had been missing all this time.

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