

Suddenly, without saying a word, she leaned forward and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. The kiss lasted for perhaps five seconds or less, but it made her heart flutter with excitement and happiness.

Her heart began racing wildly inside her chest and she almost couldn't catch her breath. She pulled away from him, looking shyly at him. She had never kissed anybody before.

She didn't know whether she liked it or not, and frankly, she didn't care. At least it wasn't some boy she had gone through high school with. It couldn't have been any easier for him, considering what had happened between the two of them.

"You… you didn't laugh?" She asked timidly, her voice filled with insecurity. She knew she must have done something horribly wrong.

His heart sank at the question. He felt terrible. What had he done to deserve this? Had he hurt her somehow? Was there something wrong with him? He knew that he could never be perfect for her. He knew that he couldn't compare with her in every way.
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