
Business Trip

I sat on the chair, waiting for Denzel to come. Rehan's house was more homely than I thought. There were toys everywhere and framed baby photos of their kids hanging on all sides of the wall. 

I was offered wine but declined because I had enough at the house party. I picked up my phone and scrolled through the photos Denzel and i took at the bridge. They were so stunning, I was starting to think I could be a model. 

"Sheldon, she wants to see you." Rehan said standing at the landing of the stairs. Mutely, I followed him up to Lena's room. 

She was lying on the bed, wasted and her face dug on the mirror.

"Are you alright?" I asked softly and she grabbed my wrist.

"My earrings. I put them in your purse when we were still at the house. Can I have them back?" She asked stretching her hand.

I nodded and checked my purse. Her diamond earrings were in there. I took them and put it back in her palm.

"Here you go." I said smiling at her.

"I'm going to be In so much trouble." She chuckled maniacally.

I blinked twice wondering what she's talking about.

"I don't regret it though. It felt good to get away once. Without thinking about this goddamn family." She added.

"Okay, you're starting to talk too much. Let me relieve your of this dress." I laughed unzipping her dress. I was halfway gone when my eyes got on her skin filled with red scars of lashes. 

"Oh my God! Who did this to you?" I yelped unable to stare at it for more minutes. I reached for my phone and clicked some photos of it before putting it in my bag.

"No, pull the zip back up." She grumbled with sleepy eyes. I obliged and pulled it up with shaky hands. 

"You haven't answered my question. Who did this to you, Lena?" I asked sternly.

She murmured something incoherent and turned away from me.


"Denzel is here." Rehan's strong voice caught her off. I stepped away from Lena before leaving the room. He shut the door behind us. I was starting to feel nauseous. 

Everything he suddenly does is suspicious to me. He wasn't who i think he is. 

I reached the living room to see Denzel standing and waiting.

"Let's go." He ordered not making eye contact. I followed him slowly. 

When we were in his car, I showed him the photos In my phone. "Did you receive the pictures we took? They're so pretty, right?" 

"That was a complete waste of time." He mumbled under his breath. "We are both going on a business trip. I was forced to bring you along." 

"What? When?" I rasped.

"We leave first thing tomorrow. I already have our documents ready. Just pack your clothes and find a place to keep your cat." He answered huskily.

"Alright, then. I can't wait. It's gonna be so much fun. Luckily, I do not have any lectures tomorrow. We can pull this off." 

Denzel chuckled, throwing his head backwards. "Actually, we are going to be there for two weeks. We are meeting ambassadors and investors. It will take time to meet all of them separately." 

"Oh." I mouthed.

I picked up Candy the next morning and took her to Birdie and Cali's. At least they were always home and would watch him.

Back In the plane, I feasted on the wine that was served while Denzel was on a call that was taking forever to end. He wasn't speaking to me but I was too excited to shut up. I made the hostess take pictures of me with all over the first class. I even sat on an angry Denzel for the finishing touches.  

Minutes later, he asked me to send those photos so he could show off to people on his friend's list, especially his father.  

I wanted to tease him but decided to cut him some slacks. 

A cab took us to the hotel where Denzel booked a suite. We had to stay together, that irked me considering he hasn't been talking much. There was a large bed next to the wall. Big enough to contain five people.

I threw myself on it and felt how firm and soft it was. 

"Get up, Sheldon. We have to go to the company's welcome brunch at the restaurant." Denzel beckoned as he took his luggage to the wardrobe.

"Really? Can't I just enjoy the warmth of this bed." I cooed.

"Get up. They must be waiting for us now." 

I dragged myself out of the bed and watched Denzel change his shirt to a grey sweater. We left the suite together and then through the elevator. 

Seeing the kids on at the lobby, I turned to Denzel. 

"How many kids would you like to have?" 

"Not many." He said so lowly that i almost didn't hear him. 

Reaching the bar, I held his hand so i wouldn't lose sight of him.

"That girl is my ex." Denzel said pointing toward a lady at the counter. She had beautiful long legs and rich hair. Her smile was blinding as she spoke to another woman she was with.

I almost choked on the orange juice i was sipping from. It wasn't because Denzel sounded chatty but because of the goddess he was talking about.

"She's hot. Why did you break up with her?" I blurted.

"It was in highschool, remember? I just dated her because she was popular but awfully boring to be with." He hushed back. 

I hit him at the back. "She doesn't look bad at all. You could have wived her, dude." 

"I heard she's getting married to a governor's son. I don't wanna ruin that." He shrugged. 

The lady looked at us and I bet she knew we were gossiping about her. 

She raised her glass at Denzel and he returned the favor.

"Do you still like her?" I asked watching his facial expression.

"We are good friends." He grinned still watching her. 

I rolled my eyes and ordered another drink.

Next, we joined the welcome brunch at the restaurant. It was just us against six businessmen in suit and two businesswomen. They were nice and acknowledged me In such a way, I was left speechless.

When the familiarities were over, Denzel and I went to the beach. He didn't want to go in the first place but when I let him know that i had invited the others, he couldn't refuse. 

We strolled to the beach together and he couldn't stop complaining that he wasn't ready for this. I stopped at a store and bought suncream, towel and a big umbrella.

I just couldn't wait to get out. It was better than being locked up in the suite doing nothing. 

We meet up with the other business partners at their spot. The two women were here. And out of the six men, only two honored my invite. I liked It anyway. 

Denzel sat on a chair while I applied suncream on his arms and legs. 

"Want to play volleyball with me?" I asked him when the two women got a ball. 

"I'd rather go into the sea and drown." He grumbled like a teenager.

"And I'll happily watch you drown." I replied smiling. I started running toward the set up and we started playing. I was happy getting a breath of fresh air. Being at the beach was always fun. The best part was watching Denzel lie there like a King. He was avoiding dirt like it would kill him. 

I eventually got thirsty and excused myself to get a drink. I took the glass of juice on the seat next to Denzel. I sipped through the straw. He opened his eyes and glared at me. 

"That's my drink and you should know that you just sucked on my straw. You now have my kiss." He said wearing a smug.

"That's impossible. I'm sure your lips tastes better than this straw." I teased.

"I'm going to get another drink." He brushed me off. I giggled as he walked away. 

An hour later, I was lying on Denzel's chair and listening to the waves. The business partner had gone to their booked rooms. I was left alone and waiting for Denzel who still hasn't returned from getting the drink.

Suddenly, he showed up with the drink in his hand. 

"Sorry, I took long. I met her." After speaking, he stood aside and I saw his ex behind him.

"Hi, Denzel already told me about you. Nice to meet you, beautiful." She giggled. 

"Thanks, Nice to meet you to." 

We both shook hands. 

"I'm surprised Denzel actually found someone sane enough to be with him." She chortled throwing her head both ways. 

"We all have our better half somewhere out there." I replied taking Denzel's hand and wrapping it around my waist.

"Your accent reminds me of someone. Denzel, where did she grow up?" She asked pointing.

"Huh?" Denzel whispered, looking lost. He doesn't know. 

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