
Chapter 2

If only angels were real.

No, not an angel, he is a god!

His face looked fragile yet deadly. He looked like a masterpiece crafted by the softest hands and finest stone.

Jade couldn't take her eyes off him. The way he looked at her sent fireworks through her veins. She disconnected the eye lock and her eyes moved down to his succulent lips.

"You wanted to escape?" He asked.

All she saw was his lips moving. He was saying something but she heard nothing.

She felt the heat radiating from his body and the tightness of his muscles around her.

Was she still in his arms?

Well, it felt right.

What is more than being saved by the most beautiful creature on earth?

"Were you trying to escape?" He hoarsely asked again and this time, she heard him.

He said it with such a voice that sent chills down her spine. It matched his appearance and sounded like a melody.

Sexy, yet sinister.

"Um...No! I was just enjoying the view but I lost my footing" She stared up at him.

He gave her a faint smile that wasn't amusing nor exciting.

"Better. Because I would be forced to tie you up in my house if you try to escape" he said with an intensity that made her gut twirl.

"What!?" She frowned but in a minute, her eyebrows flew to her forehead.

No this can't be! Just when she wants to take a liking to him. Why can't anything good happen to her today?

Within hours, her life has completely turned for the worst.

Jade scuffled down him, straightened her shirt and lifted her chin a little.

She had to look up because he was tall and buffed up.

That was when she noticed the tattoos that carpeted his skin from the neck downwards and disappeared into his black shirt.

And a nose ring?

His whole physique made her blinked twice as she took in his appearance.

He wore a suit trouser and black long sleeves that hugged his triceps, biceps and abs which was complimented by a waistcoat.

How didn't she notice this?

"So it's you!" She spat. "How dare you!? Who exactly do you think you are!? You can't 'buy' a human being"

How can her parents sell her to someone like this?

He is hot and all but something about him seemed off. He wasn't the average man she'd normally go out with but she was helplessly attracted.

"I did!" He scoffed. His beard wasn't thick. It was just light and scanty. Just how she likes it.

Such an arrogant and annoying piece of shit! And how dare he talk to her like that? Who is this man? What does he want from her?

Why would he buy her to save her parents?

And why her?

"Who does that!? News flash, I'm going nowhere with you!" She pointed at him.

His icy eyes briefly looked at her finger and back at her.

As much as she wanted to be close to him because of the stupid attraction she felt towards him, she hated him for buying her with the same intensity.

If they'd met in different circumstances, she would be more than happy to fuck him because hell, he is hot.

He gave her a small smile which was accompanied by a deep laugh. It sounded sexy as hell but she felt frightened for no particular reason.

Oh those dimples and perfectly arranged set of teeth. And the way his nose slightly bent when he laughed was the cutest thing ever!

How does this man heats her up but sends chills down her veins at the same time?

She doesn't even know him.

But what is funny? 

Her life has been ruined. She felt used and he was laughing?

"Laugh all you want but one thing I know is that I won't go anywhere! I'll stay at house and my parents will refund your money. Nothing and absolutely nothing will make me leave my house today!" She angrily said.

His smile slowly disappeared and he maintained a deadly stare.

"I'm going nowhere!" She repeated and folded her hands on her chest. "I'm not going anywhere with you" She repeated. "You can take back your money and we will figure out a way to fix all of these. And like I said, I'm going nowhere with you and if you think that I'm gonna back down, think again"

She was determined to get him off her back. No way will she live with a stranger and the sooner he gets that, the better because he has no idea how stubborn and irritating she can get.

He moved a little closer to her and lightly held her chin.

"Seeing you angry makes me want to tie you up right now in my house" He said with a deep seductive voice. He slowly bent towards her and placed his mouth close to her ears.

Jade felt his hot breath down her neck and the hair on her neck stood.

"And you know, I had a hard on all week. I wish we weren't out here in public because if you keep looking at me like that, your clothes will look nice on my bedroom floor"

Jade froze.

Just minutes of meeting him and he is already talking about getting laid?

It felt strange that he turned her on faster than anyone had ever done.

What is this strange attraction she feels towards him and why can't she control the need to get laid by him?

Are you a slut now, Jade?

She wanted to escape him immediately. The light brush of his rough chin and his hands passionately on her arms sent thrilling sensations down to her core. 

She hates him but wants him as well. 

Jade wondered what it will feel like to scream beneath him but the thought that he bought her and she literally belongs to him sparked a new feeling in her.

She needs to escape this man.

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