
Chapter 3

In the whole of her existence, Jade never felt confused.

Is this the man she's gonna probably spend the rest of her life with?

He drew away from her with a deadly smirk.

"I have more important things to take care of" He walked past her.

"Wait!" She ran behind him but he didn't stop.

"Listen! I have a better proposition" She tapped him from behind.

"Better than the deal I already have with your father?" He stopped and turned to her but she bumped into him.

"Ouch!" She breathed.

"You go to the gym?" He gave her a quick head to toe look.

"Um...can't see how that's relevant but no. Well, sometimes" She shrugged.


"So about the proposition… Why don't I work for you. For free! That way, I can slowly pay off my parent's debt" She said. He put his hands in his pockets.

"Unless you want to work for me forever" He turned and walked away.

"I can do more!" She chased after him but he didn't stop until he kicked the front door to her house open.

"Hudson" He said to Jade's father who immediately stood in fear.


"I don't want to hear it! This isn't what we agreed on" Xavier replied.

"I promise you she will go with you today," Hudson replied.

"What kind of a father are you!?" She slammed the door and quickly walked to her parents.

"You sold your daughter and can't wait to throw her out?!" She angrily asked.

"Go upstairs and pack your things" Her father calmly said.

"You want me out of the house? Carry me out!" She sat on the couch. 

"Please honey, listen to your father. You don't know what you are dealing with" Her mother sat beside her.

"Why don't you tell me mum? Why is all these happening? I tried to reason with him! The bastard doesn't understand a thing!" She threw her hands in the air.

Hudson quickly looked at Xavier who didn't even flinch.

"Why can't you understand!? You are behaving like a child! You are going to put us all in trouble. Avery, talk to your daughter" Hudson was already frustrated.

"I'm behaving like a child!? You 'sold' me and I don't have the right to be angry?" Jade walked to her father but suddenly turned to Xavier. "You ruined my life!" She angrily spat but he removed a pistol and shot it at her.

The sound from the gun gave her a fright and she turned pale and jumped in a short traumatizing fright.

Jade realized that she wasn't hit but her parents could have been shot.

She slowly turned around with tears flowing down her eyes but both her parents were still alive.

The bullet landed just above her mother's head on the wall.

She ran into her mother's arms.

"Honey, please stop acting up. This isn't the time to be stubborn. Listen" Avery cried but wiped her daughter's tears instead.

"The next bullet will go right in between her eyes," Xavier stated.

"Did he threaten you? Tell me mum! We can tell the police. They'll handle this" She went to her father. "Please tell me"

"No, he didn't…."

The doors flew open as various men and women dressed in black walked in.

"I am a very busy man. You made me leave work, Hudson. I came for what's mine" He looked at Jade.

"Go get your things" He ordered.

Jade shook her head and hugged her mother again.

"I don't wanna go mum" She cried.

"Don't worry, we will be fine. He will take care of you" Avery promised.

Jade heard the hammer cock of his pistol and she quickly disconnected from Avery. He pointed the gun at her mother.

"Fine! I'm going!" She wiped her tears and ran upstairs. Xavier put back his gun behind him.

After a while, Jade dragged her bags and suitcases down stairs. She also changed into a short dress.

One of his men made a move to help her but he stopped him with a finger.

Jade hugged her parents one last time.

"Please call me if you need anything. I'll visit you as much as I can" She went to Hudson.

"Please take care of mum and the company" She gave them both a weak smile. "I'll keep in touch and don't worry about me. I'll take care of myself" She hugged them again and started another round of tears.

"We love you" Avery kissed her.

Jade waved at her parents as she walked to Xavier.

She gave him a dirty look but he maintained his expressionless face.

She walked past him to his men.

"So who's gonna help me with my things?" She asked but none answered her. "Y'all with an attitude, huh? I guess I'm helping myself" She said and dragged her things outside.

She knew they were acting on Xavier's orders.

Jade took a long look at her mansion. She was born and brought up in Brooklyn.

She'll miss her parents and friends.

How did her life change so drastically?

"Are you gonna get in or what?" His breathy voice knocked her out of her thoughts.

He opened the car door for her but she angrily walked to the other side and let herself in.

Xavier smirked and got in.

She thoroughly wiped her face and picked her phone as the car started as the car started moving. 

The last thing she wanted to do was have anything to do with him. Since he decided to ruin her life, she won't give him the pleasure of having her or seeing her break either.

Xavier suddenly took her phone, whined down the window and threw it out.

She looked at him in shock. Jade took deep breaths and sat back into the leather seats. But suddenly turned to him.

"Who exactly the hell do you think you are?!" She angrily asked.

"Thought you weren't talking to me?" He gave her a brief smile that told her that he was satisfied with her reaction.

"You are a bastard! A good for nothing! What have I ever done to you!? You just go around randomly buying girls?" She blurted only for him to shrug.

"God damn you! I won't give you the satisfaction" She turned away from him. "Asshole"

"Animal! Annoying piece of shit" She said to his hearing but she didn't get a reaction.

She looked out the tinted window and tried to focus on something else but him.

How is life going to be without her parents and rich friends?

Even if they made the worst decision ever, she knew they loved her.

"Did you threaten my parents?" She sadly turned to him again.

"Yes I did. And if you don't behave, I won't only take their company and each penny down to the last cent in their accounts, I'll kill them too" He warned. "That's a promise"

"Why the hell are you doing all these!? I don't even know you!" She grunted.

"But I know you," He simply replied.

"What do you want from me? Why me?"

He ignored her once again.

"You animal! Why me?!" She asked again. "I won't stop until you answer me! I'll make this little trip a living hell for you!" She threatened.

"And that's home for me," He smiled.

She went quiet for a little while but turned to him again.

"Why me! What did I do!" She gave him a push.

"Why me?"

He suddenly turned and pinned her down in the seat by her chin.

"Because you pretty little face makes me want to fuck you" He stated.

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