All Chapters of Im -perfect : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
128 Chapters
Chapter 111
" Jacob calm down " said Conan before taking slow steps towards me , as if he conscious that I was literally on the verge of either collapsing the fuck down or throttle Bella 's mother " Don't do anything you might regret calm down . I know you are suffering and it's really hard but you need to step back "No , I didn't have to do that at all . It was so easy for this woman to decide ' what's good ' for Bella without asking her first , without letting us know first - maybe it was high time for me to send her in a psychiatrist ward without letting her know about it too because apparently that's what good for her isn't it ? " Jake " drawled Conan Harming someone in the of ' its for the best ' was exactly what Ms Hamilton was good at wasn't she ? Now why don't I do what's good for her and take her to a psychiatrist , letting the entire world know how this classy , good looking woman was nothing but a mental patient . That would kill her alright ? Maybe
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Chapter 112
Jacob“ Young man you have no idea what you are talking about “ said Franklin his eyes narrowed dangerously “ don’t even try to talk about matters that you might not even have an inkling about or you might find yourself to very indeed sorry in the future ““ You are threatening me ?”Chris asked , pointing to himself “ you are actually threatening me old man ?”“ I’m not threatening you “ said Franklin as if he was stating nothing but valid understandable facts “ I’m telling you the truth , you have no idea what my daughter is going through - and you have no right to say anything -““ He doesn’t have the right but I do right ?” Cutting him off I asked “ I have the right to know why despite knowing that Helena is nothing more than a selfish child who cares nothing about anyone else but herself - who only saw to her own needs “ I paused try
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Chapter 113
Jacob“ Is he ?” asked Dante straightening his shoulders , his expression hardening “ if so why did you use him to calm your daughter down ? As her claimed  son and your grandson , you should have never asked Jacob to do what you asked him to do , you would have never lied to me saying that you were introducing some one else with their consent to act as your daughter’s suppressants and help her calm down when the truth was that you were pushing my son ! To do this dirty job you bastard ! “ roared Dante before punching Franklin in the face which was already bleeding pretty badly because of all the punches that I have thrown in his face . “ You messed with my wife , I didn’t say a thing because I couldn’t do anything then but you actually dared to stretch your dirty perverted claws to my son - what did you think that I would never find about it huh ?” Dante punched Franklin again so hard that the latter
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Chapter 114
Jacob" Its well and good that you confronted him in the hospital " said Dante breaking the silence once the two of us were alone , I didn't say anything I didn't know what to say because I couldn't say anything . There was too much to reel in and as cold and stoic everyone believed me to be , I wasn't that unbothered. I felt things , I had my own emotions and I felt scared and anxious as well . " Her name was Ellie , I called her El for short .She was bubbly and a little ray of sunshine the first time I saw her , it was as if she just shot right through my chest - I didn't even know that I needed someone until I saw her . But the second my eyes locked on her , I knew she was the one " Dante said with a smile , that made his eyes crinkle, I always thought that Dante didn't smile , hell he didn't even feel anything . But turns out , I was wrong , he did feel several things -just for the right person . Aren't you the same ? Taunted my heart . 
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Chapter 115
JacobNot only because she would tell me that everything was gonna be okay but also because she wouldn't sugarcoat shit - she would ask me to be a man and face the things that were being thrown in my life one after the another . Throw some random quotes like ' Its God's will ' and what not and I will listen to everything that she gotta say because she was the only  person  who could keep me grounded at this moment before I lose my fucking rationality . The thing was I needed her here , to be with me . To be just by my side . Because she was the only one who could trigger the right strings in my body . She was the only one who could light up my freaking world , while I was feeling like I was being swallowed in darkness . But the thing was she wasn't here . And despite all my efforts to turn down the churning of my heart , I couldn't go numb and there was not a single possible chance for me to turn it all off . I can't
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Chapter 116
A mask was covering her mouth .. the one that was hooked on the machine . Her entire body was covered in bandages at least the part which was free of all the freaking tubes , cords and hospital gown . Seeing her injuries , I might have already lost my mind if it wasn’t already in a turmoil - I wanted to dash out of this room and give Wilkins another round of my pinched but I settled myself with cursing him under my breath . I was feeling so much at the moment , that I didn’t know what exactly I was feeling - there was anger, frustration , guilt but above all I was down right terrified . Her lifeless form , the lifeless way she was lying on the hospital bed that was doing me in . For as long as I have known this girl .. she was always full of zeal and love . She was a spitfire , she was the sweetest and the most smart girl , I have met .I had been so careful , so careful so as to not fall for her but Bella with her wits and quirks not only made m
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Chapter 117
Jacob " Was she right ? What am I even asking - if course Selina was right "  it has been more than twenty four hours and other than the constant beep beep of the Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator , there was no sound in the room . It was dead silent and I hated it , I hate seeing her lying so quietly on the hospital bed - my Bella wasn't quiet , she wasn't shy and introverted yes but never quiet . I missed her eye-rolls , her quirky sass and her sarcastic jabs , I brushed away the lock of hair from her forehead and planted a kiss on the back of her hand . I wanted her to respond to me but just like the past thirty seven hours , nineteen minutes and seven seconds -I didn't get a response . No , if you are thinking that I was so out of my tree that I was actually counting seconds , minutes and hours- I wasn't . But I did set a timer and it wasn't helping , if anything it was like a constant reminder of the hours that I have spent without her .The
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Chapter 118
Jacob “ Get the fuck out of here “ the second I see Bella ‘s mom storming inside her ward , I knew that she got the lawyer’s summon - the one that I had him send her . Her expression was furious but it was no where enraged as mine , she has no right to be here -not after she uttered those nasty words about Bella . Ms Hamilton paused momentarily , her eyes went wide as she stared at me “ excuse me ? What was that ?”I don’t wait for her to move her ass because I knew this stubborn woman won’t walk out on her own , so grabbing her by her elbow - I dragged her  out of Bella’s room , out of her life because from now on it was either her or me and I swear as hell knew whom Bella was gonna chose once she wakes up “ you have no right to be here , Ms Hamilton . You don’t need to see her because you don’t really care about her and don’t say that you do when you are going around t
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Chapter 119
Jacob “ I told your mother off “ I told her “ And yes , I sued her as well but before you get mad at me.I didn’t do it because I wanted to but because she really needs it . Unlike Helena who is not my mum - did I tell you about that ? I guess I didn’t because even I haven’t digested this news yet but -yeah she ain’t my mother as surprising as it gets , I am quite relieved that she and I have no relationship . At least I’m not half psycho as you said I was -a manipulative bastard yeah but not a psychopath . See I told you I wasn't a psychopath , didn’t I ? “ I didn’t know why I was even blabbering about this to her “ yeah anyways , your mum needs help - I don’t need to bother with Helena anymore but you gotta be in touch with Your mum , I know you won’t leave her alone and as much as I don’t like it . I won’t stop you , so I did the right thing I told her , how much she was hurt
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Chapter 120
Jacob "I know you will be really pissed off about this but honestly I don't care because I have been pissed at you all my life and couldn't do a thing to you so yeah - that account is settled . Now we are going to talk about the new one -Bella , she is really a good person , she is loving , compassionate and caring - something I can't say about myself " I stopped breathing hard as emotions clogged my throat , I cleared it before continuing on with my speech that I have prepared after thoughtful consideration " and she is mine , you hear me mine not yours and you have no right to take her because -" my vision went hazy and something warm and wet trickled down my cheeks . I inhaled sharply staring down at the wooden flooring away from the altar " because she is my everything . I know people shit around the word ' love ' a lot now a days but this different . I have already promised her a future together and I can't fulfil that one promise if she is not by my side . " my voic
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