All Chapters of The Billionaire Groom (The Hudson Brothers Series 3): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
68 Chapters
Chapter 11
            Trevor was hot and not in a sweaty way.  “Bruce, you’ve never been a push over in your life. Why are you starting now?”            “What do you mean?” Bruce asked. He was still shocked by Trevor’s outburst. It was rare when he got really angry.            “I mean you’re letting that dull-ass fiancé of yours separate you from your own family!” Trevor shouted.            “She is not,” Bruce said sternly. “She wants us to have a fresh start. A place of our own will help with that.”            “A fresh start from what? Getting starch removed from her ass?” Trevor asked heat
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Chapter 12
            It was Wednesday, April Fools’ Day. Bruce was working from home and Joanna was, too. Selena had to go into the art gallery. Trevor and Christopher had gone into the office. In the afternoon, they were going to meet with a group of investors who were taking bids from contractors and developers for a new two-hundred and thirty room hotel in Philadelphia.            Bruce went to the dining room for lunch. Joanna was already in there eating a large shrimp salad and drinking lemonade. She was wearing a pink dress that made her look like the beautiful expecting mother she was.            “Hi,” Joanna said with her mouth full.            “Hey. Getting a lot of work done?” Bruce asked.  &nbs
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Chapter 13
Trevor had rejoined them as quickly as he had left. “I apologize, gentlemen. False alarm,” he said calmly as he sat back down.Christopher kept it moving, but he couldn’t help but wonder what Bruce wanted.            A few minutes later, the conference room door opened again.            It was Stella. Bruce’s secretary. She marched in like she belonged there. “I apologize, Mr. Hudson,” she said to Christopher. “But, coming in here like this is me following Mr. Bruce Hudson’s direct instructions. I am to follow them to a T. Part of that instruction is to read this as follows.” She cleared her throat. “And I quote, Christopher, will you please tell our idiot brother that his wife really is in labor and to get his fucking ass to Lenox Hill Hospital ASAP. Thank you very fucking much, Bruce.
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Chapter 14
            Christopher and Bruce arrived at the hospital the next day. Ray was picking up the new parents in the family limo, but the brothers wanted to be there to.            There was no reason for Joanna and little James to stay longer than one night at the hospital. Both of them were healthy as horses according to what Trevor told them over the phone that morning.            “Ray is downstairs acting like the child is his. He’s so honored to be driving them home,” Christopher said.            “I know,” Bruce said with a little smile.            They saw Trevor slowly walking down the hall like he was in a daze.    &nbs
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Chapter 15
            Beverly waited at the door as she watched Bruce walk down the hall. She really didn’t want him to go. Then again, why would he stick around for her? To him, she was the wild woman who hijacked his engagement party for thirty minutes, wrote filthy fiction doing erotic and crazy things to him, and was clumsy.            The door opened. It was Trevor.            “Well, hi,” Trevor greeted with a smile.            “Hey, I came to see the new mom and the new addition,” Beverly said.            “Not me, huh?” Trevor said with a croaked smirk.            “You weren&r
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Chapter 16
One week later . . . Beverly was at home typing up a nightclub review for The N.Y. when her cell rang. The caller ID said Not Available, so she figured it was her contact.“Hello?”“Bev, it’s Devin. Look, I found that guy.” Devin was a guy she had known from Queens when she had lived there as a child. He was eight years older than. Even back then, he was the guy who could find anything, find anyone, or get you a hook-up for everything.“Good. It’s been a month since I heard from you last. I thought you had given up.”“If I had, I would have returned your three hundred bucks. If I can’t make good, I usually return my fee. He’s living above La Hacienda a block away from the Bronx. It’s a Mexican restaurant he and his old lady just opened. But, there’s a catch.”Beverly rolled her eyes. “Of course, there is. What is it?&rdqu
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Chapter 17
            Beverly waited in the apartment building lobby for Bruce. When she saw the dark blue Bentley pull up, she knew it was him. She walked outside and down the stairs. She opened the door and quickly hopped in.            Beverly’s eyes widened at the sight of his muscles on display. Bruce must have gone home to change because he definitely wasn’t wearing a suit. He had on red shorts and a white T-shirt. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on his arms and legs. Nothing, but tan muscle. She wondered if he laid in a tanning bed or was it natural. She couldn’t see him getting that kind of bronze from a spray can.            He pulled off in traffic without saying a word.            She looked around inside the Bentley. &ld
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Chapter 18
            Bruce took Beverly to a gym three miles away from Brooklyn called Sweat 24. Bruce and Beverly had stretched and got on treadmills. Beverly had put on black biker shorts with a black halter top.  She power walked as Bruce jogged beside her.            “You’re on a state of the art machine and all you’re going to do is walk?” he breathed out.            “Yep. I’m not bouncing my tits all over the place for them to be sagging before their time,” Beverly answered bluntly.            Bruce snorted. Then, cleared his throat quickly.            She looked over at him.        
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Chapter 19
            They had finished their workout. Beverly directed Bruce to the underground parking garage. He got a visitor’s space a few feet away from the elevator.            Beverly couldn’t believe she was about to say what she was going to say to him of all people, but she was going to say it. “Would you like to come up for a drink?”            Bruce looked at his watch. “Sure.”            He actually said yes?            They got out of the Bentley. Bruce hit the key chain for the alarm as Beverly hit the button for the elevator. It didn’t take long for it to come down. That’s when Beverly realized it was a late weekday ni
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Chapter 20
            Bruce had been surprised when Beverly produced some toiletries for him to use.  She had put on a light spring trench coat over her nightie and power walked a block away to the drug store to pick up deodorant, manly soap, she figured hers be to girly for him, a toothbrush, shampoo and conditioner in one, hair gel, a pack of razors, and shaving cream. She had even splurged an extra forty dollars and got him cologne. Bruce had still been asleep when she got back. He didn’t even know she had left the apartment.Bruce seemed very grateful and offered to pay her back. “I insist. I don’t want to be a freeloader.”            “Okay. Just give me the seventy bucks after you shower and dress,” she said, giving in.            “Okay,” he said and
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