All Chapters of The Billionaire Groom (The Hudson Brothers Series 3): Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
68 Chapters
Chapter 31
            Saturday . . .             Eddie Balsom was escorted by a guard to the visiting area. From what he understood from the other prisoners, there were booths with telephones in the visiting room. Rows of booths with bullet proof glass between the prisoner and their visitor.            Since no one had ever visited Eddie he had never been in the room. It was exactly what the guys had described with white dingy walls.            The guard walked Eddie past other cuffed and chained prisoners who were talking to love ones and friends. There was a young broad guy with thick, brown hair sitting at the end of the room on the visitor’s side. His jaw looked like it was chiseled out of stone. It looked like he worked
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Chapter 32
            The weekend had flown by for Bruce. He barely got a moment to himself. He had woken on Saturday morning and headed straight for Rikers. Then he had lunch with Catherine and her parents. He had spent the night at Catherine’s condo. They had sex. It was limiting as usual, but good and he had gone to his room to sleep. Sunday, he had met his family at St. Joseph’s with Catherine in toe for mass. Then, they had lunch at the country club. Catherine had said her goodbyes and left the Hudsons for the rest of the day. The Hudsons had then returned home and had family time with the children in the living room for a few hours. Bruce had left them to work out for a while. Then he had showered and changed to join the family for Sunday dinner.            When he had settled down at night during the weekend, visions of Beverly played in his head - what they
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Chapter 33
            Bruce delivered a combo to the heavy bag at Sunshine Gym. An old workout friend, Glenn, was with him. He watched Bruce punish the bag and shift his feet. Bruce and Glenn had been on the wrestling team in high school. They still got together from time to time to work out and catch up.            “You’re hitting that thing like you’re mad at it,” Glenn commented. “Why don’t you give that thing a rest and tell me what’s on your mind?”            “I don’t have anything on my mind,” Bruce sneered and continued to punch away.            Glenn wasn’t as big as Bruce, but he still had a lot of muscle. “Like hell you don’t.”   &n
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Chapter 34
            After all was said and done, Trevor and Bruce had gone on like that afternoon had never happened. That’s how it was with the Hudson brothers. They fight like hell, make up, and acted like nothing had happened. What else could they do? They were a family.            In hindsight, Bruce realized he had lost control when he had gotten home and snapped. He had been unreasonable. Beverly and Trevor had been single at the time with no attachments. But, Beverly had that effect on him. The thought of another man – no matter who it was touching her made him furious. So furious he wanted to punch something or someone. So, he had.            He had almost exposed himself all because he had lost control. He shook his head at his own stupidity.Bruce stared at the ceiling as he lyed in b
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Chapter 35
            A week later . . .             Bruce had thought giving in to Beverly over the phone would cure his want for her. He had been wrong. If anything, it made him want her more. They had phone sex two more times earlier in the week. The last time he had told himself it was the last time. He had to get whatever it was that had infected his system out before he went down the road of no return. The second time he had called her just to talk and then the next thing he knew he was cajoling her to take off her night gown. The third time, she had called him wanting to talk and they had both given in.            It was getting to the point where he couldn’t stop thinking about Beverly – even when he was with Catherine. It wasn’t just wanting to have sex with
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Chapter 36
            Ten minutes after chatting with Bruce, Catherine, and Derek, Beverly went to the ladies room. When she came out, Keith was chatting to two women who looked to be in their late twenties. She decided not to interrupt. Beverly had made it clear to Keith when she had invited him along that he wasn’t going to get any poonani from her tonight. So, she was okay with him chatting up a few ladies who were going to give him some in the future.            She started looking for a waiter to get another glass of champagne. She wasn’t driving tonight.            A waiter approached her, but he wasn’t carrying a tray of drinks. “Ms. Balsom?”            “Yes,” she answered.    
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Chapter 37
            A few days later . . .             Bruce laid naked in bed with his fiancé beside him who was also naked. He was annoyed and humiliated.            “It’s okay,” Catherine soothed. “It happens to every guy eventually.”            “Not to me,” Bruce snapped and quickly climbed off the bed. He snatched his boxers off the floor. Deep down, he knew what was wrong, but it didn’t make what happened a few seconds ago any less humiliating.            “Have you been getting enough rest?” she asked softly as she covered her body with the peach colored sheet.    &nbs
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Chapter 38
            Two days later . . .             Yesterday morning The New York Times reported that Cameron Townsend, heir to Townsend Foods, was arrested for murdering his wife of two years and their unborn child. According to the article, Kelly Townsend, was found stabbed multiple times with a butcher knife. When police arrived, they found Cameron cradling his wife’s bloody body. With no signs of forced entry, the cops had no choice but to arrest Cameron. New York society was rocked by the news. No one could believe a man like Cameron Townsend would murder the wife he adored in such a violent way –especially while she was pregnant with his child.Bruce, Christopher, and Trevor were working out in the gym at the mansion. Courtney, the upstairs maid, walked in and stopped in her tracks.“I’m sorry. I di
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Chapter 39
            Three days later . . .             The dress and shoes Bruce had bought her had arrived yesterday late afternoon by carrier. He had texted her to see if they had fit, which they had. Beverly didn’t know much about the upcoming evening tonight. She just knew that she was supposed to be an ornament on his arm during a business dinner with foreign partners of his. That’s all she could be since she didn’t know a thing about real estate – much less international real estate.            Beverly had gone out that afternoon to get her hair and nails done. Judging from how Bruce was acting through their text exchanges, tonight was a big deal. She didn’t want to embarrass him. In the past, she didn’t care who she embarrassed by being herself, but
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Chapter 40
            They were meeting the Chinese at the opera house. Beverly had gotten over her fit and prepared for a boring four hours. Yet, Bruce insisted she would love the show.            The opera house was packed. Ninety percent of the people were in formal wear. Beverly didn’t spot any well-known socialites or businessmen, but she did spot a lot of celebrities; George and Amal Clooney, Meryl Streep, Lucy Lawless, and Jamie Lee Curtis just to name a few.            “Oh my god,” Beverly mumbled as she looked around at the A and B list celebrities. She wondered if she could get a quick interview with any of them.            “Would you like me to introduce you to some people?” Bruce asked like he had read her mind.
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