All Chapters of The Billionaire Groom (The Hudson Brothers Series 3): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
68 Chapters
Chapter 21
            A few days later . . .             It was Saturday night and Bruce treated Catherine to dinner at The Russian Tea Room. It had been months since they’ve been there. Plus, he wanted to make up for the night he had spent at Beverly’s and Catherine couldn’t reach him.            As the host walked them to their table, Bruce noticed his drinking buddy in a red booth. Beverly was snug as a bug in a rug next to Claude Benoit.            The interview, he remembered.            But, it looked more like a date. Claude’s gray eyes sparkled like he was a teenage boy. Beverly smiled and grinned, lapping it up. &nb
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Chapter 22
            Bruce liked having sex with Catherine. It was good, but it was also limiting. Catherine wasn’t much on foreplay. Stroking his fingers inside her was as much as she wanted and she didn’t want it for long. She didn’t like being on top because it made her feel self-conscious about her body. Catherine shuddered at the suggestion of him entering her from behind – no matter the hole. She only like doing it in the bed – anywhere else was undignified. The only positions she allowed him to put her in was on her side and missionary.            “Uh, that’s it,” she cried as he plunged in and out quickly. “Oh, yes. I’m almost there. I’m almost there!”            He hated it when she said that. Almost where? Where the hell are you
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Chapter 23
            Bruce opened his eyes with Beverly in his arms. Her head rested on his chest along with her hand over one of his pecs. They must have fallen asleep. He stretched his arm out to grab his phone. It was seven-thirty. He had slept past five a.m. again.            “Beverly,” he said hoarsely.            She stirred.            “Beverly,” he called again as he looked down at her.            She purred like a cat who didn’t want to move. Her hand slid down his chest to his abdomen.            Bruce grabbed her hand before she could drag it any lower. “Beverly,” he said loud
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Chapter 24
            Five days later . . .             Christopher and the VP of the architectural department had gone to Carlyle Enterprises to take a serious look at the building. According to Christopher, the building needed almost everything. It was thirty years out of date. The estimate was ninety million dollars. Christopher had padded the estimate because the plumbing was so old that it didn’t meet today’s building code. If they were going to renovate the building they were required by law to update the plumbing whether it was still worked or not. He had also taken the wiring into consideration.            “I can’t believe he let it go this long,” Bruce said.            “And I can’t
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Chapter 25
            Bruce was beyond annoyed. Two cab drivers had refused to drive him where he wanted to go. He had already gotten in the back of one cab when he had told the driver where he wanted to go. The driver had refused to take him. Bruce had demanded he get moving. The driver had put the car in drive and sat there like Bruce hadn’t said a thing. He had given up and got out. As soon as he had, the driver pulled off. His tires had screeched when he did.            The second driver had said if it wasn’t night time he would take him to that area. But, since it was night, he had refused.            Bruce waved down a cab that was coming up on the corner. The driver pulled over. He walked to the passenger side window. The driver rolled it down an inch.      &
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Chapter 26
            Beverly knew Bruce would like the wings and French fries. WestGlow had the best wings in the city, but very few people knew it.            “I have to admit that was pretty good,” Bruce said as he wiped his hands with wet naps.            “I told ya,” Margo slurred.            Cootie, two of his girls, Junebug, and Lee came over.            “Hey, guys. What’s up?” Deronda greeted.            “Sup,” Junebug greeted flatly.            Beverly made the quick introductions. Cootie and Bruce said th
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Chapter 27
            Seventy-something year old attorney, Jackson Milton, was roused out of his sleep by the phone ringing at his bedside. He opened his eyes to see his alarm clock said five-o-nine in the morning. He cleared his throat and reached for his phone. He had a regular landline. His cell phone was in the other room. Jackson hated that thing and avoided using it as much as possible. Being as old as he was, he didn’t grow up in the age of technology. When he knew he was going to be home, he had the calls from his cell forwarded to his landline.            Only a client would call this early or a family member calling about an emergency.            “Hello?” he answered sleepily.            “Who is this? Where&rsq
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Chapter 28
            Bruce and Beverly walked side by side down the steps with everyone behind them. They had all cheered with joy when he had told them that all the charges had been dropped.            “Ooo, look y’all a stretch!” Deronda shouted with excitement.            “I know you gonna give us a ride back to the Bronx, Bruiser,” Cootie said with expectation.            “Why not? I’m already two hours late getting any work done, may as well make it another two hours,” Bruce said with a shrug.            “Bruiser?” Beverly inquired as they all headed for the limo. “Cootie gave you a nickname already?” 
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Chapter 29
            Five days later . . .             Eddie was working out in the prison yard with a few guys from his cell block. He was in his late fifties, but he could still keep up with the twenty and thirty-somethings.            “Balsom!” a guard shouted harshly.            “Yeah!” Eddie answered.            “Your lawyers are here to see you!” the guard yelled.            The hell?            “Yo man, you didn’t tell us you got a lawyer. You tryin’ to appeal your conviction?
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Chapter 30
            Catherine was more than a little dry. She was stale bread. Yet, Beverly nodded and smiled as Catherine rambled on about things no one gave a damn about. It was like if she was introduced to having fun it would kill her on the spot.            Bruce is stiff enough as it is. He doesn’t need her help to become a drone.            “Beverly, Joanna told me you had just moved into the Alistaire apartment building.”            “I have,” Beverly confirmed.            “It’s a good building and the manager is excellent. Bruce picked him out himself. I’m sure if there is any problems the building manager will take care of i
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