All Chapters of The Billionaire Groom (The Hudson Brothers Series 3): Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
68 Chapters
Chapter 41
            Bruce had to call Ray on his cell to meet them behind the Metropolitan Opera House. Word that multiple celebrities were at the opera so paparazzi had swarmed the front of the Met. To keep from being photographed, Bruce, Beverly, and the Asians snuck out back. The Asians rode with them in the Hudson limo.            They chatted and enjoyed champagne from the minibar as they traveled to the Waldorf Astoria. Beverly had only been there once. It was to attend Selena’s rehearsal dinner and bachelorette party.            The photographers hadn’t made it to the Waldorf yet so they were able to enter through the front doors. The man at the door of the lounge checked for Bruce’s name on the guests’ list. He was on it. They had closed the entire lounge for the Clooneys’ pa
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Chapter 42
            It was Monday morning at the Hudson Estate. The household staff commiserated among themselves about what was going on with the general, also known as Bruce Hudson.            “So he really is seeing someone else?” Courtney whispered.            “Yes,” Winifred, the head housekeeper, confirmed. “William keeps finding lipstick stains on the collar of his shirts and handkerchiefs and the Van Dyke woman doesn’t wear red lipstick when she does wear lipstick.”            “He just doesn’t seem like the type to cheat,” Mandy whispered. “He’s so proper and stoic and . . .”            “Stiff?&rdqu
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Chapter 43
            It was four o’clock, Friday, and Beverly, Joanna, and Selena were at a diner in downtown New York. They were snacking on mozzarella sticks and onion rings.            “I hope I won’t spoil my dinner,” Joanna said. “Or wreck my diet.”            “Oh please, you look great,” Beverly said.            “Thanks,” Joanna said.            “So what’s been new with you?” Joanna asked.            “Nothing really. Just working and researching – rinse and repeat,” Beverly answered.      &n
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Chapter 44
            It was Saturday evening, and The Hudsons and The Van Dykes had just finished dinner and were now having cocktails in the den.            “In seven days it will all be official,” Victoria said with a big smile. “We’ll all be family.”            “I can’t wait,” Carlton Van Dyke said with a smile and sipped his brandy. “This is fantastic. You guys have to tell me what kind of brandy this is.”            “Actually, we have it special made,” Christopher said. “It’s . . . a Hudson brandy. The original recipe was created by our great-great-grandfather.”            “You don’t s
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Chapter 45
            Bruce had just removed his shirt. He was getting ready for bed. He had to get up early in the morning.            He exhaled like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.  Not only was he lying to Catherine, he was lying to his family – and her family. Christopher had quickly offered to go in Bruce’s place just in case something went wrong and he couldn’t make it back in time for the wedding. He was almost insistent on it. Bruce had talked him out of it by reminding his eldest brother that he didn’t know German. He had also added that he was Bruce’s best man. If something went wrong it would be just as bad if he didn’t show up either.            Victoria and Catherine’s sisters hadn’t been pleased, but Carlton and Stephen had calmed
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Chapter 46
The chauffer put Beverly’s bags in the black town car as she climbed in. She kissed Bruce on the cheek, greeting him. “Hi, hon,” she said with a smile.“Good morning,” Bruce said with a little smile.“Thanks for taking me to the airport – in style. You’re so sweet,” she gushed. She felt like a teenager with a huge crush.“I don’t know about that,” he said with a little amusement.“I do,” she whispered and kissed his cheek again.The driver got in the car and put it in drive.“I rather not leave right now, but . . . it’s taken me forever to track him down. I’ve waited to talk to Jim Davis for a long time,” she said.The driver pulled off.“I know. That’s why I’m coming with you,” Bruce said seriously.“What?”“I said I am coming with you,” he enunciated carefull
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Chapter 47
            Bruce couldn’t believe they had spent almost two hours at that god forsaken farm. The tour of the so called farm was nothing but swamp land filled with crocodiles eyeing them as the jeep with no cover passed by them. They even saw a snake that was longer than the width of the dirt path they had rode on. By the time the tour was over, the passengers’ clothes and hair were dusty and they were sweaty like they had to walk the three mile path in the blazing June Florida heat.            Beverly had bought a shirt and a shot glass out of the tacky store before they had left. Bruce had wanted to do a cartwheel when she was finally ready to leave. Once they had left the Glades, Bruce stopped for gas. Then they headed to the hotel.            When they arrived, Bruce walked to the front de
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Chapter 48
            The next day . . .             Bruce had fallen asleep in Beverly’s room with her in his arms. When he had woken up, he wondered how he had slept all his life without her in his arms at night. They had gone their separate ways for an hour to get dressed. Beverly had suggested Hardee’s for breakfast, but Bruce detested fast food. He had found the pizza last night barely tolerable. They had ended up at a local diner for breakfast. The food wasn’t half bad. They cruised around town in the rental truck looking at the sites. Then they had gone to the local theater to catch a matinee. The movie was so bad they left an hour into it.            As they walked down the sidewalk to get back to the vehicle, they stopped outside of a playground. Kids were on swings
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Chapter 49
Twenty-two years ago . . .             Eddie Balsom had just been laid off along with half of his department in the middle of a shift at the steel mill. The supervisor had said that he would bring them back on as soon as he could. Eddie had no choice but to grab his lunch box and head home.            His car was in the shop so he got on the bus. The bus stop was a block away from his house. It was a few minutes after nine o’clock at night and it was already twenty-eight degrees outside. The snow was six inches deep and another front was due to come in after midnight.            Eddie sniffed the snot back up his nose as he continued to walk home. His heavy Nick’s coat, matching sock cap, and black gloves didn’t do much to protect him from t
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Chapter 50
The present . . .             Katie Davis watched with sympathy, horror, and panic as Beverly fell apart in Bruce’s arms.  Beverly was still sitting in the chair – thank God or she would have keeled over. Bruce held her as he stood next to the chair. The girl sobbed and wailed like she was still a toddler who didn’t have her favorite bunny because Janie had put it in the wash.            Bruce had jumped out of his seat when Jim had revealed that Beverly shot that slime ball, George MacCovey, because he was hurting her father – and was coming at her.A scared and upset four-year-old with a gun in her hand? What did that idiot alderman think was going to happen when he started stalking toward the little thing like he was going to beat her, too?    &n
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