All Chapters of The Billionaire Groom (The Hudson Brothers Series 3): Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
68 Chapters
Chapter 51
Beverly had asked Bruce to take her back to New York, tonight. He couldn’t refuse her – not now. He had called the Hudson pilot on his cell as he drove back to the hotel once he had reception again.Several hours later they were on the Hudson jet, flying back to New York. Beverly hadn’t said a word since they had left the Davises’.  Her silence was starting to worry him. She had only taken a few bits of her meal on the jet.By the time they had gotten back to New York and her apartment it was after midnight. They had taken a cab from the airport because Bruce hadn’t wanted to waste time trying to arrange for a limo or a driver at the airport. He had to get Beverly home – where she would be comfortable.Bruce carried their suitcases inside as Beverly dropped her keys on the coffee table. The keys thumped on the table like they weighed a ton. She sat down on the sofa – quiet and poised. Bruce sat their suitcases down
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Chapter 52
            Bruce laid Beverly down on the black and white leopard print comforter in her bedroom. Then he straddled her hips and pulled his shirt out of his jeans. Bruce pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his bulging muscled chest sprinkled with brown hair and hard as a rock six-pack abs.            Thank God there isn’t a law against a man being this sexy.            His full thick bangs had swished to the front of his forehead, practically covering it fully when he had taken his shirt off. Beverly smoothed her hands up his strong thighs as he started to unbutton her light brown blouse. Bruce growled as he found the buttons hard to undo. If she had known what was going to happen in advance, she would have worn a different top.  The buttons on her favorite blouse were hard to bu
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Chapter 53
            Beverly’s eyes opened. She had fallen asleep on top of Bruce who was calling the hogs. She looked over at the clock on her nightstand. The hands read four-o-nine. It was still dark outside.She carefully rolled off Bruce. She didn’t want to wake him. Beverly got to the end of the bed and began to stand. Her thighs wobbled when she put all her weight on her feet. She caught herself on the bed before she fell.Damn. Then again, I had the best sex in my life over an hour ago. Beverly made her way to the bathroom, holding onto what she could on the way. She made it to the toilet. As she peed, she thought about taking a nice shower. It depended on if she could stand on her feet without holding onto anything. After relieving herself, she stood up carefully. Her thighs no longer shook, but they were a little sore – along with her pussy.She figured a hot shower would s
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Chapter 54
            Christopher and Trevor had decided to have lunch at home with their wives and kids today. They were walking side by side down the hall downstairs.            Bruce came out of nowhere and stalked into the living room, crossing their path. He didn’t even look in their direction. Then the doors to the living room slammed shut.            “He’s back a day early,” Christopher stated. “And he’s in a foul mood. I take it the trip was a waste of time.”            “He doesn’t get that upset over a deal falling through,” Trevor mumbled.            “You’re right,” Christopher said as he started toward t
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Chapter 55
            Wednesday morning . . .             Eddie Balsom was escorted by a court bailiff to his attorneys, Jackson and Dax Milton who were standing at the defense table waiting for him.            The bailiff removed Eddie’s handcuffs and walked away. Eddie was wearing a brand new three piece suit complements of his billionaire benefactor. Dax had measured him for a suit last week during their lawyer-client visit. At that time, the hearing was scheduled three months from now. Somehow the Milton father and son team had gotten the hearing moved up.Eddie sported a blue suit, a white dress shirt, matching tie, and Italian leather. The last time he wore a suit was when he was convicted – and what he wore didn’t feel like silk on his skin.When he had b
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Chapter 56
            Two days before the wedding . . .             Beverly hadn’t left her apartment since she had gotten back from Florida – since Bruce had torn her heart out and left. She hadn’t even bathed. All she had the inclination to do was drink alcohol and eat a little to keep from getting sick from drinking too much.            She wouldn’t even sleep in her own bed. She couldn’t sleep in the master bedroom without thinking about Bruce making love to her every which way but Sunday. She has been sleeping in the guest room or on the couch. On Wednesday, she had opened the closet in the guest room. Bruce had taken the clothes he had left there. He was really gone. The only clothes that were in there were Chuck’s.     
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Chapter 57
            Grayson had fixed Beverly two grilled cheese sandwiches and Isaiah had pumped coffee and water into her. It had actually helped. Grayson had ordered her to take a week off to get over whatever it was that had put her in a drunken state and to attend to her father’s affairs.            Beverly had jumped in the shower as soon as they had left. She had put on a pair of black slacks and a sky blue short sleeved blouse and a pair of black flats. Beverly wanted the clerks at the courthouse to take her seriously. She went easy on the make-up and pulled her hair back in a clip where her hair rested down her back.            She got the idea to call Jackson Milton. Bruce had said he got Jackson and one of his sons to work on her father’s case. She was about to pick up her cell when the doo
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Chapter 58
            One day before the wedding . . .             It was almost one o’clock in the afternoon, by this time tomorrow Bruce Hudson was going to be a married man – and he felt like he was going to regurgitate.            He looked around his bedroom. Other than a week’s worth of clothes he was leaving behind, all his personal items were in boxes stacked around the room. He knew he was going to miss living on the estate, but it didn’t really hit him until now. Granted, he would see his brothers at work, but he wouldn’t see his sister-in-laws – or his nephews on a regular bases. And the staff. Catherine had a housekeeper, who came in three times a week, but she didn’t have a chef and she wasn’t a very good cook. Two things Bruce loved
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Chapter 59
            Selena and Joanna rode in the back of the Hudson limo. They had just left Catherine’s bridesmaids’ luncheon. It had been at the New York Country Club. The food had been good and Catherine had given out the bridesmaids’ gifts.            Selena had received a silver antique mirror hand mirror. Joanna had received a custom made compact with her initials engraved on it.            The luncheon had ended an hour early when a freak fire had erupted in the kitchen. No one was hurt, but everyone had to evacuate and no one was allowed back in per the fire marshal.            “Selena, do you think the fire in the kitchen was some sort of a sign?” Joanna asked.       &n
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Chapter 60
            Bruce was sitting in the barber’s chair in the small barbershop room in the south wing of the Hudson mansion. William was giving him an Italian shave before the welcome party tonight. The normally had a barber come out to the mansion to cut their hair. His father had asked their mother to create one because going to the barbershop had started to annoy him.            William glided the blade down Bruce’s jaw. “I . . . have some news, sir.”            “I hope it’s good news. I could use good news right now,” Bruce mumbled. He didn’t want to move his face too much with a sharp blade on it.            “Hopefully, you’ll see it as good news,” William said and took the bl
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