All Chapters of My Always, My Forever: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
228 Chapters
Chapter 70 - His Hand Never Left Mine
Staying in Rai’s room proved to be more difficult than I had thought. Most nights, I couldn’t sleep at all, just sobbing quietly, thinking how usually Rai was there to hold me.   The time I could sleep, I always woke up frantically looking for Rai, thinking that his passing away was just a nightmare, and I’d go to Damian to wake him up to tell him about ‘the dream’. Damian had to tell me that it was all real, not a nightmare, and I would break down and cry, and he’d comfort me.   Other times I would wake up with so much anguish that I screamed out Rai’s name hysterically. Then Damian would come to my rescue again.   With me unable to sleep properly, Damian asked me to sleep with him instead in Rai’s room. I agreed with him, so I never spent the nights in Rai’s room anymore.   I thought sleeping with Damian would help, but it wasn’t the case. I still couldn’t sleep properly, and I couldn’t eat because
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Chapter 71 - I Wanted to Tell Him 'Yes'
After getting out of the hospital, I still slept with Damian. I still had nightmares and everything, but Damian was always there to soothe me, and everything would feel better.   One night I longed for Rai so much that I asked Damian to touch me.   “Damian.. Touch me.. Please..” I begged him.   “Are you sure, Baby girl?” He asked with hesitation in his voice.   “Yes.. Please be Rai tonight.. I need Rai’s touch..” I said as I began to kiss him passionately.   He only hesitated for a second before he kissed me back and touched me tenderly; he even called me 'Princess'. But I didn't want it. No matter how hard he tried to be Rai, their touches were too different. His touches ignited every fiber in my body that I always felt my inhibitions slipped away from me, making me wild with passion. In the end, I asked him to call me 'Baby girl' because I wanted him to love me as himself. He u
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Chapter 72 - Goodbye..
For the next few days, I helped Damian pack his belongings. He didn’t pack much since he had more things in the US. “I don’t have to pack anything, Baby girl. These things are the things I need when I’m visiting, so I can leave them here,” he told me. “Ohh..” was all I could say. I didn’t know what else to say. He then helped me pack my things. I didn’t realize I had so many belongings in his place - three suitcases were not even enough, that I had to borrow his bags. It seemed like I had moved all my possessions to his place. I guessed it wasn't a wonder with all the time I had spent at his place. “Damian, do you want to take Leah with you?” I asked him as we were packing my things. “I’d like to, but I think you need her more than me. You can take care of her, Baby girl,” He said as he looked at me. “Thank you, Damian,” I said softly. Even up to this point, he still thought about me, about my happiness. Having Leah with me would remind me of them, which would make me sad, but
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Author's Note: Chapter 73 Onwards!
Dear readers, Thank you for supporting Kat, Rai, and Damian until this far! Anyone gets teary during the last few chapters? It was hard for me to write those chapters.. I even shed some tears.. *sniffle*.. But yes.. The last chapter is the ending of Kat and her prince charming, her angel. But it's not the end yet.. Kat and Damian will meet again.. but will Kat finally be able to let go of the guilt she felt? Will Kat have a romantic relationship with Damian? Will they end up together? How about Damian's secret? It's still yet to be uncovered. Even Kat's demon is not yet fully disclosed.. Starting from the next chapter, it will all be about Kat and Damian (and stories about Rai too!), but I must warn you that it will be dark and ugly. It's not going to be as smooth and romantic as Kat and Rai's story. After all, Kat will be facing a devil instead of an angel, won't she? So be prepared for one hell of a bumpy ride with more conflicts and characters! PS: Please be mindful of Kat's
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Chapter 73 - Five years Later..
“Beep Beep”..   “Beep Beep”..   “Urgghhh..” I reached for my phone on my bedside table. I looked at it and saw that it was only 6 am, which I knew since I set the alarm myself though I wished I didn't have to. I switched it off and stretched myself. I could hear Leah barking beside my bed, and I scooped her up.   “Morning, Leah,” I cooed as she licked my face and ran around the bed.   “Are you hungry yet?” I asked her as I picked her up and set her down on the floor after some time.   I went to fill her bowls with dog food and water and went to the bathroom to freshen myself up. After that, I sat down at my home office. I looked at my phone to check any appointments I had for that day and any work I needed to do. I only had two meetings and nothing else regarding my work.   I sat back in my seat, looking at the photo of Rai, Damian, Leah, and me together that
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Chapter 74 - Seeing Him Again
“Hello, Rai.. How are you?” I whispered as I squatted down to place the bouquet I had brought for him.   “I’m so sorry that it took me so long to see you. It was hard to think about you.. about us.. and not cry. I cried nearly every day thinking of you. So I couldn’t come back sooner. I’ve promised I will come back when our memories bring me smiles. And now it has, Rai. I can finally smile when I think of you.. of us..” I smiled at his tombstone and stood up.   “Rai.. I still love you. Very much.. I can still feel your kiss, your touch, your hug. I still think about the way you smile at me, the way you look at me, the love you gave me, and I still long for them. I still wish that you are here with me. I still miss you every day. There is never a day I don't love you, Rai.” I whispered as tears rolled down from the corner of my eyes.   “But I know that you are not in pain anymore. So I can finally let you go, Rai. Yes, it
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Chapter 75 - A Magnetic Man
During the drive, Damian was silent.. and so did I. I was lucky that little Rai came along with us. He talked non-stop, telling us stories of the past two days he spent with my mom, how he met his cousin - my brother’s son - what game they played, and everything else. Damian and I listened carefully, giving answers here and there when Rai needed them. I had never seen little Rai look and sound so excited before. He seemed comfortable with Damian, even more comfortable than with Cole. It must be because I always told him stories about his daddy and Damian. Traffic was even more of a nightmare at this time of day. Damian decided that we should go to a restaurant to have dinner instead of a coffee shop so Rai could eat too. I agreed with him. When we reached the building where the restaurant was situated, it was already dinner time. I didn’t really notice where he brought us to until he parked the car and ushered us to the restaurant. Nearing the restaurant, I looked up to see it. I re
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Chapter 76 - Did He Kiss Me?
Yes.. I hadn't told Rai's parents about little Rai, but why did his words sound like an accusation? “I was going to tell them after today,” I said defensively. “Hmm..” was all he said. His expression was flat except for his eyes which wandered around my body. Suddenly I felt as though he was undressing me with his eyes, making me shift in my seat again. He must have known his effect on me as I saw the ghost of a smile on his lips, and I started to feel irritated.“Who is Cole?” he asked me suddenly. “He’s a friend from my Melbourne days. He came back after you went to the US, and we got in touch. He’s been helping me with little Rai,” I explained to him. I wasn’t going to tell him that I had a brief romantic relationship with Cole, nor the fact that I slept with Cole, but it didn’t really do anything for me. I had to fake it most of the time, as I had done with all the men before Rai and him. Even him sucking his thumb just now did more to me, more than what I felt when having sex
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Chapter 77 - Electrocuted
The next morning I woke up feeling dreadful. I didn’t know how to tell Rai’s parents about little Rai. I didn’t even know why I kept him a secret from Rai’s part of the family. How could I explain the reasons for hiding him when I myself didn’t know it?   It wasn’t like we didn’t keep in touch. I always called Rai’s mom every week and texted her often too. I told her about every aspect of my life - my businesses, how I was feeling, even when I was depressed, I would call her rather than my own mom. Rai’s mom was a great listener and advice giver. I even told her about Cole. Everything.. except little Rai.   How was I supposed to tell her that she has a grandson all this time, and I've been keeping him a secret? Guilt and shame washed over me. I had taken away nearly five years of little Rai’s life from them. I just hoped they would still love little Rai even if they ended up hating me.   I got off my bed and did my morni
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Chapter 78 - A Dangerous Beast?
Once we arrived at Rai’s parent's house, a servant ushered us into the living room. Little Rai was now even more comfortable with Damian as he sat on Damian’s lap. Somehow it made me smile yet saddened me at the same time. It showed that he needed a father figure in his life. It puzzled me too at how he seemed to cling to Damian, whom he had only known for two days. He never clung to Cole, whom he had known his whole life. I guessed Damian had a certain aura that appealed to kids.. or could it be because of the close friendship between his dad and uncle?    My thought was disrupted as I heard several footsteps coming toward us.   “Katarina, dear. How are you? You look great.” I heard Rai’s mom’s voice.   I immediately stood up, as did Damian.   “I’m great, Mom. How are you? And thank you for the compliment," I said as I kissed her cheeks.   “Couldn’t be better, dear. And Dam
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