All Chapters of The Wolf’s Bride: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
2008 Chapters
Chapter 21
The board members erupted in laughter. Everyone looked at Andrius like he was an idiot. Donovan was the second largest shareholder of the company. He was not the most powerful person in Sumeria, and there were indeed people who could take his place away from the city, but it was definitely not a mere assistant. “Shhh…” Andrius gestured to silence the laughing group. He then dialed a number on his phone. “The second largest shareholder of New Moon Corporation, Donovan Seaview… I want him out of the city for good.” “F*ck.” Donovan felt challenged. Even though Andrius was nothing but a clown to him, being disrespected by a mere assistant in front of other board members fueled his anger. He glared at Andrius and said with gritted teeth, “Boy, if you can’t make your claims come true today, I will make sure you crawl out of this place…” Ring! Before Donovan could finish, his phone rang. He answered it and heard an anxious voice from the other end. “Mr. Seaview, this is ba
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Chapter 22
“Such as smuggling from the local customs! If this got out, what do you think will happen?” Donovan jumped to his feet with a start. He pointed at Andrius with his shaking hand and cried, “W-who the hell are you?” It took Andrius one call to expose all of Donovan’s dirty dealings and secrets. No John Doe could have such capabilities to force a man to such desperation. If all the dirty secrets got out, Donovan would have to spend the rest of his life behind bars. Andrius smiled innocently at the nervous Donovan. “Mr. Seaview, I told you. I’m just an assistant in the CEO’s office, and I am here to threaten you people.” With that, Donovan’s phone continued to ring. The ringtone fueled his anxiety. He finally realized the ‘assistant’ was not joking! If he refused to cooperate, he would really lose his place in the city. The thought made his legs weak. He fell on the floor and started to beg, “Okay, okay! I’ll listen to whatever you say! Please stop this!” “I can, but you kn
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Chapter 23
“Now that I have everyone’s consent, then the Valiant Institute project will proceed according to my decision.” “Sounds great!” Seeing the smile on Luna’s face, Donovan and the other board members sighed a breath of relief. Luna was in a great mood. This was the most successful board meeting she had in years. No matter what suggestions offered or decisions she made, the board members supported her unconditionally. “Great! I think that’s all for today. Thank you, everyone.” Luna started to tidy up her documents before leaving. She accidentally caught a glance of Donovan and asked out of curiosity, “Mr. Seaview, is it the air-con? You’re drenched. Are you okay? Better take a day off and go see the doctor if you aren't.” Donovan was vexed by Luna’s sudden ‘concern’ about his condition. ‘Do I look like I’m sick? Open your damn eyes and look! It’s that assistant of yours who scared me!’ he thought inwardly.He gulped. Despite cursing endlessly in his heart, he forced an awk
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Chapter 24
After cleaning up the office, Andrius went outside and unlocked a scooter using the app on his phone. He rode it back to Dream’s Waterfront. Dream’s Waterfront was a high-end residential area, so no electric scooters were allowed inside. Andrius parked the scooter further away and walked into the neighborhood. When he arrived at the entrance of the house, he heard a little commotion. Athena was at the entrance, and she was smiling helplessly at him. “Athena? What’s wrong?” Andrius asked. “The decisions Ms. Crestfall made at the board meeting earlier somehow affected the uncles’ profits, so they came here to reason with her,” Athena explained. Andrius frowned. He heard two loud voices from inside the house, overpowering Luna. He knew Luna was at a disadvantage. They were not here reasoning but arguing with Luna! With the thought in mind, Andrius went in. His arrival attracted all the attention in the house. All of them shot a contemptuous gaze at him, especially the tw
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Chapter 25
Slap! Andrius gave Brent another hard slap. After being slapped four times, Brent’s face was badly swollen. “You peasant! How dare you slap my son…” Janet wanted to avenge her son but was deterred when she saw Andrius’ glare. Anxious, she turned to Luna and bellowed, “Luna, you little b*tch! How dare you order your peasant husband to slap your cousin? I’ll go tell your grandfather what you did! You will pay for this!” “Hmph!” Luna snorted as she argued, “You people come to my house with all this nonsense, and I can’t even defend myself?” “Besides, the decisions on the Valiant Institute project are all Grandfather’s ideas. If he finds out that you two are unhappy with his decisions and caused trouble at my place, what would he think of you two?” she expressed bluntly. “You…” Janet was tongue-tied. She tried to argue, but Andrius’ death stare deterred her. Knowing her disadvantage, Janet left Dream’s Waterfront with her son. Andrius wanted to stop them and make Brent ap
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Chapter 26
Sivon Grandola was a bar that specialized in all kinds of alcoholic beverages in front while being Dragon Gang’s discreet hideout in the back. The customers were mostly street thugs and gang members, but the bar welcomed a group of uninvited guests for the first time: the local police! Noelle was leading the raid. The investigation of the previous fight led her to the bar. The owner of the bar was the big boss of the Dragon Gang, Raphael Bambino. The man in the handsome suit had no tattoos on his body, unlike his men. He looked more like a businessman than a mafia boss. However, he was actually a ruthless man who did things mercilessly. “Captain Freely, we are running a legitimate business here. Is there any misunderstanding?” Raphael said gently to Noelle. “We got the news that your men are involved in the gang fight. We are here for an investigation and a possible arrest,” Nolle said strictly. “Very well. This way, please.” Raphael invited her in before he led the offic
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Chapter 27
In the blink of an eye, a dozen armed thugs were beaten to the ground. Andrius’ fists were as tough as iron. No one could get up after taking a punch from him.When Raphael sensed Andrius’ gaze, he broke out in a cold sweat. “You… Stay away from me! I have Castlerock Corporation and the Stormbrews’ support!” “I know.” Andrius approached Raphael with a frosty grin. “That is why I am using you to prepare a gift for the Stormbrews.” With that, he grabbed Raphael’s head and slammed it onto the ground. Bang! The boss of the Dragon Gang was killed just like that! Andrius went over to the unconscious Noelle and used her pager to request reinforcements. He waited until the reinforcements arrived before he left the bar. While he was on his way back to the office, Luna received a text on her phone. The men who ambushed her the other day were from the Dragon Gang. Luna frowned. As a Sumerian, she knew about the Dragon Gang and the underworld forces. Those people lived off their r
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Chapter 28
Luna frowned. She sniffed the air before she looked at Athena with a confused look. She was not a soldier, so there was no way for her to determine what smell it was. Andrius simply came up with an excuse. “Maybe I passed by the market earlier and got some chicken blood on my shoes.” “I suppose so.” Athena recalled Andrius’ disappearance when they were attacked by the eight men. If he was already terrified by a small group of attackers, how would he have the courage to kill someone or worse? Andrius breathed a sigh of relief. He did not want Luna to learn his true identity to save himself the trouble. After Luna and Athena left, Andrius went looking for Noir at Noir’s Workshop instead of going into the office. The workshop was Noir’s cover in Sumeria. He served as a technical instructor in the army before he was the captain of the Shadow Wolves. He could fix tanks on land, jets in the sky, aircraft carriers, and submarines in the water. He was probably one of the best mecha
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Chapter 29
“Uhm…” Andrius snuck a gaze at Noir. He then said loudly, “Captain, I have been here the entire morning.” “Yes, yes, captain. He’s been here the entire morning,” Noir echoed. “Andy came here to have a chat with me, and we’ve been talking since this morning.” “Are you sure?” “I am.” Noir nodded. Noelle pondered deeply. While the Dragon Gang was being annihilated at the bar, she was there, but she had been unconscious. Right before she passed out, she saw someone that resembled Andrius coming in. That was why she came to Andrius as soon as she recovered. However, she did not have enough evidence to prove it was him. “You'd better not cross the line or commit a crime. If not, not even Marcus Freely can save you,” Noelle warned Andrius before she got into her cruiser and left. Noir sighed. “Marcus’ daughter is really fearless. Why is she poking her nose into this?” “As long as she’s happy.” Andrius helplessly continued, “Three months later, we’ll be out of Sumeria a
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Chapter 30
The Northern Point construction site was located at the Northern Industrial Park of the city. New Moon Corporation was the contractor, and the developer was Mystic Woods Group. The chairman of Mystic Wood Group, Hendrick Mysticwood, accepted benefits from Castlerock Corporation’s Solomon to go against New Moon Corporation. In Mystic Woods Group's office, the chairman, Hendrick, dialed Solomon’s number. “Mr. Stormbrew, it’s me, Hendrick.” On the other end of the phone, Solomon asked, “Mr. Mysticwood, how’re things over there?” “New Moon Corporation wanted to close the projects here and collect all their funds. I’ve rejected it as you requested,” Hendrick said. “Hahaha. Nice one, Mr. Mysticwood. The funds I promise you will soon reach your account.” Solomon cackled. “Nice working with you!” Hendrick hung up the phone and started to smoke his expensive cigar. He tapped on his keyboard to bring up Luna’s picture on his computer. Looking at the beautiful woman on his scree
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