Semua Bab The Wolf’s Bride: Bab 41 - Bab 50
2008 Bab
Chapter 41
“What if I don’t want to drink?” Andrius glared at everyone present coldly. “Don’t want to drink?” Fatty Frank scoffed and then looked at the man beside him. “Pip, remind me, what happened to the last guy who didn’t do as he was told?” Pip simply said, “That guy is now a carpet in my house. Furry on one side, naked on the other. My friends thought I got a lousy bear rug.” Fatty Frank then asked another man, “Denson, how about the other guy? What happened to him now?” “Well, I haven’t heard from him in the afterlife.” The man then replied with a question of his own, “Fatty Frank, how about that guy who didn’t listen to you?” “Me?” Fatty Frank looked at Andrius and raised his voice, “I’m merciful. I put him into a bottle, soaked him with formalin, and offered his body to the university for research purposes.” Threats! Brazen threats! Andrius simply ignored them and wanted to leave the room when suddenly, the door flew open with a loud thud.Startled, everyone looked at the
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Chapter 42
Everyone turned around and saw Fatty Frank standing up. As though Angel saw a beacon of hope, she screamed, “Fatty Frank, save me!” “What are you going to do about, Fatso?!” Lothar linked his fingers and cracked them. The loud pops from the joints of his fingers made Fatty Frank flinch. “Lothar, let’s talk.” Fatty Frank bit the bullet and decided to negotiate with the man. He went up to him with a flattering expression and said, “We are all from New Moon Corporation. We can pay…” “What if I don’t want your money? I just want her today,” Lothar said. Fatty Frank’s expression turned bitter. “Lothar, please…” Thud! Lothar landed a kick on Fatty Frank’s stomach. Fatty Frank’s 100-kilogram body was kicked away like a ragdoll, crashing onto the table. The seemingly sturdy table broke into pieces upon impact. Fatty Frank struggled to get up while he coughed blood out of his mouth. Lothar did not hold back with his kick at all. Had Fatty Frank been any thinner, bleeding wou
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Chapter 43
The notorious Racer Gang leader was on his knees! He was actually kneeling before Andrius! The whole room was so silent that everyone’s pounding heartbeats could be heard. No one understood what just happened. Amidst their astonished gazes, Andrius stated, “I remember you. You were beside Jamire that night…” When he heard Andrius, Lothar forced a bitter smile on his face. He had been there when Jamire summoned his men at the Northern Point construction site to confront Andrius. He had witnessed the Lycantroops marching on them and the hundred tractors leveling the entire construction site to the ground. From that night onwards, Lothar had branded Andrius’ face in his mind so that he would never cross paths with the devil again. Now, the devil just declared that he remembered him. What else was more terrifying than that? Lothar gulped nervously. He roared, “On your knees!” He held the most power in the Racer Gang, so obviously, no one in the gang dared to disobey him.
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Chapter 44
Andrius nodded and feigned indifference. He just wanted to repay his master’s debt as soon as possible so that he could return to the Western Frontline. Women were indeed more difficult to deal with than the enemies of the country. He would rather throw himself on the battlefield to kill enemies than handle Luna’s unreasonable requests. Seeing Andrius’ quiet and timid reaction, Luna was satisfied with the outcome. “Andrius, don’t go anywhere tomorrow night. I want you to accompany me to dinner.” “What dinner?” Andrius asked. Luna glanced at him and said honestly, “Tomorrow is the Sumerian Business Guild’s annual dinner. Deputy Minister Alfred Hempton from East River State’s Ministry of Finance will be attending.” Andrius hummed a reply. Since he had a couple of drinks, he reeked of alcohol. He had a comfortable bath before he returned to his room and called Noir. “Noir, check out Alfred Hempton for me.” “Andy, Alfred Hempton is just a small fry, why do you want to know
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Chapter 45
After lunch, Andrius played games on the office computer to kill time. Soon, the day was over and it was time to clock out. Fatty Frank attentively said, “Andrius, why don’t I give you a ride home?” “No thanks.” Andrius clocked out and headed to the parking lot. Luna drove her Mercedes today, and Athena was in the passenger seat. When Andrius got into the car, Luna started the car and drove out of the parking lot. Ten minutes later, the car arrived at the White Swan Hotel, where the Sumerian Business Guild annual dinner was held. Luna’s father, Harry, was already waiting at the entrance. “Athena, wait for us out here,” Luna said before she brought Andrius in with Harry. The White Swan Hotel banquet hall was the grandest in all of Sumeria. It was divided into three segments: the inner hall, the center hall, and the outer hall. There were three tables in the inner hall, six tables in the center hall, and nine tables in the outer hall. The tables were already filled
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Chapter 46
Solomon burst out in laughter when he heard Andrius. “The Crestfalls don’t even qualify joining the guild or deserve to be here, yet you, the son-in-law, dare to speak out so boldly?” “Very well. I hope you can remember how your attitude and your tone are tonight, Mr. Stormbrew.” Andrius then joined Harry and Luna at the table. “Oh, I will.” Solomon scornfully glanced at Andrius. He then raised his voice and said, “Son-in-law of the Crestfalls, those are fearless words that you speak.” “Hahaha!” “The Crestfalls are not in the guild. They should be grateful for even sitting by the door." “The Crestfalls’ son-in-law is best to be a security guard, and sitting at the door is his rightful place.”The other guests echoed and ridiculed Andrius. Harry was furious when he heard the mockery. “Andrius, stop talking nonsense! Who gave you permission to speak?” Solomon had asked them to bring Andrius just so he could insult their family, but Andrius walked right into the obvious tra
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Chapter 47
If it was not to meet Master Hempton, being the proud man that he was, Harry would have left. It was then that Solomon came over and reluctantly stated, “Harry, you and your family are coming with me into the inner hall.” “What?” Harry was astonished. He asked incredulously, "We can go in?" “Yeah. Are you all coming in or not?” Solomon asked in displeasure. Right before Harry could say a word, Andrius said, “No.” Harry’s excitement was extinguished immediately. “Andrius, are you out of your mind?” Luna growled at him as well, “Andrius. Shut up! This is no place for you to speak!” Andrius ignored the father and daughter and looked at Solomon. “Mr. Stormbrew, did you forget what I say just now? I said once I sat down, you won’t be able to invite me in easily.” “Suit yourself. We are going in!” Harry said. Not everyone was qualified to enter the inner hall and sit at either of the three main tables. One must be influential and well-recognized in Sumeria because going ins
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Chapter 48
It was then that Andrius threw a glance at Alfred, stunning him. As a veteran in the business world for many years, he knew what the glance meant. Andrius had saved him but chose to leave in silence and did not even leave his name. He must be a man who does not care about vanity. It was understandable because skilled people usually liked to keep a low profile and stay away from the public eye. With that, Alfred switched his attention back to Harry. “It’s okay. Have a seat.” Harry and Luna were flattered by Alfred’s warm welcome. They were invited to sit beside him. However, the seat originally belonged to Solomon and his family, so how could he let Harry sit there? He started to say, “Master Hempton, this is my seat…” Alfred glanced at Solomon and simply said, “Mr. Crestfall and I click. We want to have a good chat. You can sit somewhere else.” “But…” Solomon tried to argue, but Alfred glared at him, forcing him to stop. The seats were prepared according to the numb
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Chapter 49
Luna returned to Dream’s Waterfront and had a comfortable bath. She then called her friend, Halle, and said, “Halle, we are in! We joined the Business Guild! And…” She told her friend how Solomon was embarrassed due to his arrogance. “That’s great!” Halle felt happy for her friend. “Now that New Moon Corporation is a part of the Business Guild, you will be able to get a lot more resources.” “Yeah!” Then, a thought rushed into Luna’s mind. “Hey, did you know that someone taught Hendrick Mysticwood a lesson for dragging out the Northern Point construction funds? Do you think that same person is helping us again to meet Master Hempton this time?” Halle pondered for a moment before she said, “Luna, is it possible that your lucky star is beside you?” “Beside me? Who could it be?” Luna asked incredulously. “Maybe it’s your husband,” Halle teased. “Impossible!” Luna refuted without a second thought. “Andrius is just some poor fellow from the countryside. How can he possibly
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Chapter 50
The next day, when Andrius woke up, Luna had already left the house. He grabbed some bread along the way to the office. When he reached Team Five’s office, Fatty Frank and the others immediately surrounded him with all kinds of food and beverages. For a whole day, Fatty Frank followed Andrius around and called him ‘boss’, which sounded more intimate than what he called his father. Before clocking out, Luna stopped by Team Five and called Andrius out. “Andrius, I am going to meet the people from the Business Guild tonight to sign the contract and also have dinner with them. You settle dinner yourself.” Luna gave Andrius some money before she spun on her heel. Andrius turned around with the money in hand and saw Fatty Frank and the others looking at him mischievously. “What are you guys looking at?” Andrius returned to his seat and glanced at Fatty Frank and the others. “Boss.” Fatty Frank got closer with a smirk. “I know a place. Why don’t we go have dinner tonight? My
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