All Chapters of The Wolf’s Bride: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
2008 Chapters
Chapter 51
With a hint of reluctance, Andrius helplessly followed Halle in. Roman Restaurant was known for being a diner that only served couples, so the decorations and interior were all related to love with roses being the main focus of the design. Andrius and Halle sat down in the center of the restaurant which was the most eye-catching spot on the floor. The table was shaped like a heart, and even the dual-compartment pot in the center resembled one when combined together. They sat opposite each other awkwardly. It was Halle who took the initiative to break the ice by saying, “Andrius, Luna told me about the Business Guild’s annual dinner last night. I assume that Master Hempton took good care of the Crestfalls because of you, didn’t he?” “You can say so.” Andrius nodded but did not explain further. Halle continued, “Then, are you the one behind the Northern Point incident as well?” Andrius continued to nod. Halle poured herself a glass of wine and said, “You should at least l
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Chapter 52
Annoyed, Halle glared at the man and declared, “We don’t need the money.” The woman leaned on the man’s shoulder and said in a saccharine tone, “Honey, she said she doesn’t need the money. It must be too little.” “Hmph!” The man opened his sling bag and pulled out another stack of bills. “Here, this is more than two months of your salary. Take the money and leave.” “You…” As an upper-class socialite, it was the first time Halle had been insulted with money, and it made her lose her patience. The receptionist came over and tried to intervene. “Madam, he’s the young master of the rich and powerful Hollands, Dick Holland. It’s not a good idea to go against him. Why don’t you and your boyfriend take the money and leave?” Halle’s expression changed when she heard the name Dick Holland. Every Sumerian had heard of him because he was the local bully. Dick was never particularly good at anything except wasting his family’s money on gambling and women. He was notorious because he
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Chapter 53
Halle tugged the edge of Andrius’ shirt and tried to convince him to leave. “Andrius, stop this farce. Let’s just go.” “Why?” Andrius sat down confidently and continued, “I want the owner to tell me if people like me, who have no money and no power, can dine here.” Halle’s lips pursed. She wanted to convince him otherwise, but her words were stuck in her throat. She knew that Andrius might be someone powerful, but Venus was not a Jane Doe either. In fact, she was more profound and mysterious, and even Mayor Freely was afraid of her. Halle could not understand why Andrius had the audacity to challenge Dick. Where did he get the confidence from? Five minutes felt like an eternity to Halle. Finally, the torment was over as the time was up. Dick glanced at his Rolex and said, “Punk, time’s up. You chose death, so don’t blame me for being rough.” Right before Dick could pull his phone out to call his men over, hurried footsteps sounded. The clacking of heels captured everyon
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Chapter 54
Dick was stunned. He stared at Venus incredulously and stammered, “W-what did you say?” “I said…” Venus inhaled deeply and raised her voice, “You are not welcome here at Roman Restaurant, so please leave immediately and never set foot here ever again!” “Venus, do you know who you are speaking to?” Dick revealed his identity. “I am Dick Holland, and my brother is Roy Holland! Are you seriously telling me to leave?” “This is my territory. Not even your brother has power here.” Venus gave the order to throw Dick out, “Please escort this man and his partner out.” Two ferocious security guards came over and dragged Dick away. “Ouch!” After Dick was thrown out of the restaurant, he turned around grudgingly and roared, “You f*cking b*tch! I will not forget this!” “He’s too noisy. Teach him a lesson.” The security guards went up and beat Dick up, silencing him completely. Dick left after being beaten up. He pulled his phone out and called his brother. “Roy, I was just beaten
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Chapter 55
Andrius’ information was classified as a national secret, but Venus’ contact was powerful and influential, and he was able to dig up some useful information. When Venus saw Andrius’ picture as the Wolf King, she shuddered and sweat profusely. “H-he’s the Wolf King!?” It explained why the Black Wolf of the Western Frontline would call her up himself and instruct her to meet Andrius downstairs. Andrius Moonshade was the Wolf King that commanded a million Lycantroops in the Western Frontline! With that, Venus swiftly went downstairs. She went to Andrius’ table and respectfully said, “Mr. Moonshade, Ms. Fullbery, how’s the food?” Halle was once again flattered and overwhelmed by Venus’ attentiveness. Before she could thank Venus, Andrius commented, “The food is okay, but the wine is exceptional.” “I’ll make sure we improve on that.” Venus bowed and handed Andrius a card. “Mr. Moonshade, this is our Diamond membership. It gives a 10% discount on all bills, and you can dine her
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Chapter 56
Venus pondered for a moment before she nodded and said, “Governor Holland, I can go in and call him out, but it is up to him if he wants to come out or not.” She then returned to Roman Restaurant. She went up to Andrius and said respectfully, “Mr. Moonshade. Roy Holland wants me to inform you to meet him outside.” “Hmph!” Andrius grunted “A mere military governor wants me to go out and meet him? Venus, tell him to get in here to see me right away.” Following his words, every other guest in the restaurant was shocked. “Is he trying to get himself killed?” “Roy Holland is the military governor of Sumeria. No one in the city dares to defy him.” “Is he a fool or a hero?” Venus knew Andrius’ identity, so she went back outside to Roy to deliver the message. Roy reacted bitterly. He had governed the city for many years, and this was the first time someone was disrespecting his command. Should the news get out, he would be embarrassed. “Hmph!” Roy grunted. Just as he was ab
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Chapter 57
The Wolf King of the Western Frontline! The fiercest commander that commanded a million elite soldiers, the Lycantroops! Many years ago, the Emperor’s driver accidentally offended the Wolf King, and he beat the man up in front of the Emperor’s ten elite bodyguards. Not a single one of them dared to stop him. If even the Emperor's top ten elite bodyguards did not dare to offend the Wolf King, his former subordinate would not either. Andrius looked at Roy indifferently and said, “Roy, your little brother called me powerless and poor and insisted that I shouldn’t be having dinner here. What do you think? Am I qualified to have dinner here?” Roy shuddered when he heard Andrius. “Sir, my brother was foolish to have offended you. I’ll bring him in and make him apologize to you.” Roy then signaled his men outside the restaurant. Dick then strutted into the restaurant. He had no idea what happened and simply believed that his brother had solved the little conflict. When he we
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Chapter 58
Back in the restaurant, Halle tried to find out who Andrius really was by baiting him with trick questions, but he did not fall for her traps. With all options run out, she had one last trick up her sleeve—making him drunk and then forcing him to talk. “Andrius, you drink ten glasses, I drink one.” Halle tried to force Andrius to drink using the most shameless way, but in the end, she was the one who got drunk. Andrius was fine, but Halle’s face slammed on the table with a loud thud. “Hello?” Andrius nudged Halle. Halle was out cold on the table. He was forced to carry her out of the restaurant. Then, he called Noir to pick him up. A while later, Noir came in his minivan. Noir grinned mischievously when he saw Andrius carrying an unconscious beautiful woman. “Andy, you are the man tonight! I see you had a lot of fun.” “Shut up.” Andrius glared at Noir and helplessly said, “This is Luna’s best friend, Halle Fullberry. She asked me out and tried to make me drunk…” “
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Chapter 59
Andrius went to Royal Garden to check on Halle and tell her to go home. When he opened the gate, he saw Halle walking around the yard. “Yo, you’re up early after a heavy night.” “Andrius? Did you send me here last night?” Halle asked when she saw Andrius. “Who else could it be?” Andrius rolled his eyes. Annoyed, he added, “If you can’t drink, don’t drink that much.” Halle was shocked. “You own the Royal Garden?” Andrius said indifferently, “Someone gave it to me.” Gasp! The Royal Garden was the biggest and the most lavish estate in Sumeria. A rich man from the capital bought it after it was completed, but then it was given to Andrius? It was said that the entire estate cost ten billion to build! Both the Fullberrys and New Moon Corporation’s combined net worth was not even one-tenth of the cost of the Royal Garden. Looking at the shock on Halle’s face, Andrius urged her, “Since you are awake, please go home. I have to go back to work, or else Luna will punish me aga
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Chapter 60
After lunch, Andrius took Fatty Frank’s car to the construction site. On the way there, Fatty Frank called Connor’s phone. To his surprise, Connor informed him that he would be waiting for him at his office at the factory. Fatty Frank looked worried. He asked, “Boss, do you think Connor is up to no good?” Andrius said, “We’ll cross the bridge when we come to it. Let’s see what trick he has up his sleeve.” Right!” With Andrius by his side, Fatty Frank gained confidence. “With Boss by my side, no tricks will work on us!” Andrius was amused. The two of them soon arrived at the factory. Connor kept his promise and was waiting for them in his office. However, behind the man was a group of buffed men, lined up neatly with their hands behind their backs, showing off their bulging pecs. They looked like they were about to threaten someone. “Yo…” Connor looked at Fatty Frank and teased him with a sardonic smile. “It’s just a relocation. Why did you bring someone with you? Wh
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