All Chapters of The Wolf’s Bride: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
2022 Chapters
Chapter 61
At the next moment, he was horrified as if he had seen a ghost. Andrius knocked out one man in a single punch, rendering the man defenseless. The other men jumped forward to surround Andrius. Andrius delivered a roundhouse kick that sent everyone flying backward with foam and blood spewing from their mouths. That single kick knocked out almost half of all their teeth from their mouths. The rest were horrified by Andrius’ explosive movements. Andrius tended to stay a low profile, but whenever he decided to act, it would be shocking. He jumped forward, knocking out the men with a punch each. In less than two minutes, every single one of the buff men was knocked out. “Freaking…awesome!” Fatty Frank was stunned. He prolonged his tone as his eyes shone with excitement. “Boss, you are the freaking God of War!” Connor was stunned. Andrius was fierce and swift, and he knocked out a dozen buff men in less than two minutes. However, he did not compromise just yet. Thirty mi
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Chapter 62
“T-then how much is it?” A hint of anger flashed in Conner’s eyes, but he dared not express it. Andrius bellowed, “According to the market price, your place is worth, at most, a million.” A million only? Connor was infuriated. He really wanted to toughen up and fight back, but he was losing in terms of power. With Andrius stepping on his hand, he could not fight back even if he wanted to. He was forced to accept the terms. “F-fine.” Andrius released Connor and watched the man print a brand new relocation contract. After he checked the amount and made sure it was a million, both Fatty Frank and Connor signed it. Fatty Frank had yet to recover from the blank state of his mind. He remained stunned from the moment Andrius dodged the bullet. Until Connor reluctantly pushed the contract and the pen to him, then he recovered his composure. He happily signed his name on the contract. Then, Fatty Frank and Andrius left the office. Fatty Frank said excitedly, “Boss, you are t
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Chapter 63
Connor knew the answer from the look on Jamire’s face. He grinned. “Jamire, I saw it today.” “What?!” “It’s freaking cool!” Then, he told Jamire what had happened earlier and did not exaggerate what had happened because it was already over-the-top. “Wait…” Jamire captured the point in Connor’s story. “Someone from New Moon Corporation?” After what happened at the Northern Point construction site, he was somewhat sensitive to the name. That terrifying man was from the New Moon Corporation. Could Connor be referring to the same person? Jamire’s expression shifted. He lost interest in the meat and the beer on the table and looked at Connor with an astonished look. “What does he look like?” Connor described Andrius to Jamire. Jamire shuddered. His expression changed as he said, “Connor, take my advice. Stay away from that man. Do you know about the hundred bulldozers leveling the Northern Point construction site? I was there trying to give the person a lesson and gues
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Chapter 64
Connor was already here? Luna narrowed her eyes. “Look what you two have done!” She glared at Andrius before she and Athena went out of the office. Outside the building, Connor was pacing back and forth anxiously, waiting. When Luna came down, his eyes shone brightly, and he strode over to her. Athena stepped forward and stopped him. Connor showed a flattering smile, but before he could say a word, Luna said, “Connor, I know it’s our fault that my men beat you up, but you’ve already taken the deposit and you’ve been dragging out on the relocation. That’s why my men were there to nudge you. “If you are here to take revenge or whatever, just do it. I’m not afraid of you.” Luna knew Connor was not a proper person, but she could not come out as a weakling. Connor was startled. He quickly explained, “Ms. Crestfall, you have the wrong idea. I’m not here because I was beaten up by your men. I signed the contract because my conscience told me I shouldn’t be doing this. It has n
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Chapter 65
“I got it! I got it!” Connor nodded repeatedly. “Thank you, Ms. Crestfall, thank you! I will be prepared for tomorrow!” Then, he had a glance at Andrius, and when he did not see any disapproving expression on the man’s face, he breathed a sigh of relief and got up. He apologized a few more times before he left in a hurry. Luna watched the man leave her sight as she pondered. When she returned to her office, she asked, “Andrius, tell me the truth. Why did Connor look so horrified when he sees you?” Andrius simply said, “Maybe he’s scared of me beating him up.” “You are the one who beat him up?” Luna was slightly surprised. She rolled her eyes at him and looked somewhat angry. “Don’t simply throw your fist at someone. Don’t forget you are still my nominal husband. I don’t want to be involved in anything unpleasant.” Andrius remained silent. Luna coldly grunted at his silence, “This is a lawful society. Things won’t get solved with a fist or violence.” Andrius did not
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Chapter 66
Connor looked serious in the video while he held his identification card in front of his chest as he explained the rumors in detail. The reporters were like sharks that sensed blood as they swarmed over to Solomon in the blink of an eye. In just a few seconds, the reporters had Solomon surrounded completely; Luna was left alone. “Mr. Stormbrew!” “What is your comment on Connor Rogers’ accusation?” “Mr. Stormbrew!” “Did you threaten and bribe, or instigate, Connor Rogers to slander New Moon Corporation?” “Mr. Stormbrew!” “The city council is targeting the gangs and they are serious about it. What is your opinion on this? Mind sharing some comments?” “Mr. Stormbrew!” The reporters treated Solomon the same way they treated Luna earlier. A barrage of ridiculous questions was fired at him ceaselessly. Solomon became the common target all of a sudden. He looked furious as he pushed the reporters away. “I, Solomon Stormbrew, have never and will never do such a thing. I
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Chapter 67
“Luna, how’s the progress on the Valiant Institute project’s funding?” Harry asked straightforwardly. The funding was their priority at the moment. The project was only moderately profitable, but it required a lot of investment and the timeline was tight. “I…” Luna’s expression turned bitter. “We managed to collect some debts from some leftover projects, but the gap is still huge. Plus, the project itself isn’t that profitable. The board members have started to voice their rejections, and we are having difficulties in gathering funds.” Harry knew what was happening too. He frowned and said, “If we drag it out, we won’t be able to give Mayor Freely an explanation.” He was worried about answering Mayor Freely. They had gotten the project after many obstacles, and if they could not initiate the project on time, what would Mayor Freely think? Harry suggested, “Why don’t we go get a loan from the bank?” Luna’s bitter look remained. “It’s not that easy. We still haven’t paid
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Chapter 68
The girl was in a dilemma. She had a professional medical team, but they were stuck in traffic and it would take them some time to get there. Her grandfather was in critical condition, and if what the man in front of her said was true, if something happened to her grandfather, even regret would be useless. Looking at the girl’s hesitation, Andrius added, “Every second you spent hesitating is putting the man in more danger.” Following his words and the old man’s pale face, the girl was scared. She said to Andrius, “Sir, please save my grandfather.” “Alright.” Andrius walked over to the old man and checked his pulse. Then he took out his bag of needles and stuck them around the old man's heart. Each needle he stuck into the acupuncture points was different in length and force. After poking all the necessary needles, Andrius’ hand skillfully and softly stroked the tip of the needle as if he was touching the strings of a musical instrument. Then, the professional medical te
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Chapter 69
“The sleeping giant is hiding his light under a bushel.” Suletta was surprised because it was the first time she had ever seen her grandfather praise someone so highly. Was the man that capable? The old man continued, "Suletta, find him and use whatever we have to bring him to power.” Those who knew the old man would be shocked by his words because he was none other than Anthony Henderson, the richest man in Sumeria. One word from him could change people’s lives or end them. He could easily ruin someone's life or vice versa. He wanted to bring Andrius to power not only because he wanted to repay the debt. He was of age and his body was no longer healthy. If he could befriend Andrius, he might not need to challenge death’s patience next time. Besides, bringing Andrius to power was also an investment to the Hendersons. Should Andrius rise to power one day, the Hendersons would benefit from it as well. This was the shrewdness of the richest man in the city. He was able to
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Chapter 70
Marcus recalled what happened at his birthday event. The Wolf King had told him to forbid Axel’s entry. With that, the Wolf King’s words sounded very intriguing. Andrius did not think about it. He just thought that Axel's status as a rich young master was not that stable, so where did he get the confidence to be arrogant? The two chatted for a while before Marcus got a call. He excused himself and left in a hurry. Andrius continued looking for Fatty Frank. …Back at Luna’s office, after Harry left, she made a few calls to her friends to ask for help. However, gathering funds for a project was difficult. Her friends told her there was not much of a solution, which fueled her anxiety. Then, Danni came into the office. “Ms. Crestfall, Axel Cloverfield is here to see you. He said that he’s here to talk to you about something important. Do you…” “Axel?” A hint of annoyance flashed on Luna’s face. The disgusting things Axel did at the mayor’s birthday event scarred her. Sh
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