All Chapters of The Wolf’s Bride: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
2008 Chapters
Chapter 31
“Just wait! Third Master Ringstone will get you!” Andrius was not bothered by Hendrick’s threats. Five minutes went by. Hendrick glanced at his Rolex and scoffed coldly, “Punk, five minutes are up. You failed to level the Northern Point construction site. You’re dead meat!” “Men!” With Hendrick’s shout, the security guards waiting outside the room stormed in. “Get him! Take him to Third Master Ringstone!” The security guards rolled their sleeves up before they tried to apprehend Andrius. However, right before they could touch him, rumbling noises sounded outside the window, followed by the ground trembling. Hendrick and his men frowned. “What’s going on?” One of the security guards then said, “Sir, there are a lot of tractors outside!” “What?” Disheartened, Hendrick called his men to go out. “Go have a look!” The group of them ran outside and were shocked by what they saw. A number of tractors were outside the construction site. The smoke that their exhaust
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Chapter 32
Third Master Ringstone and his men were stunned by the armed Lycantroops. “W-what is going on?” “Why are there so many Lycantroops here?” While they were astonished, the Lycantroops entered formation and pointed their guns at Third Master Ringstone and his men. Cling! Clunk! Third Master Ringstone’s men were so terrified that their choppers fell onto the ground. A few cowardly ones even wet their pants. The men had dominated in the Sumerian underworld for many years and had committed so many atrocious crimes without the slightest remorse, yet they were terrified by the Lycantroops. Noir walked up to Andrius and saluted formally. Both Third Master Ringstone and Hendrick were flabbergasted because the Lycantroops were here because of Andrius! They had finally hit a snag after so long. Thud! Third Master Ringstone’s legs turned weak, and he fell to his knees. His men knelt down as well and lowered their heads, begging for mercy. Third Master Ringstone gulped nervou
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Chapter 33
It seemed like Andrius had to pay a visit to the Stormbrews. He said coldly to the kneeling Hendrick, “Deliver the remaining payment to New Moon Corporation tomorrow and finish up the work here, or I will have your head next.” “Yes, sir. Yes, sir! I will!” Hendrick dared not talk back. Losing money was not as terrible as losing his life, so he was grateful to be able to breathe for another day. Jamire nodded repeatedly as well. “Sir, I will make sure Hendrick apologizes to Ms. Crestfall tomorrow, and I promise that everything will go on smoothly.” The two of them lowered themselves in front of Andrius and dared not even look him in the eye. It was only after Andrius and his Lycantroops left that they helped each other up. As soon as Jamire got up on his feet, he slapped Hendrick and roared, “Hendrick, don’t you drag me into this anymore! If you can’t get Ms. Crestfall’s forgiveness tomorrow, I will chop you into pieces and feed you to the sharks myself!” Hendrick dared
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Chapter 34
Hendrick immediately explained, “Ms. Crestfall, wait! It’s a misunderstanding! I was wrong to put you in a tough spot. I am sorry that I have offended you. The good sir has taught me a lesson last night. Please forgive me, I beg of you. “These are the funds for the Northern Point construction site. Not a penny less! Please have a look!” Hendrick waved his hand, and four bodyguards came over with briefcases that were filled with money. Hendrick then opened his own briefcase to pull out a document. “Ms. Crestfall, this is the land that New Moon Corporation offered to purchase the other day. I have told my men to make the necessary arrangements, and the ownership will be transferred to your company soon. Take it as a token of apology. “Ms. Crestfall, I hope I’ve done enough to make up for my mistakes. Please inform the good sir that I have done my part.” Hendrick held the document with both his hands and offered it to Luna who was completely dumbfounded. Hendrick had been arro
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Chapter 35
Solomon called Hendrick at the worst time possible. “Solomon, if you want to get yourself killed, be my guest, but don’t drag me into this sh*t! Don’t you ever come near me or I will strangle you myself, cut you into a million pieces, and feed you to the dogs. You piece of sh*t! I will not forget this!” Hendrick lashed out at Solomon through the phone. After burning all his bridges, he hung up. Solomon’s expression turned grim as the monotonous dial tone sounded in his ear. “Hendrick, you f*cker…” Furious, Solomon smashed the phone onto the table. The secretary tried to comfort him. “Sir, please calm down.” “I’ll calm your a*s down!” Solomon punched his desk with gritted teeth and bellowed, “Go find out what happened to Hendrick.” “Yes, sir.” The secretary sent some men out to investigate the matter and soon returned with an update. “Sir, the Northern Point construction site under Mystic Wood Corporation was leveled to the ground by a hundred bulldozers last night
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Chapter 36
Unbeknownst to Andrius, there was a sinister plan targeting him.After he woke up in the Royal Garden estate that spanned 14 million square feet wide, he washed up before heading to New Moon Corporation. He bought some bread for breakfast along the way. Suddenly, he saw a group of people. Upon a closer look, Andrius found that they were actually surrounding a pale elderly on the ground. The bystanders stood and watched, and no one offered a helping hand. Andrius squeezed through the crowd to the elderly on the ground. Just when he was about to take the old man’s pulse, one of the bystanders said, “Hey, his heart is not beating. Aren't you afraid that his family will blackmail you?” Andrius ignored the man and continued to take the elderly’s pulse. His heart had stopped and was in critical condition. It must have been a recurring condition that caused his collapse. If he was one minute late, the old man would have met his maker. Fortunately, Andrius was there, and the m
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Chapter 37
Should anything happen to Master Hempton in Sumeria, all of the political figures would lose their jobs. After a long and anxious wait, the doors to the ward finally opened. The group of political figures rushed inside and asked about his condition. “Master Hempton, are you feeling better now?” "I have some aged ginseng in my collection. I'll call my wife to bring it over for you." “Master Hempton, if you are feeling unwell, I’ll call my wife over to give you a massage.” Alfred simply smiled at their flattery. “Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate all of them.” A while later, the medical consultant came in with the records. All the political figures surrounded the doctor and asked anxiously, “How’s Master Hempton doing?” The doctor gave Alfred his medical records and said with a surprised look, “Master Hempton, the recurring condition that has troubled you for years is showing signs of recovery! This is a miracle!” Alfred looked at the medical records, and the
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Chapter 38
The name Castlerock Corporation surprised both Luna and her father. “Danni, what did you say?” Luna asked with furrowed brows. “Castlerock Corporation just sent us an invitation to the guild’s annual dinner!” Danni then put the invitation card on the desk. “The invitation to the Business Guild’s annual dinner?” Luna glanced at the invitation and was shocked. In previous years, Solomon had always found a way to keep them from attending the annual dinner, but this year, they received three invitation cards. What could have changed Castlerock Corporation’s mind? Harry held the invitation card in her hand and had a closer look at it. “There’s a stamp of the Business Guild on the invitation. It can’t be wrong.” Luna pondered for a moment before she asked, “Danni, did the representative from Castlerock Corporation say anything when they delivered the invitations?” “Yeah. The person who came by had a message from Mr. Solomon Stormbrew. He wants you to attend the annual dinner
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Chapter 39
“Got it.” A paunchy man in Team Five’s office hung up the phone. He lit a cigarette and took a strong puff before he looked at his team members. “Guys, Luna just called. She wants us to teach someone named Andrius Moonshade a lesson.” “Really? Hahaha!” “That punk must be really audacious to make Luna mad. We must teach him a lesson that he won’t ever forget.” “Nice. Let’s form a plan now.” The others echoed in excitement. Team Five of the Project Department was the infamous Trust Fund Team because they were children of the board members or high-ranking executives, yet none of them ever did anything properly. New Moon Corporation actually had a board meeting regarding these trust fund babies. The consensus was that they would rather spend money to keep them under control than let them go out to cause trouble. The fat man who was just talking to Luna on the phone was the team leader of the Trust Fund Team, Frank Cobalt, also known as Fatty Frank. A while later, knocks
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Chapter 40
Andrius picked up the glass and finished the liquor in one go. Fatty Frank and the others urged him. “Not bad, but there are nineteen more. Take your time.” People who were good at drinking were usually of age. Andrius was only in his 30s, so it was impossible for him to drink twenty glasses of strong liquor in one go. “Open your eyes and take a good look.” Andrius then took another glass and drained it within three short seconds. The liquor had an extremely high alcohol percentage. However, he looked fine after drinking two shots consecutively. Under Fatty Frank and the trust fund babies’ excited gazes, he reached out for the third glass. Andrius did not even pause when he drank the fourth. It happened so smoothly and naturally as if he was drinking water. “Four!” “Five!” “Six!” -“Nineteen!” “Twenty!” Soon, Andrius finished all twenty shots on the table. As he drained the last one to the final drop, he slammed it on the table with a loud thunk. Fatty Fran
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