All Chapters of Between the angel and the demon: TILL I DIE : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 Chapters
Hurt than hell
....."You know me, it's a lie, you see me, all illusion, you love me, am confused, you come close, I run!!!"......I watched him pacing round the room angrily, but oh Men, he didn't know that I was a whole lot angrier than he ever was...."What the hell was that shit all about" I yelled out angrily, as he immediately stopped pacing around, but I didn't darn care a bit....."What happened to the three feet rule?" I asked, staring at his muscular back angrily....."Oh!, you are more concerned about that?" He asked, as he immediately turned to my direction, with a frustrated look on his face, as I kept on staring straight into his eyes...."You're right, I really don't care about that shit" I blurted out, with my already folded arms, as I tried calming down, still looking at his tensed pathetic face, before finally giving him a glass of water, I sighted from a nearby table...."Drink" I instructed, handing him the glass of water, as I kept on staring straight into his light eyes blank
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Phrase 1: Emotions and Fears
....."I have thousand reason to die and many billions reasons to cry, but am still standing and I don't know why.........The ride home was a really quiet one, My hands kept on fiddling, and my poor head was banging me over and over again, God, I really feel like I was actually dying or something....I couldn't stop digesting everything that I just heard like a few minutes ago, as my heart kept on arching, Everything was just so frustrating, and oh, to top it all, the silence in the car was killing me completely...Well, it's not like I had wanted to say something to him or what, but still everything was just so strange...He wants revenge just like me, or was it that it was all a tricky act to come close to me, I thought carefully, as I stole a sneak peak of Charlie's blank expression, as his eyes were glued on the already dark roads...I really doubt his lying, Another thought came flooding in, as I fiddled with my hands frustratedly once again....I really don't know what to do, I
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Everlign High
..."Could all I've been longing for, be so easily to get, I really don't believe it"......."They are coming"...."What?"..."It's true"....."How do they even figure out"..."Don't know, just don't tell them anything"..."I...."They'll stop at nothing to get what they want"...."No, it can't be".."They want bloodshed, You have to stop them".."I'll try"........I walked angrily with my arms already folded, as my weary legs have already been arching for like an hour now, making me squeeze my face angrily...Oh shit, there are like a zillion restaurant at the lake side, and so far so good, this is going to be the third one am coming to now, I frowned as I kick the peebles, still so pissed off....Fuck, why on earth was that darn fool not specific, I thought to myself frustratedly, as I arrived at the third restaurant, that was also beside the lakeside, as a little frown slowly creeped up on my face....I hate to admit this, but I guess I was actually the bigger fool here, for not
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30 Days: You can't mess with me
....."Something's fishy somewhere and I don't know what it is, there's obviously something more to it than the eyes sees, but the more I try figuring it out, the more I end up becoming the sore loser.........I stared straight into his eyes, as my heart kept on wavering in doubt...."We may actually find nothing" I blurted out, with a mixture of fear and doubt, as I slowly watch him breathing a huge breath, before finally staring back...."Have you ever heard of the quote that goes, "It better to try and fail than don't try at all" He said, as I arched my eyebrows in both confused and uncertainty...."But still that doesn't guarantee we would find anything" I blurted out blankly, as my mind kept on wavering in doubt over and over again, but all he did was to give a little stressful smile..."That's the whole point, we may find nothing but we would at least try and have our minds at ease" His warm voice spoke out and I hate to admit this, but for the first time I could feel myself ca
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30 Days: Behind close doors, what do you see?
....."Behind the veil, we all have demons, but some are more murderous than the others.... Not some bluff, but a pure fact...."When faced with disappointment all over again, do you just back out, or struggle forward"....."CHARLIE'S P.O.V"....."What else do you know" Ivy's sharp voice sparked out, as I closely stared at Mrs Wilson strange tensed face, with my careful eyes...."Nothing else" She blurted out, almost too quickly, before once again staring at the blank document, as I could feel Ivy blood already boiling..."What the fuck do you mean by "Nothing else" Ivy roared out angrily, as I gently tried calming her down, before she actually just decide to punch me and that woman as well, right on the face....I stared warmly at her, before finally drifting my gaze back to our should I say "Informat" with a questioningly look..."I mean what about her address, where she lived, Parents, You must have knew something about those right?" I questioned, with my hands already folded up
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Love?, I know you not
...."Not all stories have their damn happy endings, and sometimes the ones that we actually claim to be "Happy", are literally the ones that lies the most shitty pain....So is love really worth it, huh?...."I want to go home" I mumbled under my breath with so much pain and anger, as I kept on staring blankly outside..."Am sorry it's didn't work out like expected" His warm voice called out, but still that didn't make me feel any less bitterness...No never!...I bet he doesn't even have an idea of the shit I go through every darn day because of those bloody bastards....They all fled after they made mom decide to end her shitty life, I ain't gonna spare them now, it's going to be either I die, or they will, either way, No one would ever make it out alive, No one...."Ivy....Are you okay?" His voice reluctantly pulled me out of my misery, as I kept on staring blankly outside the window...."Just drive" I mumbled under my breath, with so much lifelessness already in my bitter voice .
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What's all this shit
..."I hide from you, you seek, I run, you find, When I smile, you caused it, I hate your aura, but it slowly drive me crazy every cursed day, I think am slowly losing it, but still I don't want to stop, Not one bit, not ever...I tell my darn self I hate you, but I don't think it's true anymore..........I placed my confused face flat on my bed, as all my darn emotions slowly flush through me, ranking my poor weary head more and more...I just really don't know whether I should cry or just vent out my anger and frustration on every darn thing, I just don't know.....What's wrong with me, I tell myself, as I could feel anger flooding through me once again, cause we actually just failed to find out any little piece of information about my mother...I thought angrily, as I kept on squeezing my pillow heartlessly, until the feathers begin to pop right out from it coverings....And oh to top it up, that fool's words keeps ringing on my head over and over again, I mumbled angrily to myse
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Mission 1: I won't be a servant of you love
....."You don't own me, I control my own feelings forever, and that's how it always gonna be, so love....Just get the fuck off my hair and finally let me be.....I think am gonna murder him now, but at the same time I just don't wanna and sadly, I really don't know why?...Am I actually going nuts or what the hell is happening to me now..........I marched out of my room in full speed, swiftly down the stairs, as I kept on tightly squeezing the life out of my jumpers, well not that it actually had one or whatever....All I could feel was my head constantly racking of what to actually say to aunt this time around, I rubbed my forehead for a brief second, as I kept on skipping most of the stairs....C'mon Ivy, just act cool and make up something to leave without shivering like a little pathetic leaf, I could hear my inner self yelling out to me, as I slowly breath out a huge sigh of determination over and over again...Before finally arriving down the stairs, with my eyes already quic
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Phrase 1: Warehouse
....."You walk into the dark, you should be prepared....You never know what you'll see, your wildest pain could just eventually come through, So what you gonna do?........."Ain't you coming in" He said, as I reluctantly hopped into the car, with the obvious frown still glued right on my face, before finally buckling in the seatbelts uncertainly...I guess I'll never know, until I get there, I repeated blankly to myself, as my dull eyes slowly drifted outside the window, to brace myself for the uncertain ride......."Why on earth have you brought me here" I asked, without wasting any more time, as I immediately hop out of the car, before staring blankly at him, with my already folded arms..."Cause of my dad" He replied absentmindedly, as he kept on adjusting his black t- shirt, but I ain't got time to sit back and just watch him make himself all pretty again...Not a chance, I thought frustratedly, before staring back at him with my already pressed lips..."What exactly do you me
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The other face of hell
....."Whispers, all I hear is whispers, They're fading, it's so faint and then it's gone....I thought this would be a whole lot easier than I thought, but I guess I thought wrong, and now damn memories keeps on dancing on my face over and over again..What to do now?.........."Whatever, partner in crime" I said, rolling my eyes, as I could see the smile on his face growing wider, before he finally stretched out his hand to me, that I reluctantly accepted, before finally walking along....I uncertainly placed my hand on his, as he led the way boldly, but to say the truth, all I felt was suffocated...Damn, this was going to be the second time that I would be at his house, but I already felt like it's the hundredth...Men, I really hate this place, especially that shitty fool that's unfortunately living here...I swear if I as much set my eyes on him, then it's going to be a massacre....I mean, how does this Charlie dummy tolerate that fool Ryan over and over again, I thought for a
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