All Chapters of A PACT TO LOVE: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
198 Chapters
I knew William wouldn’t be able to disturb me anymore since I had left my phone in the room. I decided to go to the garden to read instead of the library because I knew that when he starts to search for me, the garden would be the last place he would check. The flowers in the garden had started to bloom and the scent of the assorted flowers surrounded me as I walked further into the garden. I rubbed my fingers on the petals of the flowers as I walked down the pathway with my novel in hand.I walked further into the garden and walked to the bench in front of the little fountain, my usual place in the garden that gave me a sense of peace. I settled down on the bench and stared up at the trees and transparent covers above the bench. I opened my novel and indulged in my murder mystery world.I was so lost in my novel that I didn’t notice someone was approaching from behind me. I felt the hands of the person on my shoulder and let out a scream, jumping and shutting my book in fright as I
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I stirred awake to the sound of the slow patter of raindrops landing on the windows making a thumping sound. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, getting out from under the duvet, I positioned my feet in my slippers that were placed beside the bed. I timidly walked over to the window opening the drapes a bit, to look out. There’s always something so peaceful about watching the rain, I have been doing this every time since I was younger. I watched each delicate drop fall on the window racing one another to get to the bottom end of the window.I continued to watch the world outside as it rained, lost in its unique beauty. After a couple more minutes, I walked back to bed, kicking off my slippers, tucking myself under the duvet, as I laid back down, my skin accidentally brushed William’s and I sat up immediately, shocked at the heat radiating from him. I stretch my hand and place it on his forehead, to feel his temperatureShit! He was burning up badly.I picked up my phone from the side table
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I stirred awake feeling the warm rays of the sun on my face, I opened my eyes slowly, I was still in my position from yesterday and my neck was hurting due to the way I slept.I don’t even remember falling asleepI gazed round the room and finally landed on William. I place my hands on his forehead and his body temperature had reduced a bit, it wasn’t as high as it was yesterday night. Why is the sun coming in? Shit! What’s the time?I sat up straight and glanced at the clock that read seven a.m.Was Lance locked outside? I asked myself. My eyes landed on my phone, I stretched and retracted back almost immediately, favoring the shoulder I hit on the bed frame yesterday night. It was hurting more than it did yesterday. I walked over to the other side of the bed picked up my phone, unlocking it to read a message from Lance. The message was sent at five a.m. he was informing me that he be able to come on time but he’ll be here before eight.I decided to wash my face and brush my teeth
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“What the hell is that?” He asks as I walk towards him with his food. Lance dropped off the meds earlier.“Your food,” I say stating the obvious and handing him the tray.“You call that food?” He asks giving me a blank look.I nod. “Yes, I do. Enjoy your yummy breakfast, I’ll be back soon.” I say leaving his room and walking to mine. I stripped out of the pajamas I was wearing earlier and I stepped under the shower head releasing a sigh as the warm water cascaded down my body. What a hectic period these past few days have been!After showering, I changed into a sweatpants and shirt since I was going to be taking care of William all day. I applied the cream Lance gave me to my shoulder. If I was told months ago that a day would come when I would have to take care of Mr. Arrogant, I wouldn’t have believed it.How did my life become like this?William was done with his breakfast by the time I arrived in his room, I handed him his pill and a bottle of water and watched him swallow his me
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Henry stood outside of the office building and opened the door for me as Cedrick rolled the car to a stop at the entrance of the building.“Thank you Cederick, Hello Henry, I hope I haven't kept you waiting for long?” I ask.“No, not in the slightest, this way.” He says, leading me to the elevator. I glanced back at the receptionist’s desk, Stacey sat there talking to a visitor or employee, I couldn’t really tell from where I was. I shook my head as I recalled my first encounter with her.We got on the elevator and Henry pressed the button that would take us up to William’s floor. I exhaled deeply as the door closed, taking us up from floor to floor. The door slid open at William’s floor and we walked out, my heel making a clicking sound each time it made contact with the floor tiles as we walked over to William’s office. Henry opens the door courteously for me and I walk in and Henry walks behind me.“You can have your seat on his office chair,” Henry says pointing at William’s offi
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The office door opens again and I raise my head from the desk, glancing at Henry as he walks in.“Cedrick is at the entrance. Would you prefer he goes to the private parking lot?” He asks.“Nah, the entrance is fine,” I say, getting up to follow after him. We walk down the hall and I get on the elevator while he stands outside.“Good day, Mrs. Armani.”“Thank you, Henry, enjoy the rest of your day at work and I’ve told you to please call me Bailey.” He gives me a small smile as he waits for the elevator door to shut taking me down to the lobby area before going back to workI sighed staring at my reflection on the elevator walls. I slowly rotated my arm and tried massaging it since it was aching pretty badly.I need to apply that balm again once I get back to Williams's house.The elevator door slides open and I straighten myself as I walk out of the elevator door.“Have a blessed day, Ma’am.” The security says as he helps me open the car door.“Good day.” I greet him as I get in and
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I watched him as he made his way over to me rather slowly, compared to the way he usually charged at someone.“I don’t have all the time in the world,” I say with a snarky tone.Why I said that I don’t know.He stops walking. “Do you want my help or not?” He asks and I mumble to myself not answering him audibly.He came to stand directly behind me making me freeze unconsciously, I felt my stomach tighten by how close he was. “I don't want to see you near this room after this now give me the damn balm!” He orders as he stretches his hand.I hand the tube over to him and watch him as he unscrews the cap and squeezes a small amount of the cream onto his fingers before closing it and handing it back to meWilliam has never been so close to me as he is now. Without warning, I felt him place his fingers on my back, rubbing the soothing balm in such a delicate way. Despite the coolness of the balm, I could still feel the heat of his fingers and his hand. He went lower, applying a little bit
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I woke up the next morning, earlier than usual, I stretched while sitting up. I slid on my slippers before making my way down to the kitchen, running my hands through my hair lazily yawning. I open the cabinets to get all the ingredients I’ll need to make breakfast. I added some milk, flour, vanilla extract, and 4 eggs into a bowl and mixed them all together to make my batter and I got started making the breakfast“I am slightly worried about Mario and Agatha, they haven't been coming over to work lately, I hope they are fine”, I thought to myself as I flipped the last pancake onto the stack and I cleaned up the area afterward, I placed the plate of freshly made pancakes and a water bottle on a tray to take up to William.I wish he'd go back to work soon.I walked into the room and placed the pancakes on the table beside him, glancing at his sleeping form. William and I have come a long way, from someone who used to be so cold to me to letting me take care of him even if he makes it d
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I shut the door behind me and decided to go to the living room, I don’t think I’ve ever stepped my foot there aside when I gave myself a welcome tour. I haven’t even seen anyone here watching the TV, there are so many things in this mansion that William hardly uses. I switch on the TV and settle on the chair comfortably, scrolling on Netflix for what to watch.I finally found a show to watch and settled for it. After a few episodes, I stretched the muscles of my better arm, rose from my seat, and casually strolled off to the kitchen in search of something refreshing to eat while I continued watching the show I’m now hooked on. I pulled the fridge door open, to bring out a juice carton, and poured myself a glass. I pick out a pack of cookies before shutting the fridge door and making my way back to my show.I push the door and almost bump into William, what was he doing on the other side of the door? At least the content of my glass didn’t pour on him this time. He glances at the Item
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I woke up the next day, yawning and rubbing my eyes sleepily, I glanced at the time on the clock and it read 6.20 a.m. I quickly realized that William wasn’t on his side of the bed. I reached my hands out to touch his side of the bed, it was no longer warm, which indicated that he had been awake for a while.Argh, don't tell me he was actually thinking of going to work. I can’t win with this manSpeaking of the man, William walks out of his closet, dressed and ready for a day in the office.“Where are you going dressed like that?” I asked even if I knew the reply to my question.He turns to me briefly, not expecting me to be up yet “Where do you think?” He asks as he places his cufflinks on his wrists.“You aren’t supposed to be going to work yet.”“I’m fine. I’ve been away from work for too long. I’ve missed a lot of work, I can’t afford to keep on missing work like this. I have a launch coming up and slacking is not allowed, my father was not supposed to go in my place to that meeti
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