All Chapters of The Doting Bigwig: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
100 Chapters
Chapter 91
"Ms. Jett, our building management is the best in Emperia. There's staff available 24/7 to fix any problems you may have. The security detail is excellent, too."The agent opened up all the floor-to-ceiling windows of the building, letting the noon sunlight stream in.Though there was still a lot of spare junk around to clean up, it still couldn't hide how perfect an office space this place would make. There was even a supermarket downstairs. This was truly the perfect spot."Look here, Ms. Jett. If you look out from here, there's the Domestic Trade Center to the east and the National Convention Center to the west. It's a really strategic place.""It really is," Willow agreed.She stood before the window, picturing how cozy the office would be once she started her new company.But the reality was she still really needed to consider her options.Willow stopped daydreaming and said, "Is it possible to lower the rent more? It's too high for me.""I'm sure you've scouted many other
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Chapter 92
Right when Willow was fuming, her phone rang."What did I just say? Don't contact him! There's no point calling me. Do you really want me to cut you off?" she yelled.The speaker on the other end was silent for some time before a woman's voice responded, "Ms. Jett?"Willow was stunned for a moment. She only recovered her senses when she saw that the caller was an unknown number. "I'm so sorry. Who is this?""Hello, I'm Ellie Moore, Theodore's stepmother."Willow's grip around her phone tightened instinctively. "Can I help you with something?""Are you free right now, Ms. Jett? Why don't we have a chat in person?"…Willow gazed at the middle-aged woman sitting across the table in the café. She asked respectfully, "May I know what you called me here for?"It was clear the woman had a really good skincare routine. Her makeup was elegant yet delicate, and she was dressed in a refined manner. She wore no jewelry save for two ruby ear studs. Her demeanor was elegant but deliberate.
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Chapter 93
"What are you smiling at?" Ellie's brows furrowed when she saw the smile on Willow's face.Willow composed herself. "I'm curious. What right do you think you have to pay me off? Are you Theodore's mother? His mother is still overseas, as far as I recall."Ellie's expression froze.Willow continued, "Does he know you're meeting me today?""Sara Bowman is the one who told me to come here. Do you know who Sara Bowman is? She's Theodore's grandmother, matriarch of the Bassett family.""How does that have anything to do with me?" Willow's expression didn't change at all. "Firstly, I'm afraid you don't have the right to try and pay me to leave. Can you even pay me if I ask for a high amount? Did Madam Sara give you that authority?""You!""Secondly, thank you for the reminder. I've decided to rent the office building near the ITC.""What?" Ellie stiffened instantly.Willow didn't give her even a second to speak. She pulled out her phone and made the call to the property agent. "I've
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Chapter 94
Theodore wasn't irritated at all.Beside them, Clark was surprised at this. He returned to his senses when Theodore shot him a look. He then left the room silently."Have some tea, Mrs. Jett." Theodore poured a cup for Helen. "The weather hasn't been the best these past few days. What brings you here?""I brought you something to eat." Helen excitedly laid out the container of food she'd prepared. "I specially made these braised ribs for you, Theodore. There's also some chicken noodle soup. They're both really good for your health. You should eat healthier with how hard you work. You're too skinny."Theodore smiled faintly. "Thank you for taking the trouble to come all the way here. It must've been a long trip.""No trouble at all. Willow really is a dense woman. You've helped her so much, yet she's always so distant and ungrateful. As her mother, of course I'd be concerned. She's a stubborn woman, so don't mind her.""She's a good person," Theodore responded."You think she is?
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Chapter 95
The street lamps in Emperia lit up one by one as night fell.Willow stormed out of the neighborhood. She stood still to rest from exhaustion after walking along the street for who-knows-how-long. The more Willow thought about how Ellie had insulted her earlier today and how her mother had gone to find Theodore unabashedly, the more she got angry. She kicked a nearby tree.Her mother's reckless actions had brought her so much trouble in the past.The sudden blare of a car horn made her look up. A black luxury car slowly came to a stop beside her. Its back window rolled down slowly, revealing the man inside.Theodore?Willow was stunned.Theodore glanced at her before saying, "What's wrong? Why are you out here at this time of night venting your anger on a tree?"Willow's brows furrowed. "Why are you here?"Clark's voice rang out from the front seat. "Mr. Bassett's just dropped Mrs. Jett off at home. He was about to leave when he saw you out here."Willow gritted her teeth.S
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Chapter 96
Willow got out of the car and thanked Theodore through the door. "Thank you.""You're thanking me? Your mother brought me food.""Not for that. For the office building."Theodore's brows furrowed slightly.Willow nodded in the car's direction before turning back to walk into the neighborhood.Theodore sat back in his seat, thoughtful. "When did she figure out about the building?"Clark was curious, too. "The agent said Ms. Jett called to agree to the contract this afternoon. The agent wondered why she'd confirm it so soon, too."Theodore's gaze grew solemn.When Willow returned home, Helen had already left.Willow spotted the sliced fruit left on the coffee table. A note under it read, "Remember to eat more fruits. It will oxidize and lose its quality if left out for too long. The ribs and soup just need heating up before you eat them. Don't leave it uneaten for too long."Willow's eyes suddenly filled with tears.Helen was on the bus going back home right now.Her phone bu
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Chapter 97
The next morning, Willow contacted a renovator to refurbish the office building."Not many changes need to be done besides fixing the walls. The building's office fixtures are still new. Most of them are usable right away.""How long will it take for you guys to finish everything?""Oh, very fast. We should be able to install everything within a week."Willow was discussing the renovation layout with the contractors when a familiar male voice sounded from the door."Willow.""Matthew?" Willow saw that Matthew had come by and told the contractors to proceed first. She then went over to Matthew. "What brings you here?"Matthew was dressed in a suit and had a briefcase in hand. He was the epitome of male elegance right now. "I just finished a meeting with a client nearby and decided to stop by. How's the renovation going?""Pretty smoothly. It's a good thing Joey recommended this contractor to me. They're very reliable."Matthew's eyes glinted. "Joey recommended it to you?""Yea
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Chapter 98
Night fell.Theodore had just returned to his office after a meeting.The moment he set his phone on the desk, he received an anonymous text message. There was nothing but a photo included."These are today's meeting minutes, sir. Do … " Clark stopped when he saw Theodore's expression. "What is it, Mr. Bassett?"Theodore set his phone down. A photo was on his screen.Clark curiously peered at it, only to find it to be a photo of two people eating in a restaurant. One was Willow, and the other was Matthew Evans, the lawyer who acted as Willow's counsel in the prior lawsuit."Isn't this Ms. Jett and Mr. Evans?" The moment Clark said this out loud, he realized something was off and quickly shut up. He carefully observed Theodore's expression. "They're just having a meal, sir. Maybe Ms. Jett has something she needs to consult Mr. Evans with."How bold of Matthew to set his eyes on the woman Theodore Bassett was interested in.Clark shivered lightly. Theodore never showed his emotio
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Chapter 99
"Clark?" Willow stared at the man who was paying his bill at the cash register. "You're having dinner here too?"Clark smiled forcefully and greeted, "Ms Jett."Willow instinctively glanced behind him. "Is Theodore here too?""Oh, no. I'm here alone for dinner."Willow heaved a sigh of relief. She said with a smile, "What a coincidence to meet you here."Clark nodded politely. He then greeted Matthew, who stood behind Willow, "Mr. Evans."Matthew waved hi.The three people then left the restaurant.Clark said, "Getting a cab at this hour won't be easy. Why don't I drop you off at Marldosa Gardens, Ms. Jett? It's right along my way back."Matthew stopped him. "No need. I can drive Willow home.""You live west of the city, don't you, Mr. Evans? It's pretty far. It wouldn't be convenient for you. You don't have to be so courteous," Clark replied."You sure know a great many things, Mr. Arden. Along the way or not, I'm obligated to make sure Willow reaches home safely since we h
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Chapter 100
Theodore's brows furrowed lightly."Ms. Jett didn't want to go home, Mr. Bassett. She insisted I bring her here," Clark reported from behind Willow, a pitiful expression on his face. He was worried Theodore would get angry at him.Theodore waved his hand gently, setting down a pot of tea on the coffee table. He said gently, "You're just in time. Have some tea with me."Willow's brows furrowed as she strode forth. "Don't you plan to explain yourself to me? Why did your assistant show up when I was having lunch?"Clark silently left the room, closing the door in the process."Would you believe me if I said it was a coincidence?""Coincidence, my ass!" Willow gripped her bag tightly. She would've tossed her purse right in Theodore's face if she wasn't still being reasonable. "This isn't your first time stalking me. Do you know how inappropriate this is?""When was the first time?""At the Japonian restaurant! Did you forget?""You sent me your location that time."Willow was at
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