All Chapters of The Doting Bigwig: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
100 Chapters
Chapter 51
"Mmph—"Theodore's kiss seemed to be filled with a strong sense of masculine hormones, and it was very invasive. He did not give her any chance to react at all, and it felt like he was trampling all over her senses.Willow's brain felt like it lacked oxygen. As he penetrated deeper, her chest heaved as she tried her best to gain the basic level of oxygen that she needed to stay alive. The sound of footsteps outside dragged her thoughts back on track, and she began to struggle. However, she did not dare to make too much noise, as she was afraid that people would notice something amiss. "Let … let go of me!"She squeezed out the sentence between pants. She felt both ashamed and angry. However, there was no strength in her voice, and it sounded as if she were pleading with him instead.This time, Theodore had no intention of letting her off easily.His hand roamed all over her body, and he was rough, as if he wanted to crush her into pieces.He bit her sharply on her lips. "Ou
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Chapter 52
The next day, Willow received a call from Quentin."You haven't forgotten about the project meeting today, have you?""Haven't you already handed the project over to Sonia?"On the other end of the line, Quentin gritted his teeth as he said, "Are you pretending not to know, or do you really not know? The amended project agreement from Bassett Corporation clearly states that they will only acknowledge this project if you manage it. They will not accept a change in personnel.""Oh? Then change to another project.""Is there any point in saying that now? Don't forget that you're also a shareholder of Strand Real Estate. Will ruining it do you any good?"Quentin's tone was harsh, but he could not hide the worry in his voice. Willow knew him too well. He would never have called her if he had any other choice. It must have been pressure exerted by the collaborating party. Willow said coldly, "I can attend the project meeting, but I have one condition.""Go ahead.""There has to
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Chapter 53
"It was three years ago."Willow dug her nails in harder when she heard this. "How could that be? You hadn't even graduated three years ago, and you weren't in the company!"The most important thing was that she and Quentin had been newly married three years ago. Sonia laughed triumphantly. "Is it very strange? I've never said that Quent and I met at the office. That's just what you assumed."At once, there was a ringing in Willow's ears. Images flooded her mind, and everything she had been dismissing became obvious signs. "Willow, I think we need to hire new people. You need a capable assistant to work with you.""I think we should do campus recruitment at the universities in Emperia.""We don't need to go to the best universities. We can just find a nimble, intelligent one from one of the colleges. It's a secretarial position anyway, so I'll be satisfied as long as they can take care of you well.""Honey, do you think there's anyone suitable from this batch?"Two years ago
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Chapter 54
In the office, someone had grabbed Sonia by the hair and was slapping her violently."Mom!"Willow's expression changed, and she hurriedly rushed to pull them apart. "Mom, what are you doing here?"It was Helen. "You shameless slut! My daughter trained you to be her secretary, but you climbed into my son-in-law's bed! You're just a classless lowlife!"Someone helped Sonia up. Her clothes were torn, and there were red scratches on her face. She clutched her face and stomped her foot in shame and anger."What do you mean by that? Quent and I being together isn't a one-sided thing! It was a mutual decision, and your daughter got cheated on because she's old and undesired by men!""How dare you speak such nonsense! I'll tear your face apart!""Mom." Willow grabbed her mother. "Stop it.""Don't be such a coward! She's already at your doorstep, and you're going to get divorced! You were keeping it a secret from me! Don't try to stop me!"Helen refused to listen to Willow. "What'
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Chapter 55
"Mr. Bassett, these are my personal affairs," exclaimed Quentin. "Your personal affairs have obviously affected the discussion of the new project."Theodore's statement left Quentin unable to refute him. He let go reluctantly and glared at Willow. "If Mr. Moss refuses to cooperate, then this isn't the end!""Who are you yelling at?" Helen roared, "You animal, how dare you be so arrogant after having an affair!""Mrs. Jett!" Quentin raised his voice. "If you keep making trouble here, I will get security to throw you out! I can call the police on you for violence, you know?""Call the police? I'll make the police tell you who's right!""You're completely unreasonable! You crazy woman!""Quent, don't waste time with them. I'll call the police right now." Sonia took her phone out. "Hello, police, I …"Before Sonia could finish, Willow strode up and plucked the phone out of her hand. Then, as everyone watched, she tossed it into the fish tank. "What are you doing?" Sonia scre
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Chapter 56
Willow said, "What's the use of saying that now?""Willow, do you really want to get divorced?" asked Helen. "Yep.""Why don't you reconsider? I think Quentin still has feelings for you, and no riff-raffriff raff outside can compare. Besides, if you get divorced, how are you going to live by yourself? This isn't a joke."Willow was impatient. "Mom, I can decide for myself. Please don't interfere.""Can't I just give a suggestion?""You should go home."Willow tried to hail a cab to send Helen home. It wasn't easy to get a cab here, but a black car stopped in front of them after a while, and the back seat window rolled down. Theodore's handsome face appeared in the car. "Where are you heading, Mrs. Jett? I'll give you a ride.""It's okay." Willow refused without thinking. "I'm asking Mrs. Jett." Theodore nodded at Helen. "It's pretty hot today, isn't it?"Helen was plump, and she was already sweating profusely from standing under the sun with Willow. When she heard him,
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Chapter 57
Willow returned to the hotel at noon. She had just reached her room when she received a call from Helen. "Willow, I'm home. Don't worry, Mr. Bassett sent me straight to our doorstep."Helen was acting as if nothing had happened, which angered Willow. She said sulkily, "What do I have to be worried about? You got into his car. Why didn't you ask him in for dinner?""I did, but Mr. Bassett seems busy this afternoon, so I asked him for dinner this Saturday.""What?"Willow could not believe her ears. "Mom, do you know who he is? He would never agree to come for dinner at our place.""He already did.""He agreed? That's impossible.""Why is it impossible? No matter how important someone is, they still need to eat. They can't just survive on air. Besides, didn't you tell me that Mr. Bassett sold secondhand cars?""I …" Willow was flustered. "In any case, I've already invited Theodore, so remember to come home this Saturday. Cedar is at home for the holidays, too."Willow felt
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Chapter 58
The court session was set for Friday. On the day of the court session, Matthew met Willow in advance. "If they really decide to make the driver the scapegoat, then we won't be able to threaten them with the material that we currently have. They may say that the assets of Strand Real Estate are all premarital property. The situation doesn't look good.""If that's the case, then what should we do?""If that really is the case, we can appeal to the court to investigate Quentin and even the entire Strand family. We have reason to believe that he transferred marital property. However, if we do so, this lawsuit will be dragged out for a long time.""How long?""The shortest time will be three to five months; at the longest, it will be one or two years. It's hard to say."Willow frowned, and she clenched her fist involuntarily. She had been too naïve. She had handed over all her property to Quentin for safekeeping during their marriage, and she didn't have much money in her account
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Chapter 59
There was a series of knocks on the door. Theodore looked up and saw the woman standing behind Clark. She looked very refreshing in blue and white. She wore a white, puff-sleeved blouse tucked into her blue, high-waist jeans, and she carried a beige-colored bag. Her mature and minimalistic style made her look effortlessly elegant. "Mr. Bassett."The formal greeting jolted Theodore out of his good mood, and he frowned slightly. Willow entered the office, and Clark tactfully closed the door behind him. "Mr. Bassett, I came here especially to thank you. Thank you for helping me.""I'm tired of hearing that all the time. I'm not helping you. I'm helping myself.""Huh?" Willow could not understand. Theodore asked, "What plans do you have for the future?"Willow thought Theodore was asking her about work. She said seriously, "Although I've left Strand Real Estate, I'm still the one who signed on for the project with Bassett Corporation. I will continue to take responsibility
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Chapter 60
Theodore's gaze swept coldly over Hailey. "What did Grandma ask you to send over?"Hailey gritted her teeth but maintained her smile while looking at Theodore. She raised the lunchbox in her hand. "Grandma's worried you're not eating well, so she asked me to send you lunch.""Leave it."Hailey took a deep breath and she started opening the lunchboxes one by one in front of Willow. "Theo, these are all made according to your taste. Especially this soup—Grandma taught me how to make it. Try it!""Really? Then I should try it."Hailey didn't even have time to be happy. Theodore stuffed a fork and knife into Willow's hands right before Hailey. "You haven't had lunch yet, have you? Have some."Willow was shocked, and so was Hailey. When the secretary in the doorway saw this scene, he slowly backed away, eager to avoid the bloodbath. Willow's lips twitched. "It's fine, I'm busy. I …""Theo wants you to try it, so try it. I made a lot, anyway." Hailey pretended to be generous, and
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