All Chapters of The Doting Bigwig: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
100 Chapters
Chapter 31
"Don't move." Theodore's cool voice reverberated in Willow's ears, making them buzz.They were in such a small space that she couldn't move even if she wanted to. As she pondered whether kneeing him would be considered repaying his kindness with cruelty, Theodore spoke.He said, "I told you to press on your wound without moving, didn't I?"Then, he tugged the handkerchief out of her hand and pressed it to the wound on her neck. This took Willow aback. It was fortunate that she hadn't had the chance to knee him yet."Uh … it's not bleeding anymore," she said."Are you sure?"Willow followed Theodore's line of sight and looked down to see that fresh blood had already trailed down her neck, dying her white shirt crimson.She yelped, immediately feeling the pain in her neck. It was stronger than before. "I'll do it myself, Mr. Bassett.""Forget it. Just stay still." Theodore's tone was firm. It was as if he didn't believe Willow could handle herself. He didn't give her a second cha
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Chapter 32
"Huh?" Willow's expression changed. "Your house?"Before she could ask why Theodore had brought her here instead of to the hospital, he'd already strode toward the villa. As he walked, he asked, "Is Terence here yet?""Dr. Roth arrived ten minutes ago. He's been waiting for you in the living room."Willow was still stunned to the spot. A maid reminded her, "It's cold outside, Ms. Jett. Hurry up and head inside. Dr. Roth is waiting for you."She returned to her senses and followed the maid into the villa. As she walked, she took in her surroundings. The land was expansive, and the villa was one of the top ten most luxurious ones in Emperia.Willow couldn't believe she'd ever had the honor of stepping foot here. It was all thanks to Theodore, too.The maid led Willow into the villa."Terence." Theodore's cool voice rang out.A man standing before the display shelves turned around. He wore a white doctor's coat, which accentuated his tall figure. He'd been admiring the items on th
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Chapter 33
Before leaving, Terence glanced at Willow. Then, he reminded Theodore, "I can only tell you to toe the line when it comes to certain things. Otherwise, you'll only be causing trouble for yourself and others if word gets back to your grandmother."Theodore frowned in response. Once he left, Willow wanted to leave as well. "It's already 11:00 pm. I've got to go. Thanks for today, Mr. Bassett. I—""You'll stay here tonight," Theodore cut her off crisply. She was taken aback."You must be joking, Mr. Bassett." She was grateful and touched that he'd saved her, but that didn't mean they had to take their relationship to another level.Willow also didn't think Theodore was obligated to interfere in her matters. "Look, it's getting late, so let's leave it at that. I'm going to go, Mr. Bassett."She didn't want to get any more entangled with Theodore than she already was. She got up to leave. But before she'd even stepped off the wool carpet, he grabbed her by the wrist and tugged her to h
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Chapter 34
"Is it necessary to be so excited?" Theodore looked at Willow expressionlessly.It took Willow a while to settle down. "Look, I'm nothing but an older woman and a divorcée to boot. What is it about me that you like?""We're well-matched.""How so? How long have we known each other? Do you even know me?"Theodore looked up at her. "What do you think?"Willow faltered. Her face burned as she suppressed her roiling emotions. She continued stubbornly, "Mr. Bassett, you need to try these things a few more times before you truly know whether someone is right for you."How do you know I'm the best for you if you haven't compared me to anyone else?""Are you saying that we need to try a few more times to determine whether we're well-matched?""No, that's not what I mean!" Willow saw it now. Theodore had a way of molding the conversation to his liking whenever they talked.As they continued speaking, it would become apparent they'd deviated from her initial purpose. No matter how thing
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Chapter 35
"It's because I don't want to let our relationship go, of course. Do you really think it's necessary for us to take things so far?" Quentin said."Yeah," Willow said bluntly.Quentin was taken aback. Then, he said anxiously, "When did you become like this, Willow? You never cared about these things in the past!""I didn't care in the past because we were married, and I was the general manager of Strand Real Estate. I care now because I'm Willow Jett." Willow had always been rational. Every bit of obedience and tolerance she'd had had been given to Quentin during their marriage.She'd trusted him not because she was a fool but because she felt that trust was imperative for a strong marriage. But things were different now. She was no longer restricted by anything. She was only Willow Jett."I've already had a lawyer draw up the newest property settlement agreement. It should be delivered to your company by this afternoon. Everything else is the same as before, except for one thing—I
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Chapter 36
"You really didn't need to escort me, Mr. Bassett. Quentin wouldn't have dared to do anything to me in broad daylight," Willow said while seated in Theodore's car. She never expected him to wait for her outside the café."You're overthinking this. It's on my way," Theodore said.On his way? This took Willow aback. It seemed she'd thought too highly of herself this time.Clark had to have the worst timing ever. From the driver's seat, he asked, "Ms. Jett, where are you headed?""Baker & Associates, thanks." She belatedly realized something as soon as the words were out of her mouth. Earlier, she hadn't told them where she was headed. How would Theodore know it was on his way?But Theodore was currently leaning against the back seat with his eyes shut and arms crossed. He looked completely at ease. Willow swallowed her doubts.She'd never been able to understand the reason behind his actions. Who knew what went on in his mind?Clark drove steadily. They quickly left the concrete j
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Chapter 37
"Did someone drop you off here?" Matthew asked."Oh, yeah. A friend." Willow didn't elaborate. "Did you see the things I sent to you this morning?""Yeah. Let's talk upstairs." Matthew retracted his gaze. He led Willow upstairs so they could discuss the lawsuit. "If I'd known something like that would've happened, I would've sent you home myself. I'm sorry you had to go through such danger. Are you okay?""Yeah. I just had a few minor injuries," Willow answered.Matthew's expression darkened when he saw the gauze peeking out from underneath her silk scarf. "I can't believe Quentin resorted to abduction and threatening you. Does he dream of ending up behind bars or something?""I don't think he'll likely get sent to jail. He can just push everything on Sonia. At most, he'll be locked up for a few days. Anyway, I don't want to make too big a deal out of this," Willow said."Got it. I'll try to get you the best compensation."As they spoke, Matthew's phone rang. He frowned after ch
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Chapter 38
Outside the office, Matthew's secretary led Willow to the lounge. "You can take a break here, Ms. Jett. I'll get you a cup of tea.""Thanks. Wait!" Willow stopped her and glanced at Matthew's office. "Does Joey drop by often?"The secretary shook her head. "No, this is her first time. Mr. Evans is usually very busy. He doesn't receive friends at the firm. I didn't even know Ms. Lane was his friend."Willow looked thoughtful. "Got it. Thanks.""It's no problem. Please, have a seat."After the secretary left, Willow scrolled through the photo album on her phone. She took a while to get to photos taken four years ago when she'd graduated from college.One of the photos was of four people—she and Joey wore graduation robes and held bouquets. Matthew and Quentin stood on either side of them.Willow had only learned about Joey having a crush on Matthew after graduation. She'd been wanting to talk to Joey about it, but Joey was a workaholic. She'd been busy as well, so they hadn't had
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Chapter 39
"Hello? Mom!" It was too late. Helen had already hung up on Willow. The latter tried calling again, but the call went unanswered.The cab had already arrived at the entrance to the neighborhood. When Willow exited the car, she saw Gina and Helen standing together. Helen was as excited as she'd always been; she gestured emphatically."Mom!" Willow ran over to her."Willow!" Helen held her, still smiling brightly. "C'mon, I bought you a watermelon. Let's go home so we can enjoy it."Helen obviously still didn't know a thing about what had happened."Forget about the watermelon, Mom. Come with me." Willow wanted to pull her away, but there was no way Gina would let the opportunity to mock them slip."You shouldn't act like that, Willow. Your mother's only concerned over you. Look at how she came over in such scorching temperatures to deliver a watermelon to you. Why are you driving her away?""Exactly. Willow's always busy with work and may not have much time for household matters.
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Chapter 40
"You're talking nonsense!" Helen's face turned red from anger. Her blood boiled, and she charged forward, grabbing Gina and preparing to strike. "I'll shut your filthy mouth!"Gina had never encountered such a situation before. After receiving several slaps, she couldn't help but scream.Suddenly, Stephanie appeared out of nowhere and shoved Gina to the ground. "How dare you hit my mom?""Mom!" Willow hurried over to support Helen. The latter was trembling with anger and couldn't utter a word. In a few seconds, her eyes rolled back, and she fainted in Willow's arms.Seeing that, Stephanie didn't dare to approach. She shouted, "She attacked first! I was just acting in self-defense for my mom. This has nothing to do with us."After that, she grabbed Gina and left.Willow's eyes were red, and she kept calling out to Helen, "Mom, wake up!"More and more people gathered to watch."Quick, call an ambulance. It looks like a stroke.""Yeah. Hurry, take her to the hospital."Willow fu
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