All Chapters of The Doting Bigwig: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
100 Chapters
Chapter 11
Willow protested, "No, you can't!""Willow!"Before Willow could push Theodore away, Sonia burst into the room. Quentin was still waiting outside. Through the open door, he saw how close Theodore stood to Willow."Mr. Bassett?" Quentin felt like he'd been cuckolded. He strode into the room, looking frosty."You guys have got the wrong idea." Willow gave Sonia a pointed look. She tried to stay calm as she took a few steps back, putting some distance between herself and Theodore.She'd yet to get evidence of Quentin and Sonia's betrayal. There was no way she could let them bite her in the ass first."The wrong idea?" Sonia greedily took in Theodore's handsome face for a while more. She tried to suppress her jealousy.Then, she turned to smile at Quentin. "Maybe Willow really has something important to tell Mr. Bassett. It's just weird, seeing as they were alone in here …"Willow's expression turned frosty. Sonia's words were putting her in a tough spot. A man and a woman were alo
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Chapter 12
Willow announced that she still had a meeting to attend. Quentin left with mixed feelings. Naturally, Sonia hurried after him.After they got into the car, Sonia leaned against Quentin's chest. "Don't you think something's up with them, Quentin?""Let's leave it for now. I'll get the answer someday." Quentin narrowed his eyes. Then, he pinned Sonia to the seat and vented his frustration on her.Sonia responded with great enthusiasm, but a trace of menace flashed in her eyes. It looked like she had to put her guard up!…As the night fell, the rest of the employees gradually left the company. Only when everyone was gone did Willow lead the people she'd contacted into the building."Ms. Jett, where do you want these hidden cameras installed?""In the office over there." Willow led them into Quentin's office and had them install the cameras in locations that weren't easily noticeable. Then, she downloaded the app on her phone and connected the cameras.When she was sure the camera
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Chapter 13
"Alright, then. One week." Theodore didn't want to push Willow any further. He gave her a pointed look before turning and leaving.Willow sighed in relief. She couldn't help muttering to herself about how domineering he was. She leaned against the wall, taking in Theodore's faint scent, which had yet to fade. For some reason, it made her heart race.At that moment, a sneaky figure was hiding around a corner of the road opposite them. They used their phone to record the interaction between Theodore and Willow.They only put their phone away in satisfaction after Theodore and Willow had left. As they looked at the photos they'd taken, they sneered.They'd finally gotten some dirt on Willow. They would make Willow suffer in the future!…When Willow returned home, the first thing she sensed was the oddly tense atmosphere in the villa. Gina and Stephanie were seated on the couch. They couldn't even be bothered to look at Willow when she walked into the living room.Willow was obviou
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Chapter 14
The main reason that Gina could make Quentin listen to her for so many years was that she knew where to draw the line. After a moment of consideration, she nodded at Wendy.As she headed downstairs, she glared daggers at Willow, hating her gorgeous face. Quentin was still a man. It was normal for him to be temporarily bewitched by a vixen.It didn't matter. She was still the matriarch of the family! Once Quentin was sick of Willow, she would have to go back to being pushed around by them every day.Willow watched Wendy put her things before walking into the room, feeling satisfied."Willow." Quentin wrapped his arms around her from behind. He pressed his lips to her neck and murmured, "You said you didn't wanna leave me, right? I promise I'll satisfy you tonight."Disgust surged in Willow. Women really needed to learn to treat themselves better. She'd worked hard to earn money for her husband, yet what did she get in return? Not his respect and most certainly not his love.All sh
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Chapter 15
"It's a woman's nature to be vain. It doesn't matter if one's capable but has a horrible taste in fashion. That wouldn't help in winning men's hearts.""Isn't that true? Didn't Mr. Strand just deliver a box of clothing for Ms. Jett this morning? Those clothes are worth hundreds of thousands."Sonia seethed when she overheard the staff's gossip in the pantry. She jumped when she heard Willow's voice from behind. Willow cooed, "Sonia, what's on your mind?"Sonia quivered sheepishly. She turned around and found Willow dressed in an even more sultry lilac dress compared to Willow's outfit from last night. The dress had tulle fabric at the back, which offered a glimpse of Willow's slender back.Despite the revealing design, the dress looked charming on Willow when paired with her elegant smile. Sonia's smile froze as she battled with envy. She recognized the dress as a new season item from a luxury haute couture brand, worth a whopping 100 thousand dollars. She wondered if Willow ha
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Chapter 16
In came Clark, a highly effective and best-performing assistant of Theodore's. Clark dragged Hailey out of Theodore's office by her arm and did not let go despite her struggle."How dare you? Do you know who I am? Let go of me!" Hearing Hailey's screams, Clark merely adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and stared flatly at her. He mused, "Ms. Godfrey, would you like us to throw you down from this floor?"They were on the 88th floor of the building. Plunging onto the streets at this height was a gruesome and unfathomable idea.Clark did not look like he was joking. Finally, Hailey swallowed hard and stomped her feet in protest before storming into the elevator.…Willow was once again brought into Theodore's office. He remained in the same position, behaving as though nothing had happened.She calmly handed him a document and explained, "Mr. Bassett, I have amended the proposal based on your suggestions from last time. Please take a look."When she approached him, she couldn't hel
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Chapter 17
Willow was alarmed when she heard the doubt and shock in Sonia's tone. Without hesitation, she hung up. The last thing she wanted was for Sonia to stir trouble with this information."Mr. Bassett, I've been nice to you. You'd better not take advantage of me.""Taking advantage of you?" he questioned with a squint and examined her. "Weren't you the one who seduced me in the first place?""What happened that night was an accident.""I don't think so.""I'm not sure if you have any preferences or kinks, but from what I saw just now, women seem to be throwing themselves at you. You can make your pick. Why would you insist on dating me?" she countered.She knew Theodore couldn't have been serious about her despite her beauty because she was married.He remarked, "I'll let you know when you are divorced."She nearly choked on anger upon hearing that. Did Theodore not listen to a word she just said?Just when Willow attempted to argue with him, she held back at the thought of the pro
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Chapter 18
"Isn't that you and Theodore Bassett in the photo?" The reporters' questions put Willow in a difficult spot.At that moment, they heard a cold voice from behind. "I am the man in the photo, alright, but who gave you the permission to make a scene at the Bassett Corp. office?"Theodore appeared, and the reporters immediately took a few steps backward. He explained, "The company's management had dinner at the bar that night. Shall I show you the list of the attendees as well?"He strode to Willow and stood a distance away, close enough to protect her yet not appear too intimate.The reporters were taken aback and silent.Finally, a bold reporter blurted out, "But why was Willow Jett present at the management dinner?"Looking indifferent, Theodore said, "Strand Real Estate has been aiming to work with our company. Ms. Jett put in a lot of effort to meet with me and my management."He cast a glance at Willow. Getting the hint, she extracted a file from her bag and explained, "It w
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Chapter 19
After hanging up, the car returned to an oppressive silence. Theodore spoke, breaking the silence. "I can help you out if you don't want to go home yet.""Are you kidding me? I'll have to go home and face the music sooner or later." However, Willow changed her tune upon seeing his expression. "I mean, I'll have to meet with Quentin to discuss the divorce somehow.""Are you able to explain to him about what happened today?""I thought you clarified it with the reporters."He furrowed his brows and said, "Do you think people would believe my words?"He claimed that Willow was at the bar to deliver a business proposal, during which they were caught hugging on camera. It certainly did not look like a coincidence.The reporters had left the building because they could not risk getting into a confrontation with Theodore. His words carried weight, and he could explain his way out of any situation. Unfortunately, Willow did not have such influence."I know," she mumbled, head hung low,
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Chapter 20
"What the others say? It's made the news! I was curious how you managed to secure all the business deals. Is this how you go about it? Son, can't you see the true colors of this vixen?" Gina barked.Willow was struck by the humiliation. Stephanie chimed in to fan the flames, "Willow, how can you be so immoral? How could you do this to my brother? He's treated you very well and listened to you. Your action is a slap in our face. Oh, my poor brother!"Willow clenched her fists, asking, "What exactly did I do?""Are you still denying? The reporters are in front of our house! We wouldn't have learned about the affair had the reporters not gone after Theodore Bassett, thanks to his fame!"Willow had never gotten along with Stephanie. Stephanie, thinking she was born to wealth, looked down on Willow, who came from a lower-class family. Now that she had something to taunt Willow with, she'd make full use of it.Willow refused to engage with her and cast a glance at Quentin, who was beh
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