All Chapters of The Doting Bigwig: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
100 Chapters
Chapter 41
Before Willow could introduce Theodore, Helen had already warmly extended her hand toward Theodore, saying, "Mr. Bassett, right?""There's no need to be so formal, Mrs. Jett. Just call me Theodore.""Theodore, what a nice name."Helen wasn't very highly educated, so she didn't actually know how to discern good and bad names."Mom, how did you know his last name is Bassett?"Willow belatedly realized something, staring wide-eyed. "You didn't faint?"When Helen fainted, Theodore hadn't arrived yet. If she had truly fainted, how could she know who brought her to the hospital? Moreover, she was so alert now. It was obvious that she was pretending earlier.Willow was speechless. "Mom, why did you pretend to faint? You scared the hell out of me!""Hey." Helen patted her on the back, saying not too kindly, "You seem disappointed that I didn't faint. Do you want something to really happen to me?""That's not what I meant.""Then what did you mean? You were scolded by that old hag fro
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Chapter 42
Helen was going crazy for money.To dispel Helen's thoughts, Willow said, "He sells used cars."…After a while, the meal Theodore ordered arrived in the ward.He was truly generous. A big bowl of freshly made seafood soup was brought in by the restaurant waiter, accompanied by a table full of side dishes."This is too much, Mr. Bassett. You're being extravagant. Used cars are quite hard to sell these days, right?""Used cars?" Theodore looked puzzled.Willow suddenly coughed. "Mom, quickly eat. I suddenly remember I have something to do."After saying that, she hastily pulled Theodore out.After leaving the ward and walking a good distance, Willow finally breathed a sigh of relief.When she turned to see Theodore staring at her, she froze. Realizing she was holding his hand, she quickly let go. "I'm sorry.""I heard that I sell used cars."Theodore's questioning tone made Willow extremely awkward. She replied, "I just wanted to avoid unnecessary trouble. It's better if my
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Chapter 43
Willow startled herself."Your water." The convenience store cashier's voice brought Willow back to reality.She snapped back, saying, "Thank you."Back in her seat, Willow handed the water to Theodore."How do you plan to tell Mrs. Jett about the divorce?"Theodore shattered Willow's beautiful fantasy with a single sentence, reminding her that she was a married woman going through a divorce."Even if I don't tell her, she'll ask. We can discuss it then.""If you need help—""No." Willow decisively refused. "Don't appear in front of my mom. That's already helping me."Theodore frowned. "Do I make you embarrassed?"Willow suddenly felt uncomfortable. "I just don't want to complicate things further. Can we not talk about this for now?"Looking at the beer in Willow's hand, Theodore didn't press further.It was already late at night. Neither spoke, each absorbed in their own food, gazing out at the street.Theodore wasn't a talkative person. He seemed to enjoy the quiet atmos
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Chapter 44
"What can a wealthy wife be busy with?""My daughter graduated from a prestigious university and is also the company's general manager. She's very capable.""Are you serious?""It's your choice to believe me or not."Willow was moved. She straightened her back and walked confidently toward the end of the alley.Just as she reached the alley entrance, a figure blocked her path.A woman in a beige dress with long hair cascading over her shoulders stood there. Her makeup carried an innocent and charming allure, skillfully giving onlookers the impression of a bare face.The only downside was the thick bandages wrapped around her right pinky."Willow."She smiled at Willow, but it seemed strangely eerie in the dim shadow of the alley.Willow's face darkened. "Sonia, what are you doing here?""I heard there was an incident outside Quent's house last night, so I came to check on Mrs. Jett.""You're quite well-informed."Willow scrutinized Sonia. "But you'd better take care of you
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Chapter 45
Willow said, "I won't sign this agreement.""What?" Sonia's face changed. "You know this is for the best. Do you really think you can get half of the Strand family? Don't be too greedy. You'll end up with nothing when you get kicked out!"Willow sneered, not hiding her contempt for Sonia. "Tell yourself that.""Willow, I came here to negotiate with you out of gratitude for hiring me.""Gratitude? You're putting it in such a nice way, but Quentin is not here. There's no need to act. If you're here to negotiate, you can forget it. See you in court."Willow grabbed her bag and stood up. "By the way, let me warn you. Don't go to my mom and talk nonsense. Otherwise, you'll be the one in trouble."Sonia was so exasperated that she became speechless.Willow gave her a cold glance and left.If Sonia really could make her get nothing, there was no way she would kindly offer an agreement to give her some money. In the end, they were both gauging each other's limits.Once outside the caf
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Chapter 46
"Who's here?" Theodore frowned."Hailey. We have a long-standing friendship with the Godfrey family. You and Hailey have known each other since childhood. Besides, you both attended the same school overseas. Now that she's back in the country, she might become family in the future.""Aunt Ellie, don't meddle in matters that don't concern you."With a cold remark, Ellie immediately shut her mouth but was still smiling. "I was just saying."Theodore couldn't be bothered to talk more with her. "I'm going to see Grandma."As he approached the door to the side hall, he heard laughter inside.Hailey had arrived in the afternoon and spent the whole day with Theodore's grandmother, Sara Bowman. She made the old lady exceptionally happy. Sara hadn't been this joyful in a long time."Madam Sara, Ms. Godfrey, Mr. Theodore is back.""Welcome back, Theodore." Sara couldn't hide her joy. "Come here. Let me tell you. Hailey told me a joke that had me laughing until my stomach hurt. She's been
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Chapter 47
"When? With whom?" Sara stood up in astonishment.Theodore remained composed. "You'll know in due time."After that, he looked at Hailey and Ellie, then casually added, "So, let's not worry about my marriage."Though shocked by the revelation, Ellie felt embarrassed at those words. She smiled awkwardly. "Getting married is a good thing, but you should let us prepare mentally. Who is the lucky lady?""Yeah, who is it?" Hailey joined in, her face expressing disbelief.Although she had returned to the country recently, she had known Theodore for many years. She had never seen another woman around him. Even those who tried to approach him were quickly turned away."When things settle down on her end, I'll bring her to meet Grandma."Theodore clearly didn't want to reveal the identity too early.Everyone was confused.Sara finally regained her composure and said, "Marriage is a good thing. Why keep it a secret? But I trust you. You have a good eye."She thought that it was just a
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Chapter 48
In Quentin's hand was a screenshot of surveillance footage from a hotel corridor. The black-and-white image depicted a woman and a man in an embrace, with half of the woman's face visible, unmistakably belonging to Willow.Willow's expression changed.How was this possible?She and Theodore were only together that one night when they got drunk. How did Quentin find out and get the surveillance footage of the hotel's corridor?Quentin's face darkened. "Do you dare say the person in this picture isn't you? Believe it or not, I'll play the surveillance video of you visiting a hotel with this man in court.""How dare you!" Although Matthew was shocked, he defended Willow."Mr. Evans, this is your innocent campus belle, Willow Jett. Look at what she's done. You're just one of the men she had seduced, and you didn't even realize it."Looking at the picture in Quentin's hand, Matthew turned pale and then red.Just as Quentin was feeling triumphant, Willow suddenly spotted something of
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Chapter 49
Joey's smile stiffened when she heard Willow. "Matthew and I? What is going on? What happened?"The panic on Joey's pale face was obvious, even though she tried her best to remain calm as she denied it. Still, Willow could see the panic that had flashed across her face.Willow said seriously, "Joey, don't lie to me. Do you really still have feelings for Matthew?""If I say I didn't, would you believe me?""I thought …"Willow furrowed her brows slightly but held back what she had been about to say. Despite frequently making jokes about Matthew and Joey, she had always assumed that, given the many years since their graduation, Joey's feelings for Matthew would have naturally faded. After all, numerous individuals had harbored crushes on Matthew, and Joey hadn't been the only one. Who would've thought Joey still harbored feelings for him after all this while?"Have you ever told him?"A complicated look emerged in Joey's eyes when faced with Willow's question. She was about
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Chapter 50
"You figured out where I was from a single photo?"Willow still could not believe it. "Is that difficult?"Theodore sipped his tea, looking relaxed. Half an hour ago, he had seen the story Willow had posted. He immediately told Clark to check the restaurant's location, and he confirmed her presence within five minutes."The environment here is just average. I know a pretty good Japonian restaurant. I'll bring you there next time.""I think it's average too. It doesn't fit someone of your standing. Why don't you change to a different place?""There's no need for that. I can make do."Willow's lips twitched.How could Theodore turn up uninvited and still have the audacity to criticize the restaurant?Her wine was finally served. Willow poured a glass for herself. "Do you want to drink some?"Theodore shook his head and reminded her. "Don't drink too much.""The alcohol content of this isn't high. A little bit is okay. It can even help with getting a good sleep."Willow sa
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