All Chapters of The Doting Bigwig: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
100 Chapters
Chapter 61
When Hailey had left, Theodore called his secretary in."Mr. Bassett, you called?""Throw it all away."The secretary took a moment to realize that his boss was referring to the lunchboxes on the table. "Okay.""In the future, do not let her come to the office without my permission.""But Madam Sara is the one who told Ms. Godfrey to come. If Madam Sara tells her to come again …"Theodore looked coldly at the secretary and said accusingly, "Am I the president of Bassett Corporation, or is it Madam Sara?"The secretary jumped and broke out in a cold sweat.Luckily, Clark returned then and immediately told the secretary to clean up and get out. When they were out of the office, he scolded the secretary. "Is this your first day working here? Don't you know who's in charge at Bassett Corporation? Don't you know what the boss hates the most is when people use Madam Sara against him?"The secretary had turned white. "But Clark, Ms. Godfrey said that she and the boss are childhood
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Chapter 62
Willow stopped in her tracks. Theodore was getting married? Just moments ago, he had been whispering sweet words into her ear."Miss, where do you want to go?" the driver questioned, bringing Willow out of her daze.After a brief pause, she replied, "Grandiose Hotel."As the car navigated through the city, Willow fixed her gaze on the towering Basette Corporation. Hailey's words echoed in her mind, and a wave of irritation swept over her. She should have known better than to believe Theodore had fallen for her. He was well aware of her recent divorce and the unlikelihood of her remarrying soon. Yet, he was toying with her feelings all along, pretending to consider marrying her. He was no different from other men!As night descended, Quentin stumbled home in a drunken haze, assisted to the door by his chauffeur. Stephanie quickly rushed to take over from the driver upon spotting Quentin."Welcome home, Quentin! Seriously, why did you have to drink so much?" she chided. "I'm
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Chapter 63
The next morning, Willow stepped out of the elevator and into the hotel lobby. She then spotted Matthew waiting in the lounge.Willow quickly approached him and apologized, "Sorry to keep you waiting, Matthew."Glancing at the time, she added, "Was I late? I thought we agreed on meeting at 9:30 pm?"The truth was, she and Matthew were planning to house-hunt together. Since leaving Strand Villa, Willow had been looking for a new place. Unfortunately, the lawsuit had been keeping her occupied. Now that the case was resolved, she could finally focus on finding her new residence. Conveniently, Matthew's friend had a room available in an apartment.Smiling, Matthew reassured her, "You're not late. I came early to avoid traffic.""On a Saturday? Isn't it unlikely to have traffic jams?" Willow questioned in confusion."I guess it slipped my mind." Matthew chuckled."Looks like even great attorneys make mistakes," Willow teased.Matthew simply smiled in response. He suggested, "Shall
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Chapter 64
Willow felt satisfied as she finally moved out of the Strand Villa and severed all ties with the Strands. Plus, she found the perfect home. It felt like the tides were finally turning in her favor.Matthew gazed silently at the inspiring woman before him. The admiration in his eyes slowly shifted to a longing gaze, and then a determined resolve took over. This time, he wouldn't let the chance slip away.He suggested, "How about we grab something at the nearby Walmart? It's just a 10-minute walk. I can help you carry things back. You might not manage it all on your own. Your car is still at the Strands', right? Why not use mine for these two days?"However, Willow shook her head and replied, "No, it's alright. I'm not working right now, and I don't have to go to the office unless there are projects to follow up on. I'll just take a cab."Matthew felt a twinge of disappointment at her response. Still, he said, "I see. Let me know if you need anything.""Thank you for your concern an
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Chapter 65
Despite Helen's miserliness, greed, and penchant for gambling, she had instilled valuable lessons in her children—especially Cedar, whose strong sense of morality and fairness even made Helen fear his judgment.Compared to Helen, Cedar wouldn't hesitate to confront Theodore if he discovered that the latter was harassing Willow while engaged. Cedar cared little for Theodore's status as the president of Bassett Corporation, let alone being a billionaire.Understanding Cedar's resolute character, Willow ended the call with satisfaction. She expected Theodore's swift expulsion upon her return home.Half an hour later, Willow reached the street near her home. Striding toward the poker house, she noticed a "closed" sign hanging on the door. As she approached, the savory aroma of lasagna wafted through the air, bringing tears to her eyes. Throughout her three-year marriage with Quentin, Willow rarely visited her mother's house. Between her demanding job and Gina's displeasure with these
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Chapter 66
Theodore casually remarked, "Actually, I did consider what you mentioned.""Theodore Bassett! Who do you take me for? A prostitute?" Clenching her fists, Willow said through gritted teeth. It was the first time she had used Theodore's full name.Theodore refuted, "If that's the case, why would I waste my time and money on someone like that?""What are you planning then? Why bother me when you're about to get married?" Willow snapped back.Raising an eyebrow, Theodore calmly asked, "Who told you that?""Ms. Godfrey did," Willow scoffed.Unfazed, Theodore continued to question, "Did she now? Was it the day you met her in my office?""That's right! I've seen enough men fooling around with their secret lovers. I don't care about your fancy games, but just so you know, I've got my fair share of admirers and wealth. So, keep those fantasies to yourself!" Willow huffed.Theodore squinted, saying, "So, that's why you haven't replied to my messages since then. What else did Hailey say?
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Chapter 67
Willow sprinted until she reached an alley, where she stopped to catch her breath. She placed a hand on her chest and attempted to soothe her racing heart. Yet, Theodore's kiss kept replaying in her mind, and she could still feel the warmth lingering on her lips."There you are, Willow." Theodore's voice suddenly echoed from behind.Startled, Willow accidentally tripped over her own feet and let out a shriek. Luckily, a pair of strong arms caught her before she fell."Are you alright?" Theodore asked with genuine concern.Willow attempted to push him away, but her stumbling led her to unintentionally nestle into his embrace, her face resting against his chest.A brief silence filled the air.After a pause, Theodore remarked, "I didn't know you were more into my chest."Willow took a sharp breath at his words and inadvertently choked in response."Easy there." Theodore gently patted her back to help her catch her breath.With a flushed face, Willow shot back, "Who said I care a
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Chapter 68
After their lunch, Cedar swiftly pulled Willow into her bedroom—a look of concern on his face."Are you seriously dating him?" Cedar questioned.Annoyed, Willow poked his head and retorted, "Mom fell for the money, and you're just going along with her daydreams? Are you blind? Did you ever see me showing the slightest interest in him?""Then why did you ..." Cedar hesitated, fidgeting before continuing, "... kiss?"A blush spread across Willow's face. Hastily, she denied, "That ... That was an accident!"Cedar frowned and took on a more serious tone. "There seem to be a lot of 'accidents' in your case. I get that things have been rough, especially after the divorce. But please, think carefully before jumping into marriage again."Touched by his concern, Willow reassured him with a pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I've got this. Just concentrate on your studies. And hey, I'm financially stable now. You can choose to stay or go abroad for your studies."Cedar shook his head dete
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Chapter 69
Willow successfully ushered Theodore out of the house and toward the alley entrance.She kept talking as they walked. "Actually, Mr. Bassett, I was thinking of arranging another meeting before the project kicks off. It's for—"Her words were abruptly interrupted by a chilly voice. "Mrs. Jett didn't follow us."Willow cleared her throat, attempting to mask her embarrassment. Truth be told, there was no meeting scheduled.Theodore retrieved his phone and called his chauffeur. "I'm at the alley entrance. Come and pick me up."Once he ended the call, Willow swiftly remarked, "Since someone's coming to pick you up, I'll be on my way. I'll catch you in the next meeting, Mr. Bassett."As she prepared to leave, Theodore seized her arm and questioned, "You're the one who dragged me out here, and now you're leaving me alone?"Willow found herself speechless. "That's not what I mean …" "You're looking for some private time, right? Consider your wish granted," Theodore declared.Willow w
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Chapter 70
Having been with Theodore for a considerable time, Clark could instinctively grasp his intentions. After a brief pause, he asked the most likely question, "Is Ms. Jett thinking about renting an office?"The question received a soft hum of approval from Theodore.Understanding his task, Clark asked, "Got it. Should we lower the rent, Mr. Bassett?""No. Charge it at the market price," Theodore instructed. He knew Willow wasn't one to take advantage of others' generosity. Plus, she wasn't in dire financial straits. In truth, Theodore wouldn't have offered his assistance if he hadn't considered the security concerns in other locations.Meanwhile, Willow had gone to explore the office building the real estate agent recommended."It's a bit run-down, but the rent is reasonable. You know how it goes; you get what you pay for." As the agent showcased the office, Willow glanced around. However, she wasn't particularly impressed with the choice given."It feels a bit gloomy without natural
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