All Chapters of The Doting Bigwig: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
100 Chapters
Chapter 71
Willow's messages kept popping up on the screen. "How did you find out where I rented my place? Did Matthew tell you that?"Holding her phone, Joey responded slowly, "I happen to know his friend, so I took a guess."Willow texted back, "Got it. Are you joining us for dinner, then?""Nah, I have a video conference tonight. Maybe next time," Joey replied."Alright." After replying to Joey's message, Willow signaled to the real estate agent to leave the premises."I want you to look for a better office building. It doesn't have to be big, but the surroundings should be favorable," she stated her requirements."No problem," the real estate agent agreed. Meanwhile, back at the apartment, Joey set her phone aside and used the basin to help herself stand up. Gazing at her haggard self in the mirror, she cupped a handful of cold water and splashed it on her face. As she tenderly touched her damp skin, the resolve and kindness in her eyes transformed into self-deprecation.She didn't p
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Chapter 72
Matthew asked, "Did you call Joey?""I did, but she said she couldn't make it because she needed to work overtime. It's a pity. Joey would've loved to dine at a place like this. She's always been into the arts," said Willow. Matthew's eyes glinted. "Really? I didn't know."Willow said, "Are you kidding? The three of us have known each other for so many years, and you still don't know what Joey is like? Didn't you two work together for some time after graduation?""You misunderstood, Willow. My work interaction with Joey was only as a firm representing her company. We didn't really communicate in our own time because we were both pretty busy.""Then you should contact her more. Both of you are single. Who knows what might blossom?""Willow." Matthew grew stern all of a sudden."I was just joking.""Don't joke about these kinds of things," Matthew said.Willow was taken aback for a moment. "Sorry, Matthew."Matthew's tone softened as if realizing he'd spoken too coldly. It's
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Chapter 73
Willow went to check out of the hotel first thing after going back to it.She had stayed here for three months since moving out from Strand Villa and the end of the lawsuit. The fees were not cheap. Though Willow had some money now, she still winced when she thought of the bill."Hello, I'd like to check out tomorrow at midday. Could I please have the bill?""Which room are you staying in, miss?""Room 1204.""Ms. Jett, yes? You don't need to pay for your stay in this room."Willow was taken aback. "Has it been paid already?" The receptionist smiled. "Mr. Bassett is one of our hotel's investors."Only then did Willow come to her senses.She returned to her room and lounged on the couch, sighing. She owed Theodore yet another favor now.Willow feared owing favors the most. What could be resolved with money in this world was better settled with it rather than favors, as favors tended to be difficult to return.After some hesitation, Willow still drafted a message to Theodore.
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Chapter 74
Willow tossed and turned, unable to sleep. All that came to mind when she closed her eyes was her time spent with Theodore. His voice still rang in her ears.Willow couldn't deny the fact that he was quite charming.The next morning, Willow gathered her few belongings and moved to her new place."You can leave those right there, thanks." After sending the movers off, Willow shut the door and stood in the living room, feeling refreshed and alert.The doorbell suddenly rang."Coming!" Willow ran over to open the door, thinking it was a mover who forgot to take their things.But when she opened the door, she saw Clark standing right outside."Mr. Arden, what are you doing here?""Good day, Ms. Jett. Mr. Bassett knew you were moving house today, so he had me bring some daily essentials over." Clark revealed the bag in his hand.Willow was surprised. "Daily necessities?"She glanced at Clark, then at the woman behind him. "And who might this be?"The beautiful young woman was d
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Chapter 75
Willow was clearing up her luggage in the living room when the sound of a door slamming shut rang out from the kitchen.The sudden noise shocked her. She glanced at the kitchen just in time to see Linda cutting up a fish. With a loud chop, Linda cut the head right off of the fish.Chills ran down Willow's spine as her heart quivered lightly. She quietly looked away.Why did it feel like Willow was the one whose head Linda intended to chop off?Clark picked up Theodore right around the same time. Theodore had an international conference meeting at the National Convention Center earlier in the morning. He was supposed to have lunch with his business partners but had already postponed said lunch."Why did you send Linda to Ms. Jett's house to cook lunch, sir? I'm concerned Ms. Jett won't be able to get along with Linda, especially with how irritated she is. Why didn't you send Dinah to cook instead? She cooks much better than Linda does.""Dinah talks too much." Theodore shot Clar
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Chapter 76
Willow just so happened to notice. She praised, "You're amazing, Linda.""Thank you. I'm glad you like it." Linda smiled, then said to Theodore, "Please enjoy your meal, Mr. Bassett. I'll be going now.""Don't. Come join us," Willow immediately suggested.But Linda undid her apron without another word and said politely, "Maybe next time. Do let me know if there's anything you don't like about the food. I'll improve further."Linda then left with Clark.Willow tried asking them to stay, but her only response was the door shutting before her eyes.Only Theodore and Willow were left alone in the large house. Awkwardness filled the air."Where's the washroom?" Theodore asked, breaking the silence.Willow pointed to the side. "Right there."As she watched Theodore go, she pulled out a chair and sat down. She felt nervous.Why did she let Theodore into her house just like that? It didn't seem very appropriate.Theodore went to wash his hands. When he returned, he sat down right be
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Chapter 77
"That hurts!" Willow covered her eyes slightly when she clutched her forehead. She peeked at Theodore through her fingers, noticing how his smile had widened.It was a rare sight to see him smiling. As far as Willow could recall, Theodore's demeanor was always icy and unreadable, except when he smiled in such a way that terrified one to the core.Who knew Theodore would be one to tease others?"What? Do you want to pay Linda? I can help you get in touch with her," Theodore said."I'm not the one who instructed her to come here and cook," Willow huffed. "Do you have any idea how awkward it was to have someone come over here without my permission with all sorts of groceries in tow?""I'll inform you beforehand next time.""Next time? Please spare Linda and me, Theodore."Linda, a Master's degree holder in Financial Economics, was reduced to a mere cook. She might not say it out loud, but she must internally hate Willow to the core because of this.Theodore didn't respond. He held
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Chapter 78
Hailey's hands balled into fists. Once her plan was completed and she married Theodore, the first thing she would do was fire all of his female secretaries. That way, Hailey could reduce any possible risks in the future."Since Mr. Bassett isn't here, Ms. Godfrey, should we head home?" Hailey's driver asked."Head home?" Hailey took a moment to think. She then said, "Head to the bakery we went to last time and then to Bassett Residence."Hailey couldn't do anything when it came to Theodore. But since Madam Sara was fond of her, she had to do all she could to make a good impression. This was her last chance.They soon arrived at Bassett Residence. Unfortunately, Madam Sara was taking an afternoon nap."Come and have some tea, Hailey. It's a wonderful green tea," Ellie said. She had poured out a cup of tea for Hailey. "You came at a bad time. Madam Sara usually takes a nap around this hour right until 2:00 pm."Hailey's annoyance was clearly shown on her face now after failing to
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Chapter 79
After lunch, Willow poured a cup of tea for Theodore. "This is jasmine tea.""Thank you." Theodore took the cup and looked around Willow's house.It had two bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. The house was built specifically for first-time homebuyers. Most people couldn't afford a decent, economically friendly house in Emperia even if they worked all their lives here. It was the city center after all."This house is built in a pretty good location.""Really? I've never done my research on it. But it is pretty convenient around here," Willow answered as she cleared the table. "It's all thanks to my friend for finding this place for me.""That lawyer friend of yours?""Yep."Theodore's brows furrowed lightly as he sunk into thought."Is there anything you need help with here in the house?" he asked."No." Willow shook her head. "I've already cleared everything away.""Good. Come with me to the project site later in the afternoon."Willow was left speechless. She told Th
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Chapter 80
What was she thinking?Meanwhile, Theodore was on the way back to Bassett Residence.The butler had called him earlier to tell him that Sara felt unwell all of sudden. He was requesting Theodore go back home as soon as possible.If it weren't for Sara's health, Theodore wouldn't have returned to the country to take over Bassett Corporation after his father's death."You're back, Mr. Theodore," the butler greeted."Where's Grandma? Why didn't you send her to the hospital?"The butler said in a hesitant manner, "Madam Sara said it wasn't a big deal, so there was no need to go to the hospital.""I'll give Terence a call." Theodore then prepared to call his friend over.Before he could make said call, Ellie came out from Sara's room. "You don't need to call Dr. Roth, Theodore. Grandma wants you to come inside right away."With furrowed brows, Theodore walked in."Grandma."Sara was sitting in her armchair. Her expression was gloomy yet not sickly at all."You're back," she sa
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