All Chapters of The Mafia's Captured Slave: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
169 Chapters
Long night
"She panicked, I had to do something" A familiar deep voice sounded."Giving her a large dose of penicillin wasn't your best move Alpha, she's human remember?" A robotic like voice replied the voice sounding agitated.A loud growl erupted from only a few feet away from me, the growl radiated throughout I could feel the floor shaking.I felt my eyes flutter open as my eyes roamed around the room trying to find the source of the noise, my head was pounding against my skull so hard it only made the growl seem louder.My eyes landed on the corner of the room when I spotted him, Four his large tan hand wrapped around a neck, the doctors neck as he held him above the ground without effort as the doctor kicked his legs furiously."Stop" I croaked out my voice quiet, the doctors face was turning a shade of purple, if four didn't stop now he would kill him.Immediately Fours face snapped towards me his eyes widening as his grip loosened on the doctors neck and let go as the doctor fell to the
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Remember everything
"I need to train the wolves at four, I've missed enough sessions but I can't leave her alone yet, she's not healed" Fours voice broke through the silence of the room.My eyes snapped to the other side of the room where he was standing a phone pressed against his ear as he stood facing the wall."She's bloody scared enough I can't bring her out there" His voice snapped into the phone.I stared at his bare tan back, each muscle was defined and clenched as his hand that was clamped around the phone was about to break it into pieces.He had a large structure, his body resembled a masterpiece that didn't have any flaws. I felt my heart rate speed up slightly as he turned his head slightly around his eyes connecting with mike for a brief second before he turned around to face the wall.I snapped my gaze to my joined hands resting on my lap, I felt like I was red to get closer to him. I didn't like the feeling he provided, the sparks were weird and uneasy.Last night, I don't know what happe
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The men nodded their head and proceeded to do what they were told in silence. It shocked me the change of tone in Fours voice, I thought he was being cold in the elevator, his voice came out as cold as ice.I felt my arm being tugged Ina direction causing my head to snap up to Fours only for him to be already walking me over to other side of the room, my head snapped to glance at the other men once again only to be met with all of their curious eyes.I felt my hand being released and large hands being placed on my shoulders before I felt my back being pressed up against the wall causing me to flinch."Do you not listen to me?" Fours voice growled out.I tilted my head up slightly to see that his eyes had now almost transformed into a golden colour and no blue was visible anymore just speaks of gold and black.His warm hands, which I could feel through the thin layer of his T-shirt, pressed harder on my shoulders causing me to wince."Just stay here and sit and I mean it" Four warned b
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I hate you
His grip loosened on the man's neck until it had unwrapped completely and the man had fallen to the ground his hands reaching up to his own neck as he breathed heavily.The room was silent apart from the heavy breathing, I could feel eyes burning into the side of my head but my eyes were focused on a pair of gold ones that were staring through me.His boot covered feet loudly stomped on the ground as he began taking long strides towards me. Why did I have to open my mouth? I didn't know that boy, he's probably just like Four, a kidnapper.My eyes left his as my eyes desperately searched those in the crowd who stared blankly at Four, none of them made an attempt to move or to stop him they remained glued to the ground.I felt his large warm hand grip onto my arm tightly causing my head to snap up towards his. His face bent down so that it was now at level with mine, I could feel his heavy breaths fan my face as his body radiated warmth towards me."I told you not to speak" His voice ca
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Get used
I lay still breathing in heavily as if I was still asleep as I smelt Fours woodsy masculine steel hover above me, I didn't want him to know I was awake, I wanted to may in his bed all day without him bothering me.The events from yesterday replayed in my head repeatedly as if it happened a few seconds ago, I could still feel the feeling of his soft lips against my own no matter how much times I scrubbed them in the bathroom."I know your awake Maddie" Fours voice interrupted the silence in the bedroom.I had been awake all night, my eyes were sore from staring at the wall all night. Four had gotten up around an hour ago and I heard him at his desk but apart from that I hadn't moved an inch.I kept my eyes closed, I had hoped that somehow he would realise I didn't want to get up and would leave me alone, but it was evil controlling Four, he was never going to leave me alone."Maddie I don't mind dragging you out of bed but don't test my patience, I can only be nice for so long" he sigh
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"The bedroom, the kitchen, the living room, that's your zone. You don't leave your zone without me got it?" Four explained his eyes looking back to the paper that was sprawled out over his desk.My eyes widened as I quickly moved from my position on the large bed that I had been laying on for what felt like centuries staring up at the white ceiling for hours until I forgot where I was.I pulled the large shirt lower done on my body as the cool air hit my legs before I carried myself over to the door, the door that led out to the hall, the door that a few days ago I wasn't allowed to be near.I don't know what changed his mind, was the monster actually feeling sorry for me? Or was he tired of me staying in the same spot for most of the day."I mean it, you stay within the space or you'll be back in this bedroom" His voice warned, I wasn't going to run, I knew as soon as I took off down that hallway within seconds I would just be back where I started.I sighed pulling open the large doo
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Missed you
"She's not going to find out yet, she's not ready, I just got her to trust me and I'm not going to loose it yet. I'll tell her when the bond will have to be completed" Fours voice spoke laced with annoyance"We need you, the pack needs you. The wolves haven't been trained in weeks, there has been wolves running close to the border there have been so many new shifters-" Another strange voice rambled on."Don't tell me how to run my own pack, the wolves should be training by themselves, the wolves running close to the borders are nothing to worry about, the new shifters should be mature enough to handle it on there own. She needs me and I'm not leaving her until I'm certain she's ready. Get out before she wakes up" Fours voice loudly interrupted the other voice."Yes Alpha, oh and Dylan will be here soon, I thought I'll let you know" The other voice said in a much quieter voice before a few seconds later The door was slammed shut.There wasn't one thing that happened in the last few min
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Going to get out
"Go in the living room for a couple minutes, me and Dylan need to talk" Four ordered as he opened up the living room door wide enough for me to walk threw.I sighed making my way in as he quickly shut the door a few seconds later. I wanted to know more about what they were talking about, maybe it would help me understand what he was talking about this morning.I collapsed onto one of the sofas, so much for going on a walk up and down the hall, it lasted like a whole couple of seconds.I slowly reach for the remote switching on the large TV pressing threw the different channels for around five minutes before settling on a cooking show. Some channels were blocked, like the news which didn't surprise me.I hated cooking, always have and always will. The only thing I could make by myself is a pot n noodle and even then I would always manage to burn myself with hot water.I stood up from the sofa making my way towards the door quietly pulling it open and creeping my way into the hall.Mayb
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Aware of the rules
"It's only for a few hours, I have business to attend to. You're going to stay here with Dylan alright? He will feed you and whatever" Four paused before leaning down towards my face his voice dropping down a note "Don't try anything, I mean it Maddie. You get one chance and then maybe I will consider brining you outside"."Don't worry Four, I can handle a girl. I'll feed her maybe" Dylan joked before Four sent him a death glare "Kidding I will, we will have great time won't we Maddie" Dylan added a large grin playing on his face."I can stay-" Four began crossing his arms over one another before he was interrupted."No! No I mean go, I've been seeing you for the past couple of weeks. Your face is beginning to annoy me" I exclaimed my eyes widening, he had to go if he didn't Dylan's plan wouldn't work."Her British accent is adorable" Dylan interrupted "And of totally convinced me" He added.He wasn't helping any of this if anything he was just placing doubts in Fours mind by how chil
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Need them
I immediately left Dylan's side pushing past him and quickly pushing open the cafe door resulting in it slamming on the wall with a little to much force.I winced slightly at the loud noise that filled the quiet and almost empty cafe apart from the lady behind the till, a women sitting in the corner of the room and my grandma.My eyes focused on her as her eyes snapped up at the loud noise before they met mine widening slightly as she sprung up from her chair, she may be in her sixties but that women does more exercise than most people I know."Maddie!" She exclaimed as I rushed forward meeting her before I felt her long arms wrap around my waist squeezing as if I was a lemon that she was attempting to make Lemon juice."Grandma, thank god your here" I mumbled into her chest."Oh Maddie, look at you it's only been a few weeks and you've changed." She sighed as I felt her brush away my long brown hair from my face pulling back slightly her eyes barking into mine."I want to come home,
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