All Chapters of The Mafia's Captured Slave: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
169 Chapters
."Maddie please, don't do this." He sighed raising his hands in the air in a defence position taking another step forward.I opened my mouth and met out a piercing scream, it lasted for around twenty seconds. Long enough for Dylan to back away from me and the lady around the till to come rushing around.It felt as if the next few moments were played out in slow motion the women had barley reached me when I heard the door of the cafe slam open the impact a lot larger than mine that it caused the glass on the door to shatter.My eyes shot to the doorway which was being took up by Fours large stance who's whole body was clenched his chest heaving up and down his golden eyes set on me before flickering to Dylan.My eyes widened as he took no time before he stalked over his long legs carrying him to my side where he reached out grabbing ahold of my arm pulling my into his large chest blocking my view from the rest of the cafe.I felt heat radiating of his body as his chest huffed and puff
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Get revenge
I clicked of my seatbelt quickly opening the door before jumping out of the car slamming it shut. I took a few steps away from the car my converse converted feet kicking at the rocks.I felt so much anger in my chest, I took it out on the other boy in the car I think his name was Beta, I'm not sure. I got a few punches on him which I felt bad for, he didn't do anything."Maddie" Four called from around the other side of the cafe, I whipped my body around to see him leaning over the car his height towering over it. "Come on, I don't want you getting cold" He finished.I wasn't cold, if it wasn't for the wind blowing my hair into my face I wouldn't even know that I was outside. My whole body felt numb."I'm not cold" I replied."After what you and Dylan did today I don't care, i dont give a fuck what you want at this point. If you ever fucking leave like that again, you do understand I thought you had escaped Again, here's a warning do it again-" He seethed his voice raising as he slamm
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Join me
"No chance" He chuckled to himself as if what he took what is said as a joke. All I asked if we could ga exploring, I even told him that he could come with me and he thought I was joking?"Then I'll not speak to you" I shot back, I knew he hated it when I refused to speak to him which I was on the verge on right now."Cool" He passed me off not bothering to look up from his phone screen as he leaned over the kitchen table. I don't think I'd bloody remember how to use one it's been that long, I use to not be able to go without my phone for an hour. It's been like months and I haven't went crazy yet, almost."Four! Listen to me!" I exclaimed slamming down the glass of water onto the surface causing some of the water to go flying out and land in puddles around the table."What do you want now? Can't you go take a nap or something, today's my day off don't bother me" He sighed his voice raising slightly as he wiped away the spilt water with his sleeveIt's a first that he doesn't want me
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Calm down
"It's just a severe flu is all, just some rest and antibiotics needed." The doctor explained to Four as he pulled of the little machine thing on my finger."But she's been coughing real bad, all night" Four argued back as he crossed his arms over one another staring down at the doctor, honestly if I was that doctor I would be shutting myself. The way Four was staring at him as if Four was complete in charge of him."It's getting colder now Alpha, it's just a cold. If it doesn't get better within a few days bring her back" The doctor mumbled turning to face me once again. "Have you had any trouble with your tonsils in the past?" He questioned his eyes not actually meeting mine."She hasn't, if it's just a cold why would you need to know?" Four answered for me his face getting redder and redder by the minute.The doctor didn't respond and continued to pull something out of a drawer handing it to four."This is all I have that I can give her, everything's to strong Alpha, if things progr
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"But Four you don't understand, I don't want to be here I just have a cold I've had a cold a million times before" I argued with him."You wouldn't wake up! You were sleep for hours, wouldn't eat wouldn't drink what do you expect me to do?" He snapped his hands pushing on my shoulders forcing me to retort to a lying down position."I want to leave, I'm not staying here" I refused pushing his hands of me sitting up once again, I felt like I had been lying down for years my whole body felt stiff.His jaw clenched tightly and his hand that was wrapped around the bar of the bed began to turn white as he was squeezing so hard."I try help you and you still argue with me, your sick and that's why you are here get that into your thick skull" He gritted out his voice dangerously low."No get this into your thick skull, I am bloody fine I feel find now. if vou'd iust let me sleep it off do something without u having control of the situation then we wouldn't be here right now. Your a controllin
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None of your business
I rolled over in the uncomfortable bed attempting to find a comfortable enough spot which I had been trying to do for the past twenty minutes.It was 1AM now and four hasn't came back, he said he would only be an hour but one hour turned into two and then three and now I'm here, in a cold dark room. Usually I'm used to Fours body heat keeping me warm but all I had was a thin sheet.I never realised how much I relied on him until know, although I hated to admit it. I liked when I instantly got warmer when he pulls me in his arms every night. I liked when he made food, even though it was vile.I sighed pulling myself of the bed accepting that sleep wasn't going to come to me. I made my way over to the door slightly twisting the handle pulling it open squinting at the bright light that lit up the halls.Two men stood on either side of the door and on instant they snapped their head towards me their eyes widening slightly as if they didn't know what to do."Ugh Emily? What can we do for y
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Trust me
"Dylan" I screeched my hands coming up and pushing on his chest so I could fully examine him to make sure I wasn't just imagining him here.He was alive, he was actually still breathing. I was almost certain Four had killed his own brother, now he seemed a little more less like the serial kidnapper person type."Pop my ear drums then love" He smiled grabbing ahold of my arms pushing me towards him before squeezing me like I felt my organs were going to come out of my mouth.Fours breath quickened behind me as I felt his warm hand land on my shoulder "Here take this down to the first room on the left" He instructed as I turned to face him and grab the suitcase that was in his hand.I sighed making my way out of the kitchen quickly flashing my head over my shoulder to see that they were talking but I couldn't hear a word they were saying, they always talked in such low voices when they didn't want me to hear what they were saying.I pushed open the door once I reached it to reveal a bed
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It's a secret
"Are you sure she's Maddie Emily? If we got got the wrong girl he will be pissed.""It's her, she was exactly where the mole to,d us she would be, she's exactly like she is in the picture stop worrying, we've did our job""What is the exact plan? What does Alpha Tom want with her? Yes I know it's revenge on Four but how exactly is he going to do that. Surely he won't harm the girl.""Stop asking so many questions Damon! For what he did to our Luna I'm sure Aloha Tom has a lot in store for her".......I groaned as a dull pain erupted from my head my hand went up to attempt to try soothe it only before I felt a bandage wrapped around it. Then it hit me.My eyes shot open the bright light taking me a few seconds to adjust before I could get a glimpse around me. Grey walls, wooden furniture, large windows, this wasn't the room at the cabin or Fours room.Shit, where was Dylan? Was he here to? The questions and panic that overcame me only made my head pound worse. I pulled the sheets from
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Trust me
MADDIE'S P.O.VI pulled the shorts that covered my legs lower down as I kept my eyes trained on the man. He was only a few feet away from me busy doing something in the kitchen.After Damon and Alli left he brought me into one of the rooms I had passed in the hallway, I didn't scream or kick this time I just observed. If there's anything I learned from getting kidnapped the first time that screaming isn't going to get you anything other than a sore throat.My eyes gazed over to the window where a bright light was streaming through, I slowly made my way over to it gazing back at the man every couple of steps as if I was waiting for him to shout at me.But the room remained silent the only noise my heavy breathing. My eyes gazed out to see green, a large lawn where multiple people were around. Just like the living space I seen there was children running around, adults talking and even a few people in the lake.Where exactly was I"You can go outside if you like later, I'm sure Alli or D
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Find out more
I felt my heart pace speed up as I felt like my head was spinning, it felt as though what I had just witness was fake, out of a movie but it happened clear as day.A boy turned into a beast, it couldn't be possible? That only happened in bloody twilight not in real life. It had to be staged, they were trying to mess with me, play a sick cruel joke on me just to get me scared and get a reaction."Maddie what you just seen it's normal alright? Well not normal for you, normal for us. Just take a minute and calm down, I will explain everything" Tom mumbled as I felt his hand on my shoulder attempting to calm me down.Normal? What did he mean it was normal for him? Last time I looked humans were humans and that was that. There was no bloody breaking bones and turning into a werewolf all of a sudden.I quickly jumped back out of his grasp, if that boy had just turned into that monster was he one as well? Is that what Four had been hiding from me? Was he one of these beasts as well."Calm do
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