All Chapters of The Mafia's Captured Slave: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
169 Chapters
I will be back for her
My hold on the popcorn I was gripping seconds before now completely let loose as I rushed towards the two brothers standing in the doorway. Fours huge frame towering over Dylan's smaller stance, Dylan's previous red face now completely washed away as his face now held the expression as white as a sheet. It was almost as if his red face transferred over to Fours, as his usual tan coloured face now Began to turn a beetroot coloured as the moments passed."Answer me Goddamit" Four voice boomed to the point when even I wanted to shrink away into the sofa and pretend like I didn't exist and wasn't about to witness my second murder. In all the times I have witnessed Four get pissed I've never seen his bloody veins pop out as such, I thought he was about to burst as his face now mere inches from his brothers.His chest was bouncing up and down rapidly as he practically seethed anger, his question he already knew the answer to.All that could be heard in the next few seconds was Fours heavy b
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That's her life
EMILYS P.O.VI closed my eyes letting my body slide down the wall slowly, for the last hour I had been standing here waiting at the door of the elevator for Four to make an appearance. It has took all my will power not to spring forward and take matters into my own hands but I knew I had to be patient.He was going to be angry no doubt and I didn't want to aggravate him even more, I had so many questions swarming in my mind I knew I was going to pound him with them as soon as my eyes set on him which probably would make matters worse. He hates it when I ask him numerous questions.As the time passed I began to build up anger, it was only one kiss that meant absolutely nothing, he was supposed to be an adult and he was acting like a child in this situation.I closed my eyes as I leant my head against the hard wall, it was now god knows what time at night, my eyes were tired and heavy but all I wanted to do was see Four. I had so many answers I needed to know.FOURS P.O.VI closed my ey
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You ours
"You can change your mind, you can start tomorrow, next week if your not ready" Four sighed his blue eyes boring into my own as he leaned against the elevator wall his arms folded over one another."I think your the one that's not ready. It's been months and I never thought I'd see the day where I missed going to school" I shrugged my shoulders, I did, I missed going to school seeing my friends and I wanted that freedom back again, six hours of independence. However, the small pit in my stomach slowly building told me otherwise as we got closer and left the bounds of the house where I had barley left without Fours supervision.It's been over a month, a month filled with me slowly convincing Four to give me independence, I'm almost sure he has accepted that even if I tried I wasn't going to get very far. Now after days spent downstairs, with Carly who I had grown friendly with whole Four was off, I wanted to get out, see other people bar the small group of people I see daily."Right. Y
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It's permanent
EMILY'S P.O.V"If your going to be friends with us you have to spill the tea on Alpha, is it true that the whole top floor of the main pack house is all his? I heard that he had a room specifically designed for torture-" Anton, one of Terri's friend rambled as he pushed aside his tray filled with food to lean on closer."Shut up! You've known the girl two days and I'm sure you have already given her a massive headache. You don't have to answer anything if you don't want to" Terri cut his ramble off jamming her elbow into the side of his ribs to add to the blow.It was now my second day at the 'wolf' school, yesterday Terri had remained glue to my side u till Prescott said I had to leave. I was grateful for her, and her two friends she introduced to me Anton and Wess. They seemed to look past the whole human and Luna thing and talked to me like normal people. However, the same could not have been said for the hundreds of other students and teachers within the school who's eyes burnt in
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Not comforted
My teeth chattered together as the cold Autumn breeze swept over my bare arms as I reached out my hand forming a fist and quickly knocking on the small blue door, snatching my hand back as if someone was going to pull it off. After what felt like a full hour of agonising anticipation but what really was a few moments the door was pulled open to reveal a dishevelled looking Preston."Emily? What's wrong, is everything okay? God you're freezing" Preston's voice rushed out as he stepped outside his door, his long slender arms reaching out and taking me by the shoulders his eyes wandering up and down my body wildly as if he was physically accessing me to pinpoint anything that could be possibly wrong. Once his eyes finished scanning me they quickly wandered behind me as if he was looking for Four."Yeah, everything's fine-" I began as Preston let out a breath of relief at my reassuring words, however he only held onto that relief for a moment as he held a firm grip onto my arm and began p
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Debating her offer
"You scared me" I barley managed to get out in a sentence as he had now released his grip on me and was now fumbling around on the ground in search of the key he had made me drop."Shit, I didn't mean to sneak up on you" His voice sounded different, deeper or something as he now straightened up to his full height. I couldn't make out his facial expressions in the dark night but I could just imagine his small smirk playing on his lips.I shook my head taking in a deep breath, of almost relief. Part of me was happy to see him, know that after what happened he was still okay. However, my relief was soon washed away by panic, no doubt in less than ten minutes Four would be here."Are you stupid? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" My voice now sounded like thunder in the silent air as I attempted to lean forward and push his shoulders."I-" He began, as he caught my hands that were trying to hit him using it to pull me towards him."Four is going to be here soon, please Dylan leave. D
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Start planning
I raised my hand to knock on the familiar door now, a sense of dread and fear fuelled by my guilt had eaten me away on my way here and now I just wanted it to swallow me whole. Not only had I blank out lied to Preston but I knew what Four would do and what he is capable of, look what he did to Dylan, and I still used him to get what I wanted.My thoughts were interrupted however when before my hand could knock on the door it swung open, revealing Preston's large stance as if he was already anticipating me knocking. My eyes travelled up to his face as if to access his physical state, I took a deep breath of relief when I saw all was clear, he was okay."Hey" I mumbled after a few minutes of awkward after not one of us made a move.He gave me a small smile in return which quickly dropped after a few seconds as he stepped out of the door revealing a bag slung over his shoulder before turning his back to me and shutting it."Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked as he had now turned an
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It's my fault
I felt my anger boil at the sight of seeing Four on my way home from school, it was only break time but I stormed out after I tried to calm down for a few minutes but my anger grew until I had to get out of there, I felt trapped. I had been rehearsing what I was going to scream at Four when I seen him from not mentioning the fact that my wedding day was supposedly in three weeks. But now that I seen him as he unloaded boxes from a large van onto the ground outside a shop all I wanted to do was run over and punch him, I knew it would hurt it I did it though I would only end up hurting myself.As I became closer to him I seen him look up through the crowd off people that were already gathered here, I don't know how he saw me or maybe he could hear my heavy breathing but his eyebrows crinkled together probably wondering why I was out of school already and maybe I looked angry from the outside."What's wrong did something happen?" He asked as he stopped what he was doing and started walki
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Getting married
FOURS P.O.VShe's a girl, a human, still in school and you expect her to marry me in three weeks when she only just found out about the werewolf's? I'm Alpha of this pack and if I want more time I will get it" I felt my voice rising as my chest pushed up and down as I tried my best to restrain myself from jumping over the table."Alpha, it was your choice not to tell the girl about the wolves and you were aware of the marriage traditions in this pack for months. The time is up and we have gave you extensions, this decision is ours" One of the elders spoke only adding to my rising anger as I began to rise of my seat my hands shaking from the rage.I felt Finn, my beta, hand place on my shoulder as he attempted to rein me in from my rage reminding me that physically if I was too hurt one of them it wouldn't be good. Yes I was Alpha but they were the council, I had no control over the traditions.I looked at them before I shook my head leaving the room, Finn following behind as he tried
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It's a surprise
EMILY'S P.O.VI thought those words were exactly what I wanted to hear for the last few weeks but now that I was actually hearing them they never brought the happiness and relief I thought I would feel, well that's a lie for a second I felt relieved that what I thought was going to be the end of my freedom wasn't going to happen but after that left I was left with a shitty feeling in my stomach. I didn't know what it was at that time and for a while after until I managed to asked Terri about it when it wouldn't go away and was only growing stronger and she told me it was the mate bond so it wasn't my fault and I decided it wasn't how I actually felt. But in that moment I didn't want to actually tell Four, I actually wasn't going to tell Four because I knew he had worked so hard to make me happy and I honestly was grateful that I wasn't going to have to do it.At the time we didn't really talk about it, I could tell Four didn't want to do I just thanked him but now it was like only a f
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