All Chapters of The Mafia's Captured Slave: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
169 Chapters
My eyes furiously scanned the pages as each page I read shocked me even more. In the werwolf community there are different packs, each pack has an Alpha who is the leader, a Beta who helps the Alpha and steps in when he's gone and a gamma who also helps. They are all in packs, like a pack of wolves only they are people.Another thing that shocked me that I had to read the page twice to see if I was imagining it was that these wolves can community through their minds, they can mind link each other. Also majority of the people are born into it, they have their first shift at the age of eighteen.If I didn't know any better it was like I reading a fiction book not a proper textbook with accurate information. The thing I was currently reading was about mates. Each werwolf had one somewhere, mates are paired together by the moon goddess whoever that was. Basically whoever your mate was you had to be with them weather you liked it or not.I felt my eyes become heavy as I peered out the wind
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Has no choice
I was a mate, I had a mate and not the friend type of mate i had the type of one who you were destined to be with for the rest of your life paired together by some sort of fate that you had no choice to take part it.Human or not if you had a mate then you could say goodbye to your family, your plans for the rest of your life and really having any sort of control over any decision you now made.That's what Four did to me, he took me away from everyone I knew and loved, he kept me locked up in his room for months without even mentioning the fact that by the way I'm a werewolf. He ruined all my plans I had for my future, finishing school applying to university I will never get to experience. Driving for the first time, crashing my parents car for the first time, getting rejected from the university I will never get to do. I'm stuck with him and it's not the case anymore where in my brain I thought that he had mental problems and had kidnapped me out of spite, still questioning that. But
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Don't come near me
I squeezed my eyes shut as a sick feeling that had settled in my stomach only grew as I felt his hot breath fan my neck making me want to push him off me straight away. I tried to imagine I was somewhere else, like back at home with Kyle fighting over the remote.I felt his hands begin to unbutton my top as I had to dig my nails in my hands at the disgust that I had felt, this didn't feel right. It should be easy, sleep with Tom and no more Four, but it wasn't for some reason all I wanted now was Four.I felt my heart rate speed up, I didn't want to do this, I didn't want my first time being with Tom someone I had only met and just to apart of some revenge plot."Tom I changed my mind, I don't want to do this" I breathed out as his heavy weight on top of me only added to my anger as I placed my hands on his chest attempting to push him off."I'm doing you a favour Emily, you'll thank me for this" Tom shook my comments of as his hands pushed mine away and continued buttoning my top dow
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It wasn't his fault
MADDIE'S P.O.V "Your okay now love, please don't cry" Fours soothing voice mumbled in my ear as I buried my face in his chest his thumb reaching and wiping away the tears that hasn't stopped flowing down my face.I couldn't stop shaking even when Four handed me his hoodie I was still shaking, not from being cold but from the events that only took place moments ago. I was almost raped, Dylan killed a man and I was now back with Four someone who I'd never thought I'd see again.For the past five minutes Four had been attempting to get me to stop cryjng and to calm down but all I could think of was his heavy weight on top of me, as I pushed at his chest but he didn't budge I wasn't strong enough for him.Four had pushed open the door to one of the rooms quickly setting me down on the bed that was placed in the centre quickly making his way over to the window shutting the curtains as if he was still trying to block me from the secret that I already knew."I want you to tell me what happe
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Love you
"Your okay now love, please don't cry" Fours soothing voice mumbled in my ear as I buried my face in his chest his thumb reaching and wiping away the tears that hasn't stopped flowing down my face.I couldn't stop shaking even when Four handed me his hoodie I was still shaking, not from being cold but from the events that only took place moments ago. I was almost raped, Dylan killed a man and I was now back with Four someone who I'd never thought I'd see again.For the past five minutes Four had been attempting to get me to stop cryjng and to calm down but all I could think of was his heavy weight on top of me, as I pushed at his chest but he didn't budge I wasn't strong enough for him.Four had pushed open the door to one of the rooms quickly setting me down on the bed that was placed in the centre quickly making his way over to the window shutting the curtains as if he was still trying to block me from the secret that I already knew."I want you to tell me what happened, I can't hel
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Forgive me
"We should be back in a couple of hours, we are leaving now to get back on the road. Make sure the boarders are covered at all times, any problems contact Finn" Fours irritated voice sighed from the room.I took a deep breath leaning against the locked bathroom door closing my eyes for a brief second, not a wink of sleep I got last night, every time I shut my eyes I seen Tom, his sick face staring at my own. Between that and Four constantly asking if I was alright I got no sleep."Baby are you ready?" Fours voice asked his fist knocking on the bathroom door making me jump, I didn't understand why he was being nice to me. Maybe it was because I was being a little bit less of a brat or he felt sorry for me.I quickly glanced at my reflection cringing at the result, my hair was an absolute mess my face stained with tears and the joggers Four had gave me looking like a blanket. As soon as we got into the room last night he demanded I changed from the clothes I got there, I didn't mind it'
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Real him
I ran my hand along the edges of the car seat my eyes flickering to the right to see Four in the same position, one hand hanging loosely on the wheel while the other was stretched over on my knee.My eyes glanced outside to see the same scenery I have been looking at for the past hour of driving on the road, green tears after trees lined up creating a forest atmosphere. My eyes glanced in the mirror to see the black jeeps following behind as they have done since we left.For most of the journey I was sleeping and Four just woke me up an hour ago asking if I needed to go to the bathroom or anything.I felt weird, my heart believed Fours words, I thought he was actually going to try change but their was still a feeling that I shouldn't get my hopes up and be prepared to be stuck up in that bedroom.But what did this mean? Did he mean he was going to actually let me explore around the lands? Let me see all the things he has been hiding from me or was all the stuff coming out of his mouth
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His anger
I tugged on his wrist harder in attempt to make his body move faster as his feet trudged even slower until he came to a complete stop mid way down the hallway the elevator only a few steps away causing my own feet to come to a stop as his grip pulled me back closer to him.I snapped around staring daggers at his blue eyes which were staring down at me glinting slightly as a small smirk played on his face as he watched me every second that passed knowing how unpacient I was to get going."Not so fast love, there are a few things I need to talk to you about" He chuckled prying my grip of his wrist as he leaned his broad frame against the wall."Your hand, doesn't leave mine. I mean it Emily you don't know where your going, I don't want you wandering of. You have never seen my people but they know of you, there will be a few stares but I've already wanted them. The pack land is far to large to show you all today love so you'll have be patient" Four explained as he took my hand and wrappe
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Don't need you
"Emily slow down! My bones may withstand a crash but yours sure as hell won't" Fours voice laced with seriousness exclaimed as his large hands was placed on top of my ones taking control of the wheel for himself as I jammed my foot into the break the impact causing the car to skid forward."Fuck me, I thought you said you had a bit of experience" Four continued shaking his head as his hand reached over pulling the keys out of the ignition preventing me from causing any more damage."I was barley even going ten miles per hour! These cars are different to English ones" I defended my 'awful' driving skills that honestly he was blowing out of proportion. It wasn't my fault that the last time I sat behind a wheel was almost a year ago and it was only in a golf cart.It was now only twenty minutes into my so called driving lesson which Four promised to take me on last night after the eventful day yesterday. I looked at him rolling my eyes as he shook his head as if he couldn't believe I was
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You kissed her
He successfully pried my grip of his face a mixture between pulling my grip of and being a child and sticking his tongue out. This is the time I enjoyed with Four, when he was acting like himself not yesterday when he was being so cold."I don't know what time I'll be back at love" Four sighed pushing the stand of hair that had escaped from my plait behind my ears as I narrowed my eyes at him "Fine" he gave in after a few seconds of a stare off.He leaned forward placing his lips on mine sparks erupting as tingles shot down my lips right to my fingertips, feeling like a quick few seconds later I pulled my head back despite the growing tingles in my tummy that urged me to continue forward."I thought you have a meeting" I mumbled keeping my eyes strictly on his own blue ones seeing flicked of gold appearing in them slightly as he let out a groan his hand that had ridden up my waist pulling me closer once again."In an hour" He pointed out his voice deep raising his eyebrow before his o
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