All Chapters of The Mafia's Captured Slave: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
169 Chapters
Tryin to be nice
EMILY'S P.O.VI stared at Four from my position on the bed, my vision still adjusting to the bright light streaming in through the window as Four rushed to silence the loud ringing that just erupted from his phone while he was in the shower I'm guessing by his wet hair and towel covered body and while I was still sleeping.I watch as he lifts the phone to his ear silencing it as his gaze lands on me as if to check if it woke me up sending me a small smile when he released I was awake, however it was soon replaced by his eyes brows furrowing to create worry lines in the middle of his head as he brought his hand up to his wet hair running his hand through it at whatever the person was saying to him on the phone.A few minutes later when I emerged from the bathroom Four was no longer on the phone but the tense look hadn't dropped from his face as he shook his wet with the towel that was once around his waist now replaced by a pair of shorts."Luna Theresa is here with her pack" His voice
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I miss you
I shook my head as he rolled his eyes shaking his head at me a small smile on his face "I swear your going to get me banished" he joked. I could tell from his face he was feeling sorry for me today, any other time and he would actually be angry at me for not telling Four where I was but he didn't say anything."There's Rice Krispies in the cupboard if you want, have some with milk you pour into the bowl." He shouted from the front door adding the last part which only made me laugh and if he was beside me I'd hit him.After a half an hour of sitting in Prestons house waiting for this quick meeting to be over, I had really considered leaving to go to the meeting myself, I mean I live here as well. But after I made Prestons bed and made my self cereal I had honestly exhausted myself. More mentally exhausted than physically but exhausted none the less. I don't know if I could mentally prepare to actually meet her today.I was just about to open the front door when a loud ringing from Pres
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Not fair
EMILY'S P.O.V"Can you help?" Four stepped out off the bathroom his hands fumbling around his neck as he struggled to put his tie on for the past ten minutes. My eyes trailed over him as he wore a white shirt that made his muscles stand out and a pair of black trousers that matched the black tie and jacket that was currently on the back off his chair. Why did he have to look so perfect in a suit. I wished now that he was wearing a t shirt and shorts to his wedding as the suit reminded me and the tears I was trying to hold down that it was almost time.Before he could notice me swallowing back the tears that were threatening to come out I rolled my eyes and made my way towards him as I lead him over to his seat for him to sit down so I could reach better.I stood in front of him as i undone the mess he had created and began to do up a tie that I had learned from my days at primary and secondary school. It felt weird doing a tie now, I hadn't done one in so long."How do you know how to
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A lot of questions
"Did you answer?" He asked his eyes leaving the screen which was unusual, he never took his eyes of the TV."It was Dylan, why was he ringing you?" I asked, I needed to take my mind of the pain I was going to be in now and if that meant prying into Prestons shit it would be a good enough distraction."Did he say anything to you? I don't know why he rang I haven't spoke to him for a while" He shrugged although he seemed a little bit panicked over the first question as I didn't know if I believed him. There was defiantly something that he was not giving away I just didn't know what."I just told him you weren't here and then I heard you and Four at the door" I explained as his face relaxed a bit as he turned his face to the TV again. Was there something happening or something Dylan wasn't supposed to tell me?After a few minutes of watching the TV Preston sprang up from his position on the sofa his eyes glazed over as I looked at him eyebrows furrowing as he muttered some words over and
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Want to meet you
EMILYI felt my phone vibrate in my purse and hastily glanced up at the clock. It was already after five, and I knew Maddy had made reservations for six. My sister was well aware that rush hour traffic in Los Angeles was a pain to deal with, but she also knew that Cleo's was one of the most popular new restaurants in town, and she'd had to reserve a spot when she could get it. Quickly, I gathered my files and stepped into the hall, heading for the front desk.I'd been looking forward to the evening for quite some time. As a nurse, it was difficult for me to find time to get out and enjoy myself. It felt like I was always either just getting off work or having to rush home and get to bed early so I could start an early shift the next morning.It had been a while since I'd seen my sister. Though I'm technically her older sister by three minutes-we are identical twins. Physically identical, anyway. As far as our personalities and professions are concerned, we are as different as night an
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No longer the same
Other diners glanced up at me as I walked past, doing their best to act as though I looked down at my drink as I spoke, ignoring the emotion that tightened my throat. Maddy reached over and placed her hand over mine, then gave it a squeeze."Hey now, don't do that. Your life is plenty exciting, and if you don't think that it is, why don't you do something about it?" She gave me a mischievous grin and I smiled as I shook my head. "And what on earth would that be? Decide to take a different way home from work one day? Ooh, that would be really adventurous!" I rolled my eyes as my sarcastic tone showed my sister how unconvinced I was, and she gave me a look."That's not what I meant, and you know it. Just do something that you wouldn't normally do stop thinking so hard about everything, and just do it! That'swhat I do."She lifted her glass to her lips and looked around the restaurant as she spoke, and I couldn't help but notice the different men in the room all glancing our way. I bri
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EMILYMy suspicions were soon confirmed as my phone started to ring and Maddy's name flashed across the screen.I picked up my phone, ready to answer it and apologize for the mix-up, but then another thought came to me. I was in her car, going to a party that she had in- tended to go to. She had said it was invite only, so her name would have to be on the guest list. I felt a twinge of guilt in my chest as I put my cell back in my purse, but it wasn't enough to make me ask the driver to turn around. I'm no fun, am I? Well, perhaps it's time that we switch roles, Maddy, and let theother Shadows sister have some fun for a change.I settled into the seat and pulled out my phone again, uncertain of what else to do. I had never been one to make conversation with cab drivers, and also, as I noticed his suit, it was clear this man wasn't working for a run-of-the-mill driv ing company. I didn't know my sister's world, or if I was supposed to engagewith people such as this.There was somethi
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Can't resist him
The nerves were quickly leaving my stomach, and I was beginning to feel a surge of confidence like I had never felt before in my life. I held my clutch in front of me the same way I saw the other women carrying theirs, and I walked with soft deliberation toward the door.I could feel heads turn as I walked past, but I didn't have the guts to make eyecontact with any of them. Men and women alike took notice of me, and therewas a part of me that wanted to blurt out my mistake and turn around to go home. Once at the door, I was surprised to be stopped by a man standing with arms crossed—a bouncer, I guessed. He wore sunglasses in spite of it being night-time, as well as a headset. He was tall and muscular, with a no-nonsense lookabout him. The bouncer held his hand up, motioning for me to stop, and I flung my hairover my shoulder, doing my best impression of a movie star. I then noticed a second doorman on the other side, dressed completely identi cally to the first man. They both
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Slow and deliberate
EMILYIwasn't sure what was going to happen next, nor how to respond. I had to keep reminding myself that I was supposed to be my sister, and that I should do what she would do but in the moment, I wasn't certain what that was. Maddy had always been calm and collected, and I could only imagine that she would be in this situation, as well.But then again, Maddy would know what was going on here.The man led me through a side door and into a narrow hall where we were met by a woman."You're late!" she hissed into my ear as the man transferred me to her."I'm sorry. I was having dinner...with my sister," I explained. The woman gave me a look that made me feel as though I had just said the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard, then she turned and pushed me into what appeared to be a dressing room. I wasn't sure what she wanted me to do, but I didn't have to wait long. Within seconds, two more women had appearedand were stripping me of my cocktail dress.My first instinct was to tell
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Interesting night
KYLEIdon't know what came over me when I walked into the club. I'd been there a hundred times before, and this time wasn't any different...or so I thought. The Gathering was nothing new to me I would walk in, look over my options, and make my selection.I knew I had more money than the richest man in the room; I knew all the men wished they were me, and that all the women wished they were with me. Kyle Cunningham was a name that circulated around the club often. The atten- dees knew that I was a no-nonsense kind of man, and when I wanted some thing, I was not afraid to get out there and take it.I sauntered through the room, making eye contact with everyone I passed but not bothering to hold their gazes for long. I had more important matters that needed my attention, and I was going to address those before anything else. Cora, the stage manager, was making her normal announcement, filling thetime before the first of the lots would appear. I was used to this speech; it wasthe same t
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