All Chapters of The Cherished Wife: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
100 Chapters
Chapter 91
"Oops!" Noelle carefully put back the extra items she had grabbed, "So now we... Ouch!"Before Noelle could finish her sentence, she was jolted by a shopping cart that a customer had accidentally let go of. The cart had come out of nowhere, and even Charles, with his ninja-like reflexes, could not catch it in time.Charles, with a swift move, pulled Noelle out of harm's way, but the cart clipped him, causing his ankle to twist.Noelle inhaled sharply, the throbbing pain in her calf forcing her to clench her teeth.Charles caught the pained look on Noelle's face and quickly shoved the cart aside, crouching down to massage the spot where she had been struck. "How are you? Does it hurt much?"The spot where Charles's hands were was tender, but Noelle shook her head. "I'm fine, really!""Are you sure you're okay? I'm so sorry!" A woman, clutching her child, hurried over, her face awash with remorse. "I was watching my little one and didn't see the cart get away from me. I'm terribly
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Chapter 92
A warmth spread through Noelle's chest, though she tried to sound annoyed. "Really, what will people think, seeing me in here like this?""It’s either the cart or the hospital. Take your pick!" Charles challenged her with a choice.Noelle's mouth opened, but no words came out. She chose to remain silent.Sometimes Charles could be so overbearing, Noelle thought. However, in a strange way, his assertiveness was kind of endearing.Noelle knew Charles was only fussing over her because of her sprained ankle, and she realized that not every guy would be so thoughtful. She bit her lip and sat still in the shopping cart, twiddling her fingers. She was grateful, indeed, but she was also an adult, and being carted around by Charles was just plain weird.Out of Noelle's sight, Charles let a smile creep into his eyes, a fond grin that made everyone else around wish they had someone to look at them like that.Pushing the cart with one hand and juggling some groceries with the other, Charles
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Chapter 93
Noelle, believing it was better to avoid making a scene, tugged at Charles's hand to keep him quiet. "We're really, really sorry!""Look, ma'am, you seem like a sensible person. There's been no harm done today, so we'll let it slide this time. However, you and your husband need to watch it from now on. What you do at home is your business, but in public, you’ve got to mind yourselves. Think about it. The mall is huge, with tons of people around. Something could go wrong, you know?""Yes, sir. That makes total sense. We've got it," Noelle said, flashing another smile and quickly adding, "We’re really sorry about this, won't happen again, promise."After her apology, Noelle shot Charles a look that could freeze lava. Noticing Charles's growing impatience, she took his hand and gave his palm a secret pinch. "Hey, it's no biggie, right? We messed up, that's all. Your turn to say sorry.""Me, apologize?" Charles scowled. Noelle's warning glance, however, told him this was not the time f
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Chapter 94
"What... what?" the guard's eyes bulged, "You're kidding, right?""Do I look like I'm kidding?" Ronald had adjusted his collar, "Next time, pay attention. The big boss does what he wants, especially with his wife."Ronald gave the guard's shoulder a reassuring pat, "You got lucky today, bumping into the boss's wife!"The guard was speechlessNoelle carefully led Charles away, trying to read his mood. She had attempted to slip her hand away from his, but he gripped it even tighter.Noelle bit her lip. "You're not mad, are you?"Charles stayed silent, and Noelle really thought he was mad. She stopped and pulled at his hand. "Don't be so touchy. The guard was right. We did cause a scene, and he was just doing his job."Charles stopped. A ticklish feeling in his palm made him raise an eyebrow, amused. He had put on a stern face to play along with Noelle. Turning to her, he had said, "But you thought I should apologize?"Noelle bit her lip, feeling cornered. She had not expected Cha
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Chapter 95
"Nelly." He said her name like it was something sacred.Noelle blinked up at him, "Yeah?""It's nothing." Charles inhaled deeply, releasing her gently to avoid frightening her. He grabbed something and started walking. "Come on. We've wasted enough time, and you said you were starving, right?"At his words, Noelle patted her stomach, "I'm totally starving!" She decided not to dwell on Charles's earlier behavior. "So, who's cooking today, you or me?""I'll cook if you drive us home," Charles offered with a smile. "Let's hit the road!"Ronald could not believe his eyes when he stepped out of the mall. There was his boss, the epitome of cool and distant, looking down at Noelle with such warmth, his arms full of groceries.Ronald shook his head in disbelief. The thought of his usually unapproachable boss living a normal life was almost too much. If Peter and Sean caught wind of this, they would never let him live it down.Ronald shivered as he tried to shake off the haunting image.
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Chapter 96
Noelle was not exactly thrilled by Charles's compliment. She gave a half-hearted smile and said, "So, is this the end of the road for Frotconn?"Charles took a moment, then looked at Noelle with a tilt of his head, a playful challenge in his gaze. "Why? Got a soft spot for it?"Noelle pressed her lips together, a little frustrated. "You know that's not what I’m saying." She tried to keep her feelings out of it but could not help asking, "Does it have to go down like this?""Stay out of the business stuff. There are things I cannot share with you," Charles replied firmly. "You'll be in the loop when you need to be.""Fine," Noelle conceded, letting the subject drop.Noelle could tell there was more to the story than Charles was letting on. It was not just one thing that had him so determined. She smiled half-heartedly. "If Frotconn goes under, what'll happen to me?""You're smart. You'll land on your feet," he said, tapping his knee as if to emphasize his point. "Take a left here.
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Chapter 97
Sean's grin was disarmingly innocent as he adjusted his glasses, looking innocent.Noelle forced a laugh, her nerves still jangled. The phrase 'wolf in sheep's clothing' popped into her head unbidden, and she could not help but think it was the perfect way to sum up Sean right then.Charles squinted, a frosty glint in his eyes, "Showing up unannounced?""Don't tell me my Noelle isn't happy to see me." Sean's eyes landed on Noelle with a playful smirk. "Hmm?"Noelle forced a laugh, "You two chat. I'll just be in the kitchen!"Charles caught Noelle's hand just in time. "You okay? You look a bit shaken."Noelle gulped, shaking her head, "I'm fine, really. I just got a little spooked, but I'm all good now!" She wriggled her hand free from Charles. "You can catch up with Sean, I'll get started on dinner!"Seeing Noelle practically bolt away as he opened his mouth to respond, Charles could not help but let out a stifled laugh.Sean, catching this rare sight, teased, "What's this? Try
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Chapter 98
'Got nothing to do with me? What are they talking about?' Noelle had just stepped out of the kitchen when she overheard Sean's comment. She stopped in her tracks. The sight of the massive, dark silhouette made her hesitate, and she stayed put.Arnold noticed Noelle's reluctance and let out a couple of sad howls, feeling totally rejected. He bounded over to her. Noelle, startled, quickly backed into the kitchen. "No, no, stay back!""Arnold!" Charles's voice was deep and icy, cutting through the air. Arnold froze, his four paws halting mid-stride. He turned to Charles with a look that screamed, 'I'm hurt.'Noelle could not help it. Arnold's dramatics cracked her up, and she let out a laugh.That was all Arnold needed. He perked up, howled joyfully, and dashed over to Charles, playfully tugging at the hem of his suit pants. He howled again, this time with a wag in his tail, as if to say, ‘See, she loves me!’Charles surveyed the scene—Noelle, Arnold, and Sean—with his piercing gaze,
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Chapter 99
Sean, of course, ended up staying for dinner.He could not stop raving about Noelle's cooking, and she blushed at the compliments. Post-dinner, Noelle tackled the dishes while Sean and Charles headed to the study upstairs to get down to business. Arnold, meanwhile, was huddled in a corner, his puppy-dog eyes fixed on the kitchen door, silently pleading for Noelle, the lady of the hour, to notice him.Once upstairs, Charles flicked a cigarette Sean's way. "Let's hear it."Sean smirked and let out a low chuckle. "You always know what's on my mind."Charles tapped his fingers on the chair, his expression tight, "Believe me, there's nothing I want less." He paused before adding, "So, what's the latest drama with the Smiths?""Oh, it's my cousin again!""Is it Andy?" Charles's lips curled into a half-smile, "What's he gotten himself into this time?""Who's Andy? The Smiths don't even recognize that name!" Sean said with a half-smile. Talking about his cousin could fill books. "Why'd
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Chapter 100
Sean closed his eyes for a moment, trying to let it go. "Okay, enough about that. I'm heading out in two days. Can you look after Arnold for me?" He got up to leave, then hesitated. "And my cousin... if he bothers you, just... try to cut him some slack, okay?"Charles nodded, giving Sean a quick look. "Just watch your back, alright?"Sean gave a half-smile, a hint of caution in his voice. "You've got to watch your back these days. I hear you're planning to take on Robert? He may not be a tiger, but watch out. Even a kitty can pack a punch!" Grabbing his suit jacket from the chair, Sean headed for the door and spotted Noelle with two bowls of gazpacho. "Is this for us?"Noelle nodded. "Try it!"Sean chuckled. "I'd love to, but I've got some loose ends to tie up at the hospital. Save it for a toast with my bro!""Sure thing. Catch you later!" Noelle replied with a warm smile, missing the stern look on Charles's face as Sean left.Turning around, Noelle found Charles holding her bow
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