All Chapters of The Cherished Wife: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
100 Chapters
Chapter 51
Time froze, and Noelle's heart raced out of control. She instantly wished she could take back her words, wondering why she had ever blurted them out.Her cheeks warmed with a blush, and she could not bring herself to look at Charles, feeling totally mortified. Girls were not supposed to ask guys questions like that, were they?Charles watched her, a playful smile creeping into his eyes as he saw her squirm. His fingers drummed lightly on the table, each tap echoing in Noelle's chest.Noelle chewed on her lip, her embarrassment growing. She felt like she had lost all control of the conversation. "I mean... just forget I asked, okay? Don't take it seriously!""What if I do take it seriously?" Charles's voice was cool but teasing.Noelle was ready to just shrug off the whole awkward moment, but Charles's response stopped her cold. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise. "What?"She had figured Charles was just messing with her, especially after his earlier gesture, and sh
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Chapter 52
"You still haven't given me a straight answer," Noelle pressed, her determination bordering on stubbornness.Charles paused, then offered a smile. "It’s no big mystery, really. You just happened to show up at the right time and place. That was all there was to it."Noelle searched Charles's eyes for something more, but their locked gazes offered no further clues. Feeling a bit let down, she averted her eyes. "Got it.""So, what’s your verdict, Ms. Shaw?"Noelle chewed on her lip for a moment. "You were well aware of where I stood with the Shaws. I was never going to see a dime of their fortune, nor was I going to get a foot in the door of their company. You knew that from the beginning, didn't you?"He nodded. "A guy's got nothing if he's waiting for a woman to bring him wealth."Noelle let out a small laugh. "You’re one of few who think that way.""Any other questions?" Charles was the picture of patience. Whether it was business or anything else, he could outwait anyone. With
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Chapter 53
After hanging up, Charles caught Noelle's gaze on him. He lounged against the sofa, legs casually crossed, the picture of relaxation. "All done?"Noelle nodded, stood up, and began to tidy up the dishes. Charles just observed, making no move to assist.He watched her move about, the angled sunlight streaming through the window, bathing her in a glow that made her seem effortlessly at ease and content.Charles had always reveled in the quiet of his life. Phoenix Tree Residence had stood empty for years as his own personal haven. Now, with another soul wandering its halls, it did not seem too bad.He was not exactly put off by this woman's arrival. Perhaps having her around would spice up his days. Then again...A shadow flickered across Charles's eyes, the hint of a smile giving way to something sharper, more guarded.Ronald was on the ball, zipping back to the Phoenix Tree Residence in less than thirty minutes with company in tow. Charles swung the door open, and Ronald, standing
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Chapter 54
Charles had just seen Ronald and the others out. Coming back, he caught Noelle's incredulous question and chuckled. "Yep, we're married now."Noelle's hands flew to her cheeks, surprised to find Charles right behind her. Flustered, she got to her feet quickly. "It's late. I should head back.""Noelle!" Charles's voice stopped her in her tracks, and she halted, her steps halting just as quickly. She turned around stiffly, a puzzled "Huh?" escaping her lips.Charles was barely holding back a laugh at Noelle's adorably confused look. "It's actually morning," he said.Noelle's cheeks flamed even hotter. "Morning?" It was probably the most embarrassed she had ever been around Charles.Ever since meeting Charles, Noelle felt like her life had become a series of increasingly embarrassing moments. Every encounter with him seemed to leave her more flustered than the last.Charles watched her, the teasing mood fading. He stepped closer and gently pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
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Chapter 55
Meanwhile, Ronald escorted two colleagues away when a sudden chill crept over him, a gut feeling that something was off. "Seriously? Mr. Hoffman can't be that ruthless, can he?"Noelle listened as Charles did something he hardly ever did: he admitted he was wrong. She had to admit that part of the blame was on her for not being more alert. She glanced down at how close she and Charles were standing and felt her cheeks heat up again.She gently pushed away Charles's hand and turned her head to hide her flushed face. "Where are my clothes?"Charles narrowed his eyes, feeling the loss of warmth from his hand, and looked away. "Head upstairs first.""Okay."Noelle's emotions were a tangled mess. Could she really have just married Charles like that? It all had happened so fast that it still felt like a dream to her.She made her way to Charles's bedroom. Earlier, she had noticed that his house was tastefully decorated, with a simple yet sophisticated style that did not quite match the
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Chapter 56
"Deal!" Noelle felt a weight lift off her shoulders; she was not keen on visiting the Shaw family anyway. "If I want to catch up with you, Grandpa, we’ll just meet up somewhere!"After hanging up, Noelle looked up to see Charles returning after a long absence, a gift box in hand as he strolled up to her.Her phone was still in her hand, her heartbeat erratic with anticipation.Charles offered the gift box to Noelle, "Your clothes haven't dried yet. I picked this up for you to wear in the meantime. I hope it works for now!""Thanks!" Noelle snatched the package and eagerly tore it open to find a long, flowy dress that seemed to shimmer with magic. She inspected it, noticing the tag was missing. However, the faint outline of a logo and the feel of the fabric gave it away. It was a Saint Di creation, a brand famed for their exclusive designs."You don't like it?" Charles inquired, catching Noelle off guard. She shook her head. "No, it's gorgeous. But how did you guess my size?"Th
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Chapter 57
Noelle watched her phone disappear into Charles's hand, let out a little sigh without even realizing it, then caught his teasing look. "Having second thoughts?"Noelle bit her lip, her face a shade paler than usual. Charles's words had thrown her for a loop. Deep down, she knew the truth, though. Ever since Xavier's betrayal with Winter, her heart had checked out. "No way!""Is that so?" Charles let out a skeptical chuckle, clearly not buying it.Noelle caught the disbelief in Charles's eyes and sighed inwardly. What was she expecting? Charles was a tough nut to crack, and their relationship had taken a turn into uncharted territory. "Believe it or not, Xavier and I are done," she declared, pausing for emphasis. Since she was his wife now, she would not step out of line. "You have my word."Charles quirked an eyebrow, his eyes revealing a flicker of surprise before he gave a half-smile. "Good to hear. Let's get you home.""Okay."Noelle knew better than to argue. Charles was set
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Chapter 58
Noelle's hands relaxed, and she settled back into her seat. Her fidgety movements gave away her inner turmoil.Feeling anxious, her palms started to sweat. She gripped her hands tightly, then let go a little, "I... I'm sorry. I'm just not ready yet!"Even though they were married, Charles was practically a stranger to her.She knew he was the big boss of Collosus Group, one of the infamous Four Young Masters of Brookville, Mr. Hoffman, and that he was not someone people in Brookville crossed lightly. However, that was the extent of her knowledge. She was clueless about his likes, his family, or who he hung out with.It was only now that Noelle was facing these facts, realizing she had been pretty bold to marry a guy she barely knew. Rubbing her forehead to ease the headache, she gently tapped it and asked, "Mr. Hoffman, is it too late to back out of this marriage?"Charles arched an eyebrow and turned to give Noelle a look.In just a couple of minutes, he had seen every emotion p
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Chapter 59
Charles' slender hand picked at the seatbelt on Noelle, then he smiled and said, "I hope you were joking."Noelle gazed at Charles, her breath catching in her throat. She could not read him, he was way too close for comfort. His presence and unique scent were overwhelming. A crisp blend of passionfruit and lemon lingered in the air, light yet impossible to ignore.She turned away, her heart racing. "I get it," she said with a quick nod.She knew she was no match for Charles in this game they were playing.Charles noticed her unease and softened his expression. "Hey, I didn't mean to freak you out. Look, stuff happens, right? Why run from it? Face it head-on, accept it, and who knows? You might see things in a new light."Noelle inhaled deeply, trying to steady her nerves. "Fine. I'll give it a shot. Three days, right? You promised me three days."A hint of a smile played on Charles's lips. He found Noelle's mix of fear and feistiness amusing, not the usual reaction he got. "I'm a
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Chapter 60
Xavier's face turned red with fury as the car sped off into the distance. "Some hero you are, hiding behind tinted windows! Come out and face me if you dare!" he yelled, though his challenge fell on deaf ears.Charles was long gone, the car a mere speck in the sprawling suburb. Xavier was left with nothing but the smoke of the car's trail and a firestorm of anger in his chest that he could not quell.It was maddening. Noelle had been with him for ages, yet she had never stayed the night. Now, some random guy showed up, and she did not come home? Unbelievable.Xavier clenched his fists. If only that guy had stepped out of the car, he would have shown him what a real man looked like.Little did Xavier know that his outburst might spell disaster for his family’s company.It was only after the car had vanished that Xavier calmed his anger. He could not believe Noelle would run around with some guy, not coming home all night. He had not even stopped to think about what he had done the
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