All Chapters of The Cherished Wife: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
100 Chapters
Chapter 31
"Has Noelle arrived?"The Shaw family's long-time butler, Mr. Thompson, was the first to catch sight of Noelle. He had a welcoming grin on his face. "Come on in. Don't just stand there! It's not winter yet, but it’s still cold. Hurry inside and see Sir Joshua. He's been missing you!"Mr. Thompson had been by Samuel's side for ages, tending to him and dedicating his life to the Shaw family. He knew all the ins and outs, especially how much Sir Shaw doted on Noelle.Noelle’s eyes lit up, and her hand was comforted by Mr. Thompson's warm grip. "Okay, I'll go with you to see him! How has he been? Is he eating enough?""He's been eating great and full of energy!" Mr. Thompson chuckled. "You're the one he's been waiting for, Noelle. Sir Shaw has been over the moon knowing you would be back today."Mr. Thompson, knowing that Noelle preferred the quiet, steered her away from the bustling crowd, taking a shortcut through the backyard and straight upstairs to find Samuel.It was Samuel's b
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Chapter 32
When Noelle put it that way, Samuel could only let out a resigned sigh and gently pat her hand. "Don't you worry, kiddo. Your grandpa's got your back. And if you've got a thing for that Xavier, I'll see what I can do...""Grandpa!" Noelle cut him off, her head shaking just a bit. "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. I know that much. Besides, he's spoiled goods now. I'm done with him!""There, there! Our Noelle knows her worth!" Samuel was proud that Noelle was not letting it get to her. However, he was not letting Winter and Xavier get away with pulling a stunt like that."I'll get them to apologize to you and clear up the whole mess!"Hand in hand, Samuel led Noelle downstairs, where all the guests were buzzing with curiosity about the girl he was with.The recent scandal had not gone unnoticed. All this time, the Shaw family was known for Miss Winter, with no mention of a Miss Noelle. After the last bit of gossip hit the airwaves, people started whispering abo
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Chapter 33
Noelle was no fool. She knew she was not exactly the family favorite, but she had not expected them to stoop this low. Her dad, who was usually so composed, was showing his true colors at Grandpa's birthday, of all places. It was a real eye-opener for Noelle."Grandpa, how about I hang out with you for a bit?" Noelle flashed a smile. "Check it out. We've got a full house today, all here to party for you." She gently took Samuel's hand, ready to head off.Julian was fuming, his face red and his mustache practically bristling. With the crowd watching, however, he bit his tongue.Then, out of nowhere, the crowd started buzzing, and a wave of gasps rolled through the room. Noelle peeked through the sea of people and spotted someone making an entrance at the door the Shaw family had been keeping an eye on. The guy was tall and striking, walking with a confidence that said 'keep your distance,' completely stealing the spotlight from Noelle and her grandpa.Dressed to the nines in a sleek
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Chapter 34
"Mr. Hoffman sends his best to Sir Shaw. He wishes him all the happiness of the endless oceans and a life as enduring as the ancient mountains."Joseph could butter anybody up. Spotting Charles, he could not resist the chance to strut his stuff in front of the crowd. He shot Xavier a look and sidled over. "Mr. Hoffman! Xavier, aren't you gonna say hi? Your uncle's here because of you!""Uncle, you're here too!"Xavier might have been stewing on the inside; however, in front of Charles, he had to swallow his pride. After all, Charles was a big deal, and showing up here was a big honor...Once Joseph spilled the beans, the dots connected for everyone. Xavier was Charles' nephew, and it looked like Joseph had the mighty Hoffman family in his corner.Charles squinted, a sly grin playing on his lips. It was a grin that said more than words could. His gaze fixed on Xavier with such intensity that Xavier felt a shiver run through him. Standing there with Charles, he was hit with a wave o
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Chapter 35
"It’s right here!" Winter had already sent someone to grab their present. It was not as showy as Charles', but it was still top-notch. "Grandpa, this is from Xavier and me. We wish you happiness and peace!"Everyone knew Winter could charm the stars out of the sky, especially with her celebrity status and her picture-perfect image of elegance and grace.When everyone saw Winter's gift, they could not help but gush, "Wow, the old man's got some amazing luck, having such a devoted granddaughter!"Winter had brought a painting, knowing full well Samuel would love it. She had scoured high and low for it. Then, with a smug look, she turned to Noelle. "So, Noelle, what's your gift for Grandpa?"All eyes were on Noelle then. The unspoken comparison between Samuel’s granddaughters had begun. Next to Winter's glow, Noelle seemed to fade into the background, her quiet nature making her seem even more subdued. She had barely said a word throughout this scene.Noelle's brow creased ever so sl
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Chapter 36
Winter could not help smirking, though she put on a surprised face. "A fountain pen? Noelle's so thoughtful, knowing how much grandpa loves his pens. She's on the same wavelength as me. Luckily, our gifts didn't overlap."Winter was not wrong. The crowd started to piece together the sisters' gifts, weighing their significance. They looked at Noelle with new eyes. ‘Winter went for the obvious, thinking Grandpa would love some art, but she didn't see the pen coming.’Noelle watched Winter's dramatic display, her feelings a tangled mess. She just did not know how to react, being the center of attention like this.Charles squinted and shot Ronald a quick look.Ronald felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him. How had he never noticed his boss loved to stick his nose into everyone's business?Ronald might have been grumbling inside, but he knew better than to slack off. He cleared his throat and put on a look of mock surprise. "Hey, isn't that the pen we saw the other day at Curio Cor
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Chapter 37
"Shh!"Charles's eyes narrowed. In a swift motion, he grabbed Noelle's hand. Before she could even process what was happening, he yanked her arm, spun around, and whisked her behind a pillar.His strong arms encircled her waist, pulling her close into his protective hold.Noelle was puzzled and tried to push Charles away. Despite her efforts, his arms held her tight, his finger pressed gently against her lips, signaling her to keep quiet."You promised that you'd make Grandpa and Noelle see that Xavier and I are meant to be today. It still hasn't happened yet." Winter, fuming after her clash with Noelle, pulled Jade to the back garden. "Mom, did you see Noelle earlier? She was so full of herself, making me look bad on purpose. She knows Xavier and I are the real deal. Why is she being so difficult?""Don't worry, honey," Jade reassured her, scanning the area before speaking. "When have I ever let you down? I've got this." She continued, "Just stick with Xavier, okay? I'll handle t
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Chapter 38
"That's enough. You're my dad, and she's my sister, which means I can't really do anything. But it doesn't mean I have to forgive her or accept what happened." Noelle took a sip of her tea, grimacing at the bitterness. "New tea, huh? Mom probably never even thought about giving me the good stuff. It's always Winter this, Winter that. She never cares about how I feel. What about you, Dad?""Noelle..." Julian looked at her, his eyes filled with a hint of disappointment, and he shook his head, pained. "I've tried to get through to you, but you're still not getting it. How has your sister been to you all these years? Remember it was your sister who saved you when you were kidnapped. How can you be ungrateful enough to compete with her for your boyfriend?""Dad, what are you saying?" Noelle stood up abruptly, her body trembling, her face turning ghostly pale as she stared at Julian.She could not believe her father felt the same way about the situation. Sure, Winter had saved her back t
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Chapter 39
It was like being in an oven, heat blasting from every direction, frying Noelle's brain. Through the haze, she thought she saw someone. A cool touch on her cheek, a moment of relief, made her grumble in protest. Blinking hard, the figure looming over her took her by surprise. She felt like she was floating on a cloud, then suddenly, she was free-falling.Snapping back to reality, Noelle's eyes flew open to an unfamiliar face. "Who are you?" she croaked, shocked at the sound of her own voice. She shoved the guy away and bolted from the bed. "What did you do to me?"The man ran his fingers along his jawline, his gaze sharp and calculating. "Are you just playing dumb, or do you really have no clue?"Noelle's legs gave out. She stumbled into the coffee table before collapsing to the floor. The man watched her with a hint of amusement, his eyebrow arching slightly as he said with a smirk, "Your folks told me you were still a virgin when they gave you to me.""What did you just say?" Noe
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Chapter 40
"Interesting... you..." As Simon turned his back, Noelle seized a vase and hurled it at his head with all her might. The vase crashed against his forehead, and as he slumped to the ground, his eyes locked on Noelle's. "How dare..."Noelle had given it her all, and now she was totally wiped out, slumping to the floor in a heap. Outside, Winter's voice mixed with the others, worried because they could not find Noelle. They were outside the only locked room in the house, talking about busting the door down. Noelle's heart sank. She thought she was a goner for sure. Then, like a shadow slipping through the night, Charles appeared out of nowhere. His face, all sharp angles and soft skin, came into view as she looked up. She bit her lip so hard it turned a deep, enchanting red. Desperate, she grabbed onto Charles's pants and pleaded, "Charles, save me!" Charles narrowed his eyes, a fierce look flickering across his face as he took in Noelle's flushed cheeks and the figure on the floor.
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