All Chapters of The Cherished Wife: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
100 Chapters
Chapter 21
An odd look appeared on Joseph’s face upon hearing what Noelle said. He directed his stern gaze onto her. It only made her sit up straighter, seemingly not at all afraid of his gaze. No matter how angry he felt, he could not berate her directly. He merely gave an awkward chuckle as he said, “It’s been so long since you’ve last seen your grandfather, child. Don’t you miss him?” Noelle raised an eyebrow. If there was anyone left in the Shaw family she still cared for, that person would definitely be her grandfather. Joseph was urgently trying to make her go home because he wanted her to sing praises about him before the old man so he would relent and give his blessings to Xavier and Winter’s marriage. What an intricate plan they had laid out. They were the ones in the wrong, but they had somehow managed to back her into a corner. He noticed she had not said anything, so he added, “It’ll be his birthday in a couple of days, Noelle. No matter what Xavier and Winter have done, you’r
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Chapter 22
Noelle headed to Curio Corner. Sir Shaw did not have many hobbies, but he did enjoy collecting antiques, and the house was filled with various antique pieces of artwork. Rumor had it that he was an appraiser when he was younger but had given up that passion to inherit the family business. When Noelle entered Curio Corner, an employee immediately approached her and asked, “What are you looking for, Miss?”Noelle was not particularly well-versed in this area. She merely wanted to butter up Sir Shaw. After all, he was the only person in the Shaw family who was still civil to her, and she did not want him to be upset because of her. “I’ll just browse for a bit,” Noelle told the employee before looking around her. However, nothing stood out to her. “Hello, Mr. Hoffman. We just received a shipment of items from the Renaissance a couple of days ago and have kept everything you requested reserved for you as per instructions.”Noelle was still browsing when a trio of men entered the sho
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Chapter 23
Noelle nodded. “I’m not well-versed in antiques, and can’t tell the difference between most things. I was wondering if I could ask for your help, since you seem quite knowledgeable about these antiques.” “I’d be honored to!” Charles said as he narrowed his mind. “What were you thinking of gifting Mr. Shaw?”“Hmm, probably a calligraphy piece, but anything else would work too. My grandfather has beautiful handwriting. Oh, he also shares similar interests to my maternal grandfather.” Noelle felt that Charles would probably have a better idea of what to suggest if she told him that.Sure enough, Charles nodded when he finished listening to her. “Ronald.” Ronald soon appeared. He gazed at Charles attentively, doing his best not to have his gaze stray toward Noelle. “What can I do for you, sir?” “Have Mr. Quinn bring out the newest shipment of antiques.” “Well…” Ronald gave Charles a startled look, and he could not stop himself from glancing at Noelle. Noelle did not know what t
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Chapter 24
A glint flashed in Charles’ eyes as his gaze landed on Noelle’s face. He had noticed how much she liked it, but what she said sounded like the completely opposite of what she felt!His gaze traveled across her face as he said, “Alright, then. What about something from Edgar Degas? Or perhaps this fountain pen?”Charles recommended several items to Noelle, and she decided to purchase the pen. Samuel enjoyed calligraphy, and he was good at it too. Gifting him a pen seemed like a smart move, and it was probably the least expensive of all the antiques she had looked at today. Noelle might be working as a departmental director now, but she was still young and had spent plenty of her savings when she moved out. Moreover, her current situation with Xavier had further convinced her there was no one she could depend on other than herself. She had to save up to pay for a house and a car. Even if she did not have a man, she still had herself!Charles could guess the thoughts running throug
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Chapter 25
Noelle only realized she had walked right into a trap as she left the shop. She was here to buy a present, so how had she ended up buying Charles dinner? Besides, the present was not even in her possession yet!“What are you thinking about?” Charles, who was walking in front of her, paused in his tracks when he realized the woman behind him seemed distracted. His abrupt stop caught Noelle by surprise, and she nearly walked right into him. Still reeling from her shock, she shook her head and asked, “Where would you like to have dinner, Mr. Hoffman?” Charles narrowed his eyes, a hint of a smile tugging on his lips as he gazed at Noelle. “Since you’ll be buying me dinner, you get to decide where we eat, Ms. Shaw.”Noelle hesitated, “Alright, as long as you’re okay with it.” She and Charles Hoffman came from different worlds. He had been born into a rich and noble family, so he must always have had access to high-quality food and clothing. However, she was different. Although she
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Chapter 26
Noelle felt her heart start pounding rapidly. She did not like feeling lost for words. She forced herself to suppress those unfamiliar emotions and drew a long breath before forcibly changing the subject. “Did you ever visit the snack bars right outside the university when you were a student, Mr. Hoffman? I used to enjoy having supper there with my classmates.”Charles’ eyebrows raised slightly as he glanced at Noelle and asked, “You guys scaled the walls?” Noelle blushed, feeling like Charles had seen right through her. However, there was no way she would admit that, and her face turned even redder as she retorted, “No, of course not. We exited through the main gate!” She had answered so urgently that it made her seem even more like she was trying to cover something up, but Charles merely smiled without saying anything else. She also fell silent, thinking to herself that this man was a little different from the image she had formed of him previously. The shop Noelle was talking
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Chapter 27
The look on Charles’ face changed slightly. However, he merely shook his head and said, “Nothing!” before he continued standing beside her instead of taking a seat. Noelle gave Charles a long look and then turned to look at the stool before she accepted her fate and began wiping it down. When she was done, she said to him, “It’s clean now, Mr. Hoffman!” Charles gave Noelle a pointed look. Did she think he found the place dirty?His long stares made goosebumps rise on Noelle’s arms. “What’s the matter? Shall we eat somewhere else instead? I know there’s another restaurant nearby that’s got pretty good reviews. Should we go there instead?” She was starting to regret bringing Charles here. Upon hearing that, he immediately sat down, his lips curving ever so slightly into a smile as he said, “That’s alright. This place is fine!” Noelle heaved a sigh of relief and watched as the shop owner approached them. She was stunned when she saw Noelle. “It’s been so long since you last came
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Chapter 28
The stew was not particularly tasty. It was nothing compared to the delicacies someone as rich as Charles could enjoy in high-end restaurants. However, Noelle had never been a picky eater and would eat anything so long as it filled her stomach. Besides, she was only here for old times’ sake. It was almost time for classes to be let out, so Noelle was worried the crowd would grow larger. Thus, she hurriedly finished her beef stew and suggested they head back. “It’s getting late!” Charles nodded as his phone began ringing. It was from Ronald. “We’ve gotten things ready for Ms. Shaw, Mr. Hoffman!” “Alright. We’re at Vista University right now,” Charles said as he glanced at Noelle. “Do you have any more plans for the night, Ms. Shaw?” “I’m heading home,” Noelle answered. “It’s alright, I can stay here and wait for your assistant. You can take your leave first if you’re busy, Mr. Hoffman!” “No worries!” Charles said as he got to his feet to pay the bill. Noelle hurried after him
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Chapter 29
Ronald instinctively looked toward Charles, but the nonchalant look on his face made it evident he did not plan to say anything. He felt a headache forming, but he put on a bold face and said, “No, there’s no way it’s a mistake. Definitely not. This is the correct price!” “That can’t be right!” Noelle might not be an expert in the field, but she was no idiot either. There was no way something from Curio Corner could be purchased at that price. Besides, Charles had picked it out, and he would not have picked out something inexpensive. Noelle did not believe it one bit. Sweat pooled on Ronald’s forehead, and he could not help thinking to himself, ‘You’re right that it wasn’t cheap. It was so expensive!’ However, he did not dare say that aloud and merely laughed stupidly. “You probably don’t know this, Ms. Shaw, but Mr. Hoffman often purchases extremely valuable antiques from Curio Corner. The shopkeeper is a smart man, and he knows what discounts he can afford to offer. This pen isn’
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Chapter 30
“You’re right, but you know what happened the other day. Winter has already begged her multiple times, but she always returns sobbing, doesn’t she? That girl is so cruel. Is there really anything she won’t do?!” Jade said with gritted teeth, her disdain for Noelle evident. “Anyway, we can’t mess up today. Call Noelle and tell her she has to be here because Sir Shaw misses her!” Jade would not allow her precious daughter, Winter, to suffer the slightest. However, Sir Shaw flew into a terrible rage after learning about Noelle and Xavier’s relationship, which meant that he would not give his blessing to Winter and Xavier’s marriage unless Noelle agreed as well. That angered Jade so much that she nearly got into an argument with Sir Shaw. However, she knew what was going through his mind then and knew he was still calling the shots in the Shaw family. “Alright, alright. I know what to do!” Julian felt annoyed as well. The marriage arrangements had been going smoothly, but Noelle had
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