All Chapters of The Cherished Wife: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
100 Chapters
Chapter 41
"That little troublemaker could..." Jade started to say before she caught a stern look from Julian and quickly backpedaled, "Where could she have gone? She's probably off messing around somewhere!"Jade grumbled, though she could not shake off her concern as she glanced around. "Did you guys check the whole room? Since it's Noelle's room, maybe she's hiding in here. Keep looking!"Jade, determined, flung open the wardrobe. However, it was empty.In the bathroom, the pair were as silent as graves, barely breathing. Noelle, in particular, was like a coiled spring, her hands gripping Charles tightly. She bit down hard, fighting to keep the turmoil inside her at bay.The drug's grip proved too strong, and soon Noelle was struggling, her body burning up with heat.Charles knew exactly what was happening to Noelle. After all, he was a guy who understood the powerful effects of the drug coursing through her. He gripped her shoulders firmly, trying to snap her back to reality. Noelle, str
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Chapter 42
Noelle clung to Charles, her lips finding the curve of his neck, an oasis in the desert she felt lost in. His coolness was the perfect contrast to her fiery need. She was drawn to him, time and time again, desperate for a taste of his refreshing calm.Charles's gaze grew more intense as he gently caressed Noelle's cheek with his cool hand. "Wake up!" he urged.Noelle could not hear him. She just wanted to be close to him. "Don't push me away, it aches so much!" she pleaded.Charles caught his breath, his self-control nearly shattering at the sound of Noelle's soft, seductive voice.He was no saint, especially not when it came to Noelle. With her, he had always been a little more patient. Now, with this beautiful woman in his arms, willingly embracing him, he could not just stand there unaffected."Charles, it aches," Noelle's faint voice echoed in his ear. Her fiery lips brushed against his earlobe, nibbling with impatience. Charles's eyes darkened, his hand cradling the back of h
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Chapter 43
A chill flickered in Charles's gaze as he glanced at Ronald, who promptly stood up straighter and let out a nervous laugh. "Where to now, Mr. Hoffman?""To the Phoenix Tree Residence!" Charles gently settled Noelle into the car as if she were a delicate treasure. Ronald could not help but stare until a piercing look from Charles snapped him back to reality, and he hurriedly got the car going. The sleek black Maybach vanished into the cloak of the night.The drug coursing through Noelle seemed too potent. She feverishly tugged at her clothes and whimpered softly, even though Charles had covered her with his suit jacket.Even Ronald, who was usually oblivious, could tell something was off with Noelle. However, he resolutely focused on the road ahead and did not dare sneak a peek at her. Angering Mr. Hoffman was the last thing he wanted.Noelle was in agony, her body burning up. She clutched at Charles's hand, pressing herself against him, and her lips found his in a clumsy, desperate
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Chapter 44
Noelle's head smacked into the back of the front seat, the pain almost bringing tears to her eyes. She let out a soft cry, propping herself up, only to frown in confusion, "What's this? It's so hard!" she said, giving it an accidental squeeze.Charles gasped, pulling her close, his voice tense. "Stay still."Noelle heard the edge in Charles's voice and pouted, giving him a woeful look, "Are you mad at me?"Although Charles did not know whether to laugh or cry, he managed to keep his composure, gently patting Noelle's head. "Calm down. Let go.""You still haven't told me what this thing is!" Noelle gave it another curious squeeze. "Why is it on you?" Her wide-eyed innocence was making it tough for Charles to keep his cool, let alone make a move.He took a deep breath, gently pulled Noelle's hand away, and wrapped her in a comforting embrace. "Try to stay still, okay?"As Charles rolled down the window, the chilly breeze rushed in, a welcome distraction to help him settle his racin
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Chapter 45
Sean sauntered over and gave the woman a once-over. "She's been drugged with something strong. How long has she been holding out? If she's your girl, why didn't you just deal with it? Why drag me into this?" He chuckled, taking in her good looks. As he stared longer, something clicked. A shadow of recognition flickered in his eyes. "Wait, isn't she from the Shaw family?" Charles quirked an eyebrow. "You know her?""Don't get it twisted. I don't know her!" Sean was quick to catch the hint in Charles's tone and shot back, "I've only had the pleasure of seeing her once, nothing more. I’m curious. How did you get tangled up with the Shaws? I heard that Joseph's kid has some ties with them too.""Mhm," Charles nodded, confirming the connection.Sean rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "So, what's the plan?""You're the doctor, so you tell me," Charles retorted sharply. "What else would I call you for?""No way, Charles. A knockout like her, and you're just standing there? That's not your
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Chapter 46
Sean was not like Charles. Charles grabbed life by the horns with no hesitation or mercy. Sean? He was the guy with the killer smile, all warmth and laughs on the outside. What was he up to behind closed doors? That was anyone's guess. Right now, that smile of Sean's? It was the kind that spelled trouble. Sean squinted, a cold huff escaping him. His hands, always so pristine, were slender to the point of envy, even prettier than a lady's. With a flick of his elegant fingers, he tossed his white coat at Ronald and sprawled out on the couch, a smile playing on his lips that could turn heads. "You don't know? All that time shadowing Charles and you're telling me you're in the dark?" Ronald's whole body jolted, and he was on the brink of tears. "I swear I didn't know, Mr. Smith. Mr. Hoffman wouldn't share anything with a lowly servant like me." "Really?" Sean's eyes, narrow and alluring like petals of a peach blossom, narrowed further as he smiled in a way that sent shivers down
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Chapter 47
Charles had always been the master of his own fate, unshakable and untroubled by others, but as he watched Noelle sleep, he wondered if she might be the one to break his composure.He had not planned on getting her involved, but now that she was here, he was not about to let her slip away. Time was not on their side, but Charles never sweated the small stuff.As he glanced down at himself, he was surprised by the effect she still had on him. He fought to keep his cool, though sometimes the body told truths the mind tried to hide. He had been so close to giving in to his desires, but the thought of her waking up scared or full of regret stopped him cold.Charles was out on the balcony, lost in the night air, until Ronald came back. Only then did he retreat to his study."Mr. Hoffman, here's the surveillance footage from the Shaw place tonight." Ronald knew Charles like the back of his hand, having been by his side for years. He had already started digging into the Shaw family's dram
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Chapter 48
Charles burned the midnight oil, wrapping up his workload before stashing it away. He sparked up a cigarette and stepped out onto the balcony, gazing into the inky void that shrouded Phoenix Tree Residence. As the last wisp of smoke from his cigarette faded, he released it, his intense eyes cutting through the night like beacons.He swung by the master bedroom, where Noelle was out like a light. He kept watch like a silent sentinel to keep her from tossing and turning.He peered down at Noelle from his vantage point. The flush that had painted her cheeks was gone, leaving her looking serene and exquisite. Charles had clocked her as a knockout from the get-go, but her natural beauty caught him off guard.A chuckle escaped him as he gently flicked the quilt. There she was, all askew in her slumber, a far cry from her usual buttoned-up facade. Maybe the night was too warm, or maybe it was just her habit, but she had kicked off her covers, baring her silky shoulders to the cool air.Ch
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Chapter 49
This was the harsh truth about her parents—they had never really put her first. Marriage? If marriage was the real goal, why had they rushed to toss her into Simon's bed? "Awake?"The man's voice, crisp and icy, had sliced through the silence, jolting Noelle back to the present. She stumbled backward in a panic, crashing into the bed and collapsing onto it, her face drained of color.Charles arched an eyebrow, taking in Noelle's panicked dance. Had he scared her that much?Realizing she might have overreacted, Noelle managed a sheepish grin. "Mr. Hoffman!""Mm," Charles had hummed, nodding. "Good to see you're up. Feeling alright? There's some medicine for fever on the table if you need it.""A fever?" Noelle was shocked. "I wasn't running a fever." Then she added quickly, "Did you rescue me last night?"Charles squinted and flashed a knowing grin. "Pretty obvious, isn't it?"Noelle inhaled deeply. She really did not like the idea of being in debt to Charles, yet he had sa
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Chapter 50
Charles looked away, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Family? I guess I'm still looking for one."Noelle's heart started to dance a wild rhythm, thumping all over the place. She felt totally out of her element.Charles flashed a warm smile as he brought out a steaming pot of porridge from the kitchen. "Last night, we had to cool you down the old-fashioned way. The doctor warned you might have a fever today, but you're fine. That's awesome. Let's keep it light with the food today, okay?"Noelle stared at Charles, her eyes wide with surprise. He was a different person from the buttoned-up guy she had met before. Dressed down in light gray casual wear instead of his usual sharp suit, he still managed to look drop-dead gorgeous. Who knew Charles had this homey side to him? He could cook!"That smells amazing," Noelle commented, taking in the comforting scent of the porridge.Charles's smile grew as he served her a bowl. "Give it a taste. I've been at it since the crack of dawn,
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