All Chapters of The Cherished Wife: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
100 Chapters
Chapter 61
The more Noelle thought about last night—how Julian had drugged her and Xavier had been in on it—the more she felt sick to her stomach, as if she had swallowed a fly. It was disgusting.Even with Xavier and Winter together, she had not thought about getting back at them. However, they seemed obsessed with tearing her down, even willing to trade her to a guy like Simon for cash.Noelle could not bear to think about what might have happened if Simon had... or if Charles had not shown up just in time to get her out of there. What then?It was her Grandpa's birthday party, with the Shaw family hosting a ton of high-society types. If anyone had caught her in a room with a guy doing who-knows-what, she would have kissed her reputation and her whole life goodbye.What was Xavier even trying to say? Was he actually worried about himself? Could he be?"Noelle, please open the door and hear me out. I honestly have no clue what went down yesterday. Winter told me you were gone, and that your
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Chapter 62
"What happened to me? Oh, please. I've always been this way. You never knew the real me, or maybe you just never bothered to!" Noelle's laugh was cold as she cut off Xavier's words. "We've had nothing to talk about for ages. I haven't forgotten what went down last night. I'm not some puppet you can play with. Go tell Winter to watch her back. If she slips up, I'll make her wish she'd never crossed me."Noelle was not the type to be cold and unfeeling; she would not have turned this way if they had not pushed her to the limit.After her outburst, Noelle rubbed at her eyes, her head hung low, and she forced a bitter smile. No matter how much her parents played favorites, she used to just get over it. She was great at making her own fun, or she would just hang out with her Grandpa, playing chess. Her Grandpa always said chess was a great way to calm down the mind.Noelle tried to tell herself that her parents just wanted her to learn to stand on her own two feet. Then she saw how they
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Chapter 63
"What's so great about him, huh? Do you even know him, Noelle? You've barely met the guy. I know you're trying to tick me off because of the whole thing with your sister, but this isn't the way to do it, Noelle.""That's it, Xavier. Leave now, or I'm calling the cops."Noelle was fed up with Xavier's rant. She might not know Charles inside and out, but at least he was honest and would not hurt her.She was done with Xavier's drama. Dragging this out would help no one. Xavier could be as stubborn as a mule, refusing to back down. Even after Noelle told him off, he would not budge, just kept shouting her name outside. Some nosy neighbors even threw in their two cents.Feeling trapped, Noelle decided to ignore him.Meanwhile, Xavier, getting no response from Noelle, grew even more furious. "Noelle, open up! We need to talk. You think running away will fix things?""Sir, do you live here?"After what felt like an eternity, two cops showed up and eyed Xavier. "We have received compla
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Chapter 64
Noelle started packing up her stuff. It was just a rental, but she had accumulated a ton of things over time. If she was serious about this move, waiting until the third day to start packing would have been foolish. Decision made, Noelle got down to business, tossing out the junk and keeping what mattered. It was a full day's work.Meanwhile, Xavier was totally blindsided. He could not believe Noelle had actually called the cops on him, and that they had just scoffed at his name, totally unimpressed. Dropping the Hoffman family name did not work either. The cops had said, "Even if Mr. Hoffman himself showed up, we'd still play it by the book!" Little did Xavier know that Mr. Hoffman was the reason the cops were there in the first place. There was no way they were going to let him off easy.Xavier had had no other option but to ring up Winter. The moment Winter caught wind that Xavier was with the police, she dashed there without a second thought. Xavier had just wrapped up his sta
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Chapter 65
It all had been going so well. Even the prestigious Hoffman family had taken a liking to her. Winter had felt like she had Noelle right where she wanted her, squashed under her heel. Now, Xavier's words were throwing her for a loop. Noelle could not have a sugar daddy!"Xavier, are you for real? But that's just not Noelle!""Why wouldn't it be? I saw her this morning in an outfit that wasn't the same as yesterday's, and it looked expensive!”"It might be worth hundreds of thousands!" Winter gasped, her teeth catching on her lower lip in worry. "What are we going to do now? And what about Dad? He mentioned that Master York seemed pretty smitten with Noelle, right? Master York was in Noelle's room yesterday and ended up getting hurt!"A mean streak flashed in Winter's eyes. She had been so sure that Noelle and Simon would end up in a scandal last night. Who would've guessed Simon would be such a flop, getting knocked out cold?The word on the street was that SImon did not care who h
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Chapter 66
The three days flew by in a blur. Noelle had her bags all packed, just waiting for Charles to swing by and pick her up. The last few days were not just about waiting; they were filled with drama, like the York family finding out Samuel got hurt and deciding to cut all ties with the Shaws.Julian was freaking out and running around like a headless chicken. He apologized to Samuel at the hospital and blew up Noelle's phone with calls. Noelle was not about to fall for that though. She knew better than to show up. Julian even had the nerve to say on the phone that if the Yorks came after the company because of him, it would all be Noelle's fault.Noelle was so close to laughing out of sheer frustration. She could not believe the nonsense coming out of her own dad's mouth. It was a sad moment when she realized she might not really know the man she called Father.Julian did not stop there. He actually had the gall to tell her to go and throw herself at Simon, to try and charm him into gi
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Chapter 67
"I..." Sean bit back his irritation, "Fine, I'm a nice guy. But seriously, Charles, what's got you hanging around someone's building like this?"Charles clicked his seatbelt open and stepped out of the car. Feeling it was a lost cause to argue, Sean followed suit without a word.Sleepy as he was, Sean could not help but be curious. It was not every day you saw Charles make a beeline for someone's place, especially to pick them up. Charles had never really had a significant other, and Sean had no clue who this mystery woman was. She had to be something special to get Charles, who was usually as unshakable as an old tree, to make the first move. After mulling it over, Sean could not help but feel a rush of excitement and a bit of pride, knowing he was the first person Charles had turned to about his crush. It was like being in on the biggest secret. Charles, on the other hand, was not hung up on Sean's musings. He climbed the stairs to find Noelle, who had the door swung open, waitin
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Chapter 68
Noelle offered, "What can I get you to drink?"Sean winked at Charles, clearly enjoying the moment, and said, "I'd love a drink from our gracious hostess. How about...""He's not having a drink. Sean, you're not tired, are you?" Charles's eyebrows knitted together, his piercing gaze sliding over Sean with an unmistakable warning.A playful glint danced in Sean's eyes. He could tell Charles was on the verge of losing his cool, so he dropped the act. "I'm good, really. No need to bother you. Just point me to the stuff that needs moving!"He made a mental note to tell the big guy and Peter later how Charles had kept picking on him.They had decided to keep the house, so Noelle had put some things back in their places, only taking what she used daily. After watching Sean huff and puff as he collapsed onto the couch, Noelle handed him a glass of water. "Thanks a ton. You've been a huge help today!""Don't mention it, really. No need for thanks!" Sean gave Noelle a quick once-over. She
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Chapter 69
Charles shot Sean a quick look, a hint of a smirk on his face. "Come on, you know I don't kid about stuff like this.""You've lost your mind!" Sean couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Charles had actually tied the knot with Noelle. He peeked into the kitchen, still in disbelief. "You know she's... she's not the one!"A glint of steel flashed in Charles's eyes as he smiled, his gaze sharpening as he looked at Sean, obviously not a fan of his words.Sean knew Charles had a serious hang-up about that woman, but he pressed on. "Look, Noelle's got nothing to do with this, and if she ever finds out...""I know exactly what I'm doing," Charles cut in, his voice icy. "Stay out of it. All you need to know is that Noelle is now mine.""Would the Hoffman family even take her in?" Sean was not buying it. "It’s easy for you to say, but you and I both knew how messy your family politics were."Charles arched an eyebrow, a cool edge to his look. At Sean's words, the corners of his mouth
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Chapter 70
Sean took a whiff. "Wow, that smells amazing. It's rare to find girls who can cook these days.""Thanks!"Noelle dished out some rice for them. "Dig in! If you like it, help yourselves to seconds!"When Noelle passed the bowl to Charles, she caught him staring at her. Feeling a bit self-conscious under his gaze, she chuckled. "What's up? Not hungry?"Charles squinted slightly, accepting the bowl. His long fingers grazed Noelle's hand, sending a flutter through her chest. She quickly pulled back, a bit flustered, and served herself some rice. "Come on, eat before it gets cold."Charles's eyes twinkled with mischief at Noelle's bashful reaction, clearly enjoying the moment. He casually stretched his legs and gave Noelle a playful nudge under the table.Noelle straightened up immediately, her eyes darting to Charles with a mix of surprise and nervousness, as if to say, ‘Hey, focus on your food. Stop kicking me!’Charles could not help but let out a grin at her adorable bewilderment
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