All Chapters of The Cherished Wife: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
100 Chapters
Chapter 71
Charles shook his head with a chuckle, while Sean was left speechless, clicking his tongue in mock disapproval before nodding in agreement. "Sounds good to me. I'm free as a bird these days. If you can get Peter to come, it'd be awesome for the gang to get together.""Got it!"Once Sean had left, Charles came up behind Noelle and gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.Noelle spun around, her lip caught between her teeth, "When you say ‘the gang,' are you talking about the Four Young Masters of Brookville?""Four Young Masters of Brookville?" Charles chewed over the title, a playful glint in his eyes. "Who told you about that?""Come on, who needs to be told?" Noelle's eyes went wide with mock surprise. "In Brookville, you guys are celebrities. Back when I was in school, you were all everyone would talk about.""Really?" Charles quirked an eyebrow, clearly amused. "That's just a label others slap on us. We're just a bunch of guys with the same hobbies. We’re brothers. We’ve ne
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Chapter 72
Charles led Noelle to his home, the Phoenix Tree Residence.Noelle had visited this place before, so it was not entirely new to her. Nevertheless, as they pulled into the driveway, she could not resist taking in her surroundings with wide eyes.She remembered hearing ages ago how the prices in this neighborhood had shot through the roof, and someone later went all out and bought a huge chunk of it. Back then, Noelle had been in awe, wondering who could afford such a splurge—it turned out to be Charles.After Charles had parked in the garage, Noelle stepped out and was immediately struck by the sight. "Wow! Look at all these cars!" It was like stepping into an auto show.Charles caught her comment and paused, a grin spreading across his face, "You've got a driver's license, right?"She nodded. "Got it back in college with some friends!" It had been more of a spur-of-the-moment thing. Although she had her license, she hardly ever got behind the wheel.Ever since she graduated and s
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Chapter 73
Charles could not help but laugh and shake his head. He playfully flicked Noelle's forehead. "Looks like I'm not really on your radar, huh?"Noelle was speechless. She truly had no idea, and since she had not known Charles before, how could she have randomly looked up his birthday?"It's on the marriage certificate, Mrs. Hoffman. Try to remember these things from now on!"Charles hauled Noelle's suitcase up the stairs, leaving her alone at the door. Her expression was a mix of emotions as she watched him go.She touched her forehead where Charles had flicked her, a faint sting lingering. She bit her lip, a wave of discomfort washing over her.Everything had happened so fast with this relationship, and she was still trying to catch up. Charles, on the other hand, seemed to be adjusting just fine.Noelle followed him upstairs and saw that he had taken her luggage to the master bedroom. She rushed in, "You know... you could've put my stuff in the guest room."Charles stopped unpack
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Chapter 74
Charles was right next door in the guest room. Noelle knocked and knocked; however, there was no answer, which left her confused. When she passed the study and saw the light on, she paused at the door.The study door was slightly open, and there was Charles, lounging on the couch, buried under a mountain of paperwork.He must have heard her because he looked up, and suddenly, they were eye to eye. Noelle felt her cheeks heat up and gave him a sheepish half-smile. "Aren't you tired?"Charles quirked an eyebrow, paperwork in hand. "Just finishing up some stuff," he replied. "What about you? Couldn’t sleep?"Noelle felt like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar, her gaze dropping to her slippers. Charles let out a soft chuckle. "Having trouble sleeping?"She nodded. "Can I come in?""Sure thing." Charles snapped his folder shut with a smile. "Come on in!"Stepping inside, Noelle's eyes widened in awe. Charles's study was a world of its own, lined with shelves of books on ec
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Chapter 75
With a mutual understanding in place, Noelle headed off to bed, her mind at ease. Charles, left alone, watched her leave and felt his carefully controlled emotions begin to bubble up again. He was not Mr. Perfect, but he had bent over backward for Noelle time and again. His phone suddenly rang, displaying Peter's number. Charles was caught off-guard. "What's going on?" Peter, hearing Charles's voice, could not resist a smirk. "Just a friendly call to pass the long night."Peter's voice, edged with a challenge, buzzed through the phone, and Charles squinted his eyes, a hint of suspicion flickering through them. "Did Sean spill the beans?" That had to be it. Peter was not the type to ring up in the dead of night without a good reason.Peter's tone dropped. "I didn't picture you tying the knot with her. Are you sure about this?""Of course I'm sure," Charles replied, rising from his chair. His long fingers swept across the desk, tapping it assuredly. "I know what I'm doing.""If you
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Chapter 76
"Don't worry about it. I've got my routine," Charles said, unfazed. "Grab some cutlery, will you?""Alright!" Noelle ran into the kitchen to figure out where to set the bowls and cutlery, with Charles right on her heels. He pointed to a spot. "Just remember, this is where we keep them.""Got it!" Noelle grinned, noticing that Charles had every room—from the kitchen to the living room and even the bedroom—arranged in perfect order.She stole another glance at Charles, puzzled. Who would've guessed that a guy like him would be into cooking?Charles quirked an eyebrow, leaning casually in the kitchen doorway. "Something on your mind?"Noelle shook her head, a touch of sheepishness in her voice. "I just feel a little silly. I was the one who said I'd cook yesterday!"Charles flashed a playful smile. "Time to eat!"After breakfast, Charles flicked a set of keys to Noelle, who caught them with a surprised look. "Why are you giving me these?""Like I said yesterday, you'll be driving
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Chapter 77
The thought of Noelle with some other dude, and maybe even getting cozy with him, set Xavier's blood on fire. He could not keep a lid on his temper."Who was it? Who was the guy who dropped you off that day?"Xavier's grip on Noelle's wrist was iron-tight as he spat out, "You had the nerve to say Winter and I did you wrong. Looks to me like you've been playing us all along. Noelle, you're making me sick.""That’s a bunch of lies." Noelle's wrist was trapped in Xavier's vice-like hold, and she could not wriggle free. She tried to pry his fingers off with her other hand, but he was just too strong. "Xavier, let go! Have you lost your mind?""Have I lost my mind? Yes, I'm pissed! I camped out at your door for hours, and you called the cops on me. Noelle, do you even have a heart? Sure, I messed up, but I said I was sorry. I came to check on you because I was worried, and instead of hearing me out, you get the police involved and accuse me of harassment.""Wasn't it harassment?" Noell
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Chapter 78
Noelle was truly taken aback by Xavier's behavior. It was obviously him and Winter who wronged her, but somehow, she had been twisted into the one to blame.Noelle shot Xavier a withering look. "I'm going to act like today never happened. I won't tell a soul, but don’t pull this again, okay?" She tossed these words over her shoulder as she breezed past him and out the door.Xavier's gaze lingered on Noelle's fading silhouette. The sweet scent that lingered when he had held her earlier left him momentarily lost in thought. Noelle always smelled amazing. Back when things were good between them, he would hold her hand, and they would walk for hours on end together.His hands balled into fists, his eyes reddening with intensity.Noelle was his. She had to be his. Even if his feelings had changed, she was meant to be with him and only him!Noelle rushed upstairs, feeling a wave of nausea at the memory of Xavier's embrace. She dropped her bag and made a beeline for the bathroom, scrubbi
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Chapter 79
"Morning!" Noelle greeted with a smile, tapping her desk."Frank, step into my office, will you?"Frank had been Noelle's right-hand man until a year ago, when she was sent on an assignment away from the office. In her absence, Frank had been reassigned. Now that Noelle was back, she was ready to bring her team together again.Frank blinked in surprise at her invitation, quickly straightening the papers on his desk before responding, "Sure thing!"Once inside the office, Frank asked, "What's up, Ms. Shaw? Did you need something?""No big deal," Noelle said casually, leaning back in her chair. "I just wanted to check in with you. Are you still on board with becoming my assistant again?"Frank paused, his eyes suddenly misty, "I was worried you didn't need me anymore."Noelle chuckled, a playful arch in her brow, "Why would you think that? I'd be lost without you!" Frank had always been a stellar assistant, organized and reliable. Noelle knew her year-long absence might have left hi
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Chapter 80
"To be honest, I'm having a hard time believing it myself, but this is what I stumbled upon this morning. Please, take a look," Noelle said, highlighting several problems. "Orders from Collosus Group have dropped off suddenly, and our products in department stores are being sent back."Noelle paused, "It might not look like much right now, but at this rate, I'm worried there could be some serious issues brewing at Collosus Group."At the mention of Collosus Group, Joseph and the other directors' faces darkened.Some in the room might not have been aware, but the chairman and directors knew all too well. Without Collosus Group's support over the years, Frotconn would never have grown so large. Orders from Collosus Group were their lifeline.When Noelle dropped that bombshell, truth or not, it rang alarm bells in Joseph’s head. Noelle's comment was like a public diss to Joseph and the crew in the middle of the company's morning meeting. "Ms. Shaw, what are you saying? We've had noth
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