All Chapters of Veil Of Destiny: Chapter 1 - Chapter 7
7 Chapters
1: Sold Into Shadows
Maria Leaning against the wall of the factory where I worked, I tried to catch my breath but I knew I couldn't stop even for a second. If I got caught, my wage would be deducted and I couldn't afford that. I needed every single penny I could get my hands on. The deafening roar of machines filled the air as I assembled iron parts at lightning speed. The monotonous routine left my hands calloused and my back aching, the constant fear of accidents or losing a limb haunting me every moment. I glanced at my old, wristwatch that had so many cracks, I could barely see what was written on it anymore. And it was time to head over to my other job.I wrapped up everything quickly and walked towards my boss who was sitting on a chair and counting money. He looked up at me, took out a couple of dollar bills, and tossed them on the table without a word. He was always all about his money and business. I took it and darted out of the factory. The cold air immediately hit my skin and I sighed in reli
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2: A Cruel Fate
MariaIt wasn't a nightmare. I hoped and wished desperately that it was but it wasn't. I had been sold to an Alpha king in exchange for a couple of dollar bills which were undoubtedly going to get wasted on alcohol and drugs again. It was heart-wrenching that my mum would do that to me. Not only was I born into a life of hardship, deprived of love and care, but I also got sold by the person I called my mum. This was the lowest thing she could possibly do to me, downgraded to a mere object. I couldn't comprehend why she would do something like this. But it wasn't all that disappointing. I never expected much from her.It's been three months since I got dragged along to the Alpha King's castle. At first, I thought he fancied me that was why he bought me, I wondered why someone of his status, with so much power who had so many packs under him, would fancy someone like me. But after I found out he was my mate, I thought he did what he did because he wanted to be together with his mate bu
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3: Mysterious Woman
Maria In the dimly lit chamber, I sat on my bed, my eyes filled with sorrow as I gazed out the window. That seemed to be the only thing I did these days, gaze out of my window all day. My heart was heavy with the weight of loneliness, and I was lost in my thoughts, unaware of the world outside my room. Suddenly, I heard the door creak open snapping me out of my trance. Zoe walked in with a tray of food in her hands. Zoe was my handmaiden. She told me she was assigned to me the first day I was brought here. However, I never spoke to her because I had way too much on my mind but she was the only one in this castle who ever took her time to speak with me.And it wasn't just because it was her job. I never had any friends but I knew a kind person when I saw one, her warm brown eyes oozed with kindness and her long black hair shone brightly. But I didn't trust her completely yet. Looks can be deceiving. She placed the tray on the table and approached me smiling warmly."My lady, I brought
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4: Escape Of The Unknown
MariaI didn't know how I got to my room but I closed the door and slowly lowered myself to the edge of my bed, lost in a sea of sadness and confusion. My hands found their way to my stomach cradling the small, life yet to be born within me, a silent witness to the harsh words I had heard from him. The echoes of his cruel words reverberated in my mind, each word a constant torment like daggers piercing through me. He had told me, with a cruel, ruthless, and hardened heart that he intended to give our unborn child to another woman, someone he planned to make his Luna.He only considered me as a breeder, he made mention of it so many times that the word had become imprinted in my mind. He never had any intention of treating me as his equal half which meant making me his Luna. But I was his mate. The moon goddess mated us together and he was supposed to make me his Luna not another woman. Didn't he realize that? He only treated me as an object for producing heirs. But what I was currentl
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5: Escape Gone Wrong
Maria I am free! Finally free! I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum. I couldn't stop, wouldn't stop, not until I was sure I was safe. I can’t think about spending another moment with King Leo, the thought alone made my body shake in disgust. But my body betrayed me, my legs trembling beneath me like leaves in a storm. I stumbled, my vision blurring, and collapsed onto the cold, hard ground.I lay there without making an attempt to stand up, I was tired and I didn’t mind if I died now, just when I thought about that, I quickly held my stomach, knowing that if I died my child was going to die too and I don’t want that. I couldn't help but look back, my eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of pursuit. But there was none. I was alone, completely and utterly alone.My mind raced with thoughts of King Leo, his piercing eyes and chiseled features haunting me. I couldn't let him find me, couldn't let him know about the secret I carried within
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6: Hope In Darkness
Maria“I asked what is going on here” his thunderous voice shook us to the core. Suddenly, the guards stopped and bowed. I was confused, I didn’t know what to do so I stood still, watching the drama unfold before me."Alpha," the guards said in unison.Alpha? Alpha?He is the alpha? He was the one who just conquered the pack those slaves came from, fear engulfed me immediately and I quickly bowed my head. My heart raced as I could feel the alpha's gaze remained fixed on me. I refused to meet his eyes, so I kept on bowing."What's happening here?" the alpha asked, his voice deep and commanding. “Don’t make me repeat myself again!”"It’s all her fault. We caught her causing a commotion, Alpha," one of the guards said. "She refused to submit to our authority and kept on fighting with us.”"That's not true!" I protested, lifting my head to face the alpha. "I was just trying to find a way out of here. I don't belong in this place.""Silence!" the alpha growled, his eyes flashing with a
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7: Life Of Servitude
Maria I sat by the window, my eyes fixed on the world outside. I was trapped, with no escape from the pack that had taken me in. My life had taken a drastic turn, and I was now at the mercy of Alpha Felix. I couldn't believe how far I had fallen. A minute I was striving to send myself to college and the next I was battling to stay alive, if only the goddess hadn’t let my mother give birth to me, perhaps it might have been better. I sniffed, I didn’t want to cry, I had decided to remain strong, and crying wasn’t going to solve anything. So I sat there, lost in thought, allowing myself to wallow in pain, that was all I could do since I had no control over my life.I suddenly heard a knock at the door. My heart skipped a beat as it opened, and Alpha Felix stepped inside. His eyes were fixed on me, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. So I stood up immediately. "Hmm, You're blending in well," he said, his voice low and smooth. "I can see that you're trying to make the best of your si
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