All Chapters of My Godfather’s Irresistible Pet: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
60 Chapters
The invitation
Aurora's POVAustin seemed taken aback by my words; I believe he never expected me to say such a thing to him. “Are you for real? Or is this some sort of test?” He didn't seem to believe it. I sipped my drink, dropped back the cup on the table, and looked him straight in the eye. “This is for real, Austin. I want to fuck you, but the problem now is, do you want the same?” I threw that question at him and saw him uncomfortably swallow his spit, then he took a sip of his beer before looking my way. “Are you sure about this?” He was still finding it difficult to believe. “If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have invited you here. Besides, if you don't want it, then I can look for someone else,” I said, sounding apprehensive. Austin glanced at me for a moment before nodding. “I would love to,” he said excitedly, and I nodded. “Good! We will meet tomorrow then, the location is up to you.” I got up and flashed him a weak smile. “Bye.” Without waiting for him to say a word, I walked out of the bar
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The masked party
Aurora's POVEntering the exquisite hall, I was awed by what I saw. The atmosphere was electric, filled with laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses. The dim lighting added to the mystery of the masked party, making it feel like we were stepping into a different world.“This is amazing!” Sophie exclaimed, and I hummed in agreement.“Come on, let's mingle,” Sophie pulled me along as we mingled with the crowd, sipping on cocktails and admiring the extravagant decorations. Everywhere we looked, there were people in elaborate masks and glamorous outfits, adding to the allure of the event.“Look around, you might catch a big fish,” Sophie whispered, and I scoffed. “Stop sounding like a slut,” I murmured and laughed. “Well, I am a slut, it's you who isn't,” she smirked atme, and I shook my head.As I sipped my drink, I scanned the room, observing people conversing with each other. I noticed everyone was wearing masks except for a certain man dressed in a gray suit.“That's De Mino,” S
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Aurora's POVDe Mino raised a concerning brow at me. “Is everything okay?” He asked, and I gulped, shifting my gaze away from the door towards him.“Yes, it's just that…” I stuttered, pulling away from him. “I need to use the restroom,” I excused myself before he could say a word. Luckily, I located the restroom and took out my phone from my purse. I dialed Sophie's number several times, but she didn't pick up. Feeling frustrated, I stood before the mirror, contemplating what to do. My godfather was in there, and there was no way he wouldn't recognize me, even with the mask. He knew me too well not to recognize me at first glance.“What do I do?” I murmured, panicking as I nervously tapped my feet on the floor. I thought of how angry he would be if he found me here, and then a silly thought came to me. I frowned at my sudden change of attitude. Why was I acting so scared of him when I should be a pain in the ass for him? In fact, I shouldn't be panicking here; I should do something t
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Lord Frederick’s POVI didn’t know when I lost control, and my hand landed on her face. It was something I had never done and would never do in my right senses. I lost control of myself and didn’t realize I had lifted my hand on her. At first, she was stunned by the slap as she held on to the part of her cheek I had hit. She lifted her gaze to hold mine, and I realized her eyes were filled with tears. Just the sight of that broke me into a thousand pieces, and all the anger in me vanished away and was replaced with guilt.“Aurora…” I tried calling as I took a step closer to her, but she shook her head as a strand of tears fell on her cheek. “You have no right to hit me, you have no fucking right.” She cried out and ran up the stairs. For a moment, I didn’t move. Instead, I just stood at the spot as guilt and pain washed over me. I didn’t believe I had lifted my head on Aurora. I could do anything to her, but not hit her; she was my precious little girl.“Damn it!” I grunted and clim
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In my room
Lord Frederick’s POV Entering my room, I dialed De Mino’s line and he picked up.“Fred, I had no idea that girl was connected to you in any way,” he spoke before I could say a word.“Now you do, so I would appreciate it if you stayed away from her. I want you far away from her, understood?”“Sure, that isn’t a problem. We don’t need to fight over this,” he pleaded.“I hope so,” I ended the call and threw the phone back on the bed. I undressed and took a quick shower before returning to my room, where I found my phone ringing. Picking it up, I realized it was Ian, Aurora’s father.“What’s up?” I muttered the moment I picked up the call.“Nothing much, I just called to know if you struck the deal at the party,” he asked, and I sighed. I had totally forgotten that I was supposed to strike a deal at the masked party.“No, something came up, but don’t worry about it,” I assured Ian, who hummed and went silent for a moment before he spoke. “How is Aurora? She has refused picking up my call
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His world
Lord Frederick's POV I found her seated at the dining table, already having breakfast. Our eyes met, and she flashed a welcoming smile at me, warming my heart while memories of my dream replayed in my head. “Good morning,” she greeted cheerfully, seeming to be in a good mood. “Morning, sunshine,” I replied, not realizing when that slipped out of my lips. I saw her eyes light up, and she blushed and looked away, making me wonder if it was really my words that had such an effect on her. “You seem to be in a good mood this morning,” I asked curiously as I took my seat across from her. “Come on,” she rolled her eyes. “Is it a crime to be in a good mood?” She murmured and scoffed. “You know that's not what I meant. Is that you look unusually happy…” I trailed off and saw her shrug her shoulders. “Well…” she trailed off and held my gaze, giving me the opportunity to hold on to her bright sea-blue eyes. She seemed to be glowing this morning, and I couldn’t tell what had happened last ni
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Aurora's POV On our way to the next shelf, one of his men walked up to him and whispered something into his ear. Lord Frederick nodded and signaled the man to leave. “Give me a moment,” he excused himself and moved away from me. I watched him take a phone from Fox, and then he placed it to his ear and began to speak. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but from his facial expression, I knew he wasn’t happy. He seemed annoyed and upset. Not able to take my eyes off him, I watched until he ended the call and gave the phone back to Fox before coming back to me. “Is everything alright?” I was worried that he was going to send me back. “Everything is fine,” he flashed me a weak smile, which I wasn’t convinced by. “I’m not a kid. You may be way older than me, but that doesn’t mean I’m a kid. I can tell when something is wrong,” I murmured and saw a smile playing at the corner of his lips. “Really?” he raised a brow and got closer to me so that we were just an inch apart. “You are no
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Teach me
Aurora's POV A broad smile spread across his face as he left me and sat at the seat behind the desk. Staring one more time at the picture, I smiled at it before dropping it on the desk. I moved around the office, checking out the certificates and awards. A particular award caught my attention, and I had to pick it up. “Winner: Most Successful businessman of the Year, 2023.” I read it out and smiled before dropping it back on the shelf. I went through other awards and was amazed by his collection. It seemed he bagged awards every year. A sense of pride filled me to know that I had fallen in love with an incredible man. “What do you wish to have for refreshments? I'll tell my men to get it.” I turned towards his direction and noticed he had taken off his suit and tie and was only left with his white shirt. I gulped as I found it sexy, wishing I could unbutton his shirt and run my fingers beneath it. “Aurora.” He called me back to my senses. “Pizza.” I murmured and looked away. H
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Another Woman
Aurora's POV: He led me back into his office, but just then his phone began ringing, and he picked it up. I watched him listen to the person on the other end of the call, and I noticed a big frown appearing on his face, which meant the call wasn’t a good one. “I'm on my way,” he ended the call and looked in my direction. “I will have to ask my men to take you back home.” “Why?” I asked while getting up on my feet. “I have to be somewhere…” “I'm coming,” I cut in. He shook his head and stepped closer to me. “I can't let you come with me.” “But you promised we'd spend the whole day together,” I frowned. “If I'm not going with you, then you are not leaving. I'm staying here with you, and we are going home together,” I spoke stubbornly. Lord Frederick stared at me, and I could see that he wanted to say something, but he held back his words. “Fine.” He went for his suit, put it on, and then walked out of the office while I followed behind. We got into the car, and Fox starte
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In her sleep
Lord Frederick's POVSoon, I realized she had fallen asleep quickly, probably because she was tired. Sighing inwardly, I gently caressed her hair as I pondered my thoughts. The attraction I felt for Aurora was becoming abnormal. I was supposed to see her as my little girl, but that wasn’t the case anymore. I now saw her as a grown woman to whom I was sexually attracted. I thought perhaps it was my lack of sex that made me feel this way, but after being with Casandra, I realized it wasn’t just about sex; it was something greater than that. Love? I couldn’t really tell.“Mmm,” Aurora mumbled in her sleep, wrapping her arm around my waist and squeezing herself against me, her leg draped over mine. Her warmth seeped through my clothes, and I couldn't help but feel a wave of tenderness mixed with guilt. How had things gotten to this point? My once clear-cut role as her godfather and protector had become muddied by these new and confusing feelings. Was it wrong to want more, to see her not
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