All Chapters of My Godfather’s Irresistible Pet: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
60 Chapters
Wax play
Aurora’s POV I watched him walk over to his drawer, take out a blindfold, a handcuff, and a whip. He placed them on the bed while I swallowed hard. I watched him take out some candles, and I swallowed again. He turned to me and smirked, while I swallowed with excitement. He walked over to me and lowered himself on me, his green, piercing eyes staring directly at me. “Do you trust me?” He asked, while I nodded. “Use your word.” He demanded. “Yes Daddy!” I responded, and he placed a kiss on my forehead before looking back at me. “Remember your safe word if I am above your limit, okay?” “Yes, master.” I responded excitedly. He moved away from me and went over to the table, where he picked up a lighter and lit up the candle before making his way to me. “I'm going to blindfold you.” He announced while I swallowed anxiously. He gently traced the edge of the blindfold along my cheek, his touch sending shivers down my spine. “Ready?” he asked softly. I nodded, my heart
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Aurora's POVWaking up, I realized Lord Frederick wasn’t in bed. Instead, a note was placed where he had slept beside me. Opening it, I saw it was Lord Frederick informing me that he had to leave early for an urgent business meeting.Inhaling deeply, I fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling while my thoughts wandered to last night. My cheeks reddened as I remembered everything that happened. “Damn you, Lord Frederick, what have you done to me?” I murmured, continuing to toss around the bed while memories kept flashing in my mind.The beeping of my phone caught my attention, and when I reached for it, I saw it was Sophie asking where I was because she was already in school. “Shit,” I blurted out and dashed out of bed. After dressing, I left Lord Frederick's room and hurried back to my own.Reaching my room, I took a quick bath and dressed before picking up my things and left my room. After exchanging greetings with the staff, I got into my car, started the engine, and drove o
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Lord Frederick's POV“Damn it!” I yelled and clenched the phone in my hand.“Were you able to track the call?” I said to Frank, who looked at his computer and sighed.“I can’t track the exact location, but the call is being made around here,” he muttered while I grunted and ran a hand through my hair.“Calm down, Fred. Our men are working on it,” Jennifer tried assuring me, but it only made me angrier. The more she stayed in that hostage situation, the more I felt like my life was being drained out of me. What game is he playing? Why does he not demand anything but instead wants to keep Aurora away from me for the next 5 hours, promising she'll be returned untouched and unharmed? What kind of silly game is that?“Who might this be?” I yelled angrily.“You have so many enemies, Frederick,” Jennifer murmured. “This is why I told you to send Aurora away. Her staying with you will draw attention to her. But once you send her back, all attention will be withdrawn from her,” Jennifer said w
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Never loved you
Aurora's POVThey pulled me out of the car and shoved me to the floor. Before I could understand what was happening, I heard the sounds of the vehicle as they drove away, leaving me behind.“What is happening?” I murmured in fear, trying to make sense of where I was. My eyes were blindfolded, and my wrists were cuffed together.“Help!” I yelled, but there was no response. Fear gripped me as I wondered where they might have dropped me. The fear of not knowing where I was consumed me, and my breath became shallow. So many scary scenarios played in my head, making me panic even more. Just then, I heard the sounds of vehicles approaching from a distance. My body trembled with fear of the unknown.“Aurora!” The loud voice of Lord Frederick called from afar.“Lord Frederick,” I murmured in relief. Just the sound of his voice took away all the fear in me. “Is that you?” I asked as a tear dropped on my cheek.“Aurora,” he called again, and this time I felt his familiar, soothing presence befo
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He never lover you
Aurora's POVI blinked my eyes repeatedly as I tried to register his words in my head. I couldn't believe he said that to me, so I had to ask again.“What did you say?” I asked, wanting to get confirmation from him. A long silence hung in the air as he said nothing.“Lord Frederick,” I called out frustratedly, and this time he sighed. “You just need to go, Aurora. I don’t love you romantically, Aurora. All this was a mistake.” His words frustrated me, and I flared up.“Did you just use me?” I asked with a throbbing heart. “What?” He sounded confused.“You heard me right, Lord Frederick. Did you just want to fuck me and then dump me?” I couldn't believe I was saying it.“Have you lost your mind?” He yelled at me.“Yes, I have. I have lost my mind, which is all thanks to you, Frederick!” I yelled angrily at him. “You made me love you, and now you want to toss me aside, just like you do with your other sex partners!” I blabbed uncontrollably. My emotions were getting the best of me, and
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Who hired you
Lord Frederick POV“I have dropped her safely,” Fox announced, while I swallowed in pain and gestured for him to leave.Taking a sip of my drink, I called Ian, and he picked up after the first ring.“Fred, thank you for your help, man. I was just about to call you,” Ian said excitedly, which made me raise a brow. “You seem excited. What is going on?” I asked curiously.“You must have really worked on Aurora, Fred. The wild Aurora that left home is not the same Aurora that came back. Could you believe she asked for permission to leave my presence? Something she never does,” Ian said excitedly, while I swallowed in pain. Aurora was in pain, but Ian was too blind to see.“You really did a good job, Fred. Thank you so much,” Ian said excitedly while I hummed.“I heard your wife is coming back to the country,” Ian teased.“She is not my wife, Ian. You know we only married for the contract, and in two months, the contract will be over, and we will mutually divorce,” I grumbled, and heard Ia
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What is special about her
Lord Frederick's POV“Jennifer?” I asked with raised eyebrows.“Yes sir, she was the one who hired us, and it was easy to kidnap Aurora with her help,” he added while I furrowed my brow, not wanting to believe that Jennifer, who works for me, would do such a thing.“Are you lying to me?” I asked, but he shook his head. “No, sir, I am telling the truth. She was the one who had also been sending you the threatening messages,” the man revealed while I went dumbfounded. This could not be possible; Jennifer wouldn’t dare to betray me.Grunting angrily, I pressed the knife to his neck. “Are you trying to lie to me?” I asked, but he shook his head. “No, Lord Frederick, you can investigate it more. She was the one who sent us,” he said firmly. Looking into his eyes, I didn’t see any glimpse of mischief or lies in them, and no matter how hard I didn’t want to believe it, I knew he might be telling the truth.Taking the knife away from him, I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed Fox's nu
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Aurora's POVTwo weeks later.Ever since returning from Lord Frederick's home, my life had been on a loop. I went to school, came back home, and stayed all day in my room. Sophie had told me that with time, I would forget him and move on, but it wasn’t happening. Every moment of the day, I thought of him and even went as far as calling and texting him, but he never responded or texted back. I didn’t want to believe that he never loved me, but his attitude made me feel that way.Getting up on my feet, I noticed I was feeling feverish, and the drugs I took still didn’t work. Sighing tiredly, I decided to go see Sophie; my room was beginning to suffocate me, and I needed some fresh air. After getting dressed in a simple outfit, I left my room and met my father just returning home.“Aurora, are you going out?”“Yes, Father,” I murmured. “I’m going to Sophie’s place,” I said and began walking away so he wouldn’t talk more.Getting into my car, I drove to Sophie’s place. Arriving there, I g
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Missing her
Lord Frederick’s POV For the past few hours, I had been staring at my phone, looking at the message Aurora had sent me. I wished I could call her and talk to her, but I knew that the moment I heard her voice, all the walls I had built would come crumbling down. Taking her back would be a bad idea right now. I knew it was best to stay away until I had sorted out my enemies. Once I was done with that, I would talk to Ian about my feelings for Aurora. I knew he would get furious with me, but I would explain everything and hopefully, he would understand. A knock on the door of my study interrupted my thoughts, and I invited the person in. Fox entered and bowed. “Aurora has a morning class at 8 am,” Fox informed me. I hummed in response and relaxed in my seat. “Get ready; you will drive me there,” I instructed him. Fox bowed and left. After he was gone, I picked up the picture frame of Aurora and glanced at it. I had missed her so much. This was the first time in my life I had been
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Shadow of herself
Lord Frederick’s POVWhile taking my bath, I kept pondering my dream. I knew that dream was no ordinary dream, and I needed to do something before another man claimed my Aurora. Turning off the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and stepped out of the bathroom. But getting back into my room, I was confused to see Octavia there with just a towel wrapped around her chest.“What is the meaning of this?” I asked with a frown, and saw her let the towel fall to her feet, standing naked before me. For a moment, I glared at her nude body—a body that would make any man drool—but definitely not me; she wasn’t Aurora.“And what is the meaning of this?” I asked again, and Octavia didn’t respond. Instead, she lay on the bed and spread her thighs for me, giving me a clear view of her pussy.“Do you like what you see, dear husband?” She smirked while I just glared at her. This wasn’t the first time Octavia had tried seducing me into having sex, so it was nothing new.My frown deepened as I wa
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