All Chapters of My Godfather’s Irresistible Pet: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
60 Chapters
Aurora’s POV I got up, took off my bra and underwear, and made my way towards the bed. I climbed onto the bed and laid it on my back, then spread my legs for him. A nervous gulp passed down my throat, but at the same time, I was excited. I couldn’t wait to see what he would do to me.The bed made a squawking sound as Lord Frederick climbed on the bed and hovered himself above me. Our gaze met for a few seconds, and I swallowed nervously, but he didn’t say a word to me; instead, he went over to the chain and drew it towards me. “Your hands.” He demanded, and obediently, I gave my left hand to him, which he took and then chained to the bed. He went over to my right-hand side and did the same thing. With a nervous gulp passing through my throat, I stared at my hands, which were chained to the bed. Somehow, I knew I should feel scared or panic, but surprisingly, I wasn’t; instead, I was just excited and anxious.Our eyes met for a moment as he stared right into my eyes, causing my puls
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Lord Frederick’s POVA victorious grin spread across my face as I left her and returned to my room. Entering my room, I lowered my eyes to my erect dick and sighed. I wished to bury myself inside her, but it was a punishment I wanted to give her and not fuck her. I wanted her to crave me, and I was sure I did it well.The ringing of my phone got my attention, and I noticed that it was one of my spies calling. After picking up the call, I placed it in my ear.“Go on,” I urged.“Sir, Clifford has left the country,” the spy at the other end of the phone said, and I flared up. “Left the country? How is that possible?” I asked, already fuming with anger. Letting Clifford leave the country was a silly mistake ; I could easily bring him down here.“Apologies, sir; we didn’t know how it happened.“Seriously!” I spat with anger. “What country is he in now?” The line was quiet for a moment, which raised my suspicion. “What happened?” I demanded, already knowing something was up.“Sir, we have n
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Aurora's POVAfter dropping the call, the look on his face showed that something was wrong, and I became curious to know what it was. “Is everything okay?”“I have to leave,” he responded as he went for his jacket. “I will come with you.”“No, just stay back.”“No, I want to come,” I said stubbornly.He sighed and turned to face me as he wore his leather jacket. “No, Aurora, I want you to stay at home. I will be back shortly,” he demanded and tried going for the door, but I blocked it and crossed my arms over my chest. “There is no way I'm letting you go without coming with you,” I said firmly and noticed the frustrated look on his face; obviously, my behavior was getting to him.“Aurora…” He grunted.“Let me come with you.”“Fine!” He agreed so easily; I thought I would have to persuade him for longer. “Come with me,” he said, and I nodded, stepping away from the door. He opened it and allowed me to step out before he did and shut the door. Lord Frederick led the way down the stairs,
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Do you love me
Aurora’s POV“You won’t speak to me in such a manner.” I flared up in anger as I also got up on my feet and stood before her.“And if I do, what will you do?” she challenged while I glared at her, wondering what she was up to.“You think I don’t know?” she spat while I furrowed my brow and watched her get closer to me so that we were just a few inches apart. “You think I don’t see how you lustfully stare at Frederick, huh?” she accused while I remained silent. “I see how you look at him with desire. I can see how desperate you are to have him. You wish to have him fuck you! How pathetic of you.” She spat while I glared at her, not knowing if I should deny it or accept her accusation.“But sorry to disappoint you, Frederick will never see you beyond his goddaughter. If he wants sex and a lover, then he has many ladies at his beck and call. Besides, he has me.” She smirked while I furrowed my brow at her. What does she mean he has her?“You?”“Yes, me.” Her smile widened. “What were you
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40th birthday
Aurora's POV Two weeks later, “Do you think he will like it?” As I stared at the miserable cake I had spent hours secretly preparing in the kitchen, I murmured to Fox. “Of course, he will,” Fox assured me, but I couldn’t believe him. This was my second attempt at preparing the cake, and I sucked at it. “Trust me, Lord Frederick will love it,” Fox reassured me. I shrugged and picked up the cake. “Wish me luck,” I said and began making my way towards his study room. Every step I took made my heart skip a beat. Today was Lord Frederick's fortieth birthday, and I couldn’t believe it. How could he be forty and still look so young, hot, and breathtaking? He could easily lie to anyone that he was in his early thirties, and no one would doubt it. That's how good his genes were. Reaching his door, I knocked but got no response. I knocked again, and this time, he answered, gesturing for whoever was at the door to come in. Smiling widely, I held the doorknob, pushed it open, and went i
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Mysterious Sender
Lord Frederick’s POV I furrowed my brow as I reread the message from the hidden number again. “I know you are fucking your goddaughter Aurora, and I am coming for her.” The message made my heart hitched in panic, not because someone knew that I was having an affair with Aurora, but because they had threatened to come for her. “Is everything okay?” Aurora, who might have noticed my mood, asked, and I sighed but nodded. “I have to go to work, Aurora. Something came up.” I pleaded, and a frown spread across her face. “I thought we would be spending the whole day together. Come on, it’s your birthday.” She pouted while I sighed and placed a kiss on her forehead. “I will be back before you even know it, and besides, I want to take you out to dinner,” I said, and a smile spread across her face. “Where are we going?” She seemed excited. “Some fancy restaurant you'll love,” I muttered, and her smile widened. “Alright, I’ll be waiting for you; be careful.” She said before capturing my l
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Lord Frederick’s POVShe raised a brow at me. “How did you know I got you a present? Well, it was supposed to be a surprise, but I think Fox must have spoiled it.” she murmured innocently. "Well, your present is at home.” “Thank you, but that is not the one I am requesting; the one I am requesting is the one you are to give me here,” I stated with a smirk.“Here?” She asked, and I hummed and nodded. She didn't know what was hitting her.While holding her confused gaze, I took a sip of my drink and cast a seductive glance at her. “Are you wearing any undies?” I asked, and her brow furrowed. “I will take your silence as a yes,” I smirked and took another sip of my drink.“Take off your undies and hand them over to me,” I instructed, and her eyes widened. It took her a moment to register my words.“I should… take…” she stuttered, unable to complete her words.“Yes, take off your undies and hand them over to me,” I confirmed while she stared at me in disbelief. “Right here?” She asked in
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Lord Frederick's POV“Tell me what you've found,” I impatiently asked Frank, who was still tracking the message sent to me.“Give me a moment, sir,” he pleaded while I grunted and continued pacing around my study room. Never in my life had I been this frightened and scared, and maybe it was because of Aurora. The threatening message tormented me, and I needed to know who the bastard behind it was.“Sir, the message came from the same location in Germany, but I can’t track the specific address,” Frank revealed. I grunted again. “That means the bastard was in Germany, but he has people working for him here,” I groaned, taking a long sip of my drink.“Sir, I've talked to our specialists, and they've already started working,” Fox assured me while I sighed and nervously ran a hand through my hair. Countless threatening messages had come my way, but this one was having a profound effect on me. The thought of Aurora being harmed was driving me insane with panic.“Tighten the security around
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Just Revenge
Lord Frederick's POVWalking into the basement, I saw Jordan tied to a chair, looking beaten and wounded. The room was dim and cold, making the atmosphere even more tense. My footsteps echoed as I approached him, and he slowly lifted his head to meet my gaze.“Jordan,” I said, my voice low and threatening, “you've caused me a lot of trouble.”He looked at me with a mix of fear and anger. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he muttered, his voice shaky.I stepped closer, opening a leather case that Frank handed me. Inside were various sharp instruments. Jordan’s eyes widened in fear. I picked up a slender blade and ran it lightly across his cheek, drawing a thin line of blood.“Why have you been troubling me?” I demanded.He stayed silent, so I grabbed a pair of pliers and squeezed one of his fingers. He gasped in pain. “Last chance,” I warned.“Alright, alright!” he finally cried out. “I’ll talk!”I released the pliers and stepped back. “Start from the beginning,” I ordered.“Yo
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What do you want
Lord Frederick's POVI could see the flickering of desire for me in his eyes. He smirked at me and got closer. Slowly, he stroked my hair while I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch.“What is this?” he asked, acting ignorant.“I want to please you, Master,” I responded in a low, submissive tone and heard him groaning.“Open your eyes,” he demanded, and I obeyed, looking up at him. He smirked at me before leaning over to kiss me. The kiss was hot but short.“Stay here, I will be back soon,” he instructed while I nodded and watched him walk into the bathroom.Soon, I heard the shower running and couldn’t stop smiling to myself. Despite having a series of sexual encounters with this man, I feel excited whenever he is close to me. Whenever he touches me and kisses me, it feels like the first time. I love how dominant he is in bed, and I doubt I would be able to have sex with anyone aside from him.The bathroom door opened, and Lord Frederick walked out with a white towel wrapped arou
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